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Doc. 37.-General Halleck's order.

headquarters of the Department of Missouri, St. Louis, February 4.
The president, professors, curators, and other officers of the University of Missouri, are required to take and subscribe to the oath of allegiance prescribed by the sixth article of the State Ordinance of October sixteenth, 1861, to file the same in the office of the Provost-Marshal General in this city. Those who fail to comply with this order, within the period of thirty days, will be considered as having resigned their respective offices; and if any one who so fails shall thereafter attempt to obtain pay or perform the functions of such office, he will be tried and punished for military offence. This institution having been endowed by the Government of the United States, its funds should not be used to teach treason, or to instruct traitors. The authorities of the University should, therefore, expel from, its walls all persons who, by word or deed, favor, assist, or abet the rebellion.

The presidents and directors of all railroad companies in this State, will be required to take and subscribe to the oath of allegiance, in the form, within the time, and under the penalties prescribed in the preceding paragraph. They will also be required to file bonds for such sums as may be designated by the Provost-Marshal General that they will employ no conductors, engineers, station — masters, or other officers, agents or employees, who have not taken the oath of allegiance and who are not loyal to the Union.

No contracts will hereafter be made by quartermasters or commissaries in this department with persons who do not take and subscribe to an oath of allegiance similar to that prescribed by the act of Congress, approved August sixth, 1861.

Purchasing officers are prohibited from making purchases of persons of known disloyalty to the Government. Where articles, necessary for the public service, are held only by disloyal persons, and cannot be purchased of Union men, the fact will be reported to these headquarters, when the proper instructions will be given.

All clerks, agents, and civil employees in the service of the United States, in the department, will be required to take and subscribe to the oath prescribed by the aforesaid act of Congress.

The attention of all military officers is called to this order; and any one who shall hereafter keep [130] in the Government employment persons who fail to take the said oath of allegiance, or who announce and advocate disloyalty to the Union, will be arrested and tried for disobedience of orders.

It is recommended that all clergymen, professors, and teachers, and all officers of public and private institutions for education or benevolence, and all engaged in business and trade, who are in favor of the perpetuation of the Union, voluntarily subscribe and file the oath of allegiance prescribed by the State ordinance, in order that their patriotism may be known and recognised, and that they may be distinguished from those who wish to encourage rebellion, and to prevent the Government from restoring peace and prosperity to this city and State.

By order of

Major-Gen. Halleck. N. H. Mclean, Assistant Adjutant-General.

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