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[421] myself, to the extreme right, and found an elevated position considerably in advance, which commanded the enemy's centre and left. Here I located the Dubuque battery, and directed the right wing to move its right forward so as to support it, and gave directions to the advance of the entire right wing. Capt. Hayden soon opened a fire which proved most galling to the foe and a marker for our line to move upon. Returning to the centre, I directed the First Iowa battery, under Capt. David, to take position in an open field, when he could also direct a fire on the central point of the enemy. Meantime, the powerful battery of Captain Woelfley, and many more were bearing on the cliff, pouring heavy balls through the timber near the centre, splintering great trees and scattering death and destruction with tempestuous fury.

At one time a battery was opened in front of Hayden's battery on the extreme right, so near I could not tell whether it was the enemy or an advance of Hayden's, but riding nearer I soon perceived its true character, and directed the First Iowa and the Peoria battery, Capt. Davidson, to cross fire on it, which soon drove it back to the common hiding-place — the deep ravines of Cross Timber Hollow. While the artillery were thus taking position and advancing upon the enemy, the infantry moved steadily forward. The left wing advancing rapidly, soon began to ascend the mountain cliff, from which the artillery had driven most of the rebel force. The upward movement of the gallant Thirty-sixth Illinois, with its dark blue line of men, and its gleaming bayonets, steadily rose from base to summit, when it dashed forward into the forest, driving and scattering the rebels from these commanding heights. The Twelfth Missouri, far in advance of others, rushed into the enemy's lines, bearing off a flag and two pieces of artillery. Everywhere our line moved forward, and the foe as gradually withdrew.

The roar of cannon and small arms was continuous, and no force could then withstand the converging line and concentrated cross-fire of our gallant troops. Our guns continued some time after the rebel fire ceased, and the rebels had gone down into the deep caverns through which they had begun their precipitate flight. Finally our firing ceased. The enemy suddenly vanished. Following down a main road which enters a deep canon, I saw some straggling teams and men running in great trepidation through the gorges of the mountains. I directed a battery to move forward, which threw a few shots at them, followed by a pursuit of cavalry, composed of the Benton hussars and my escort from Bowen's battalion, which was all the cavalry convenient at the time. Gen. Sigel also followed in this pursuit toward Keitsville, while I returned, trying to check a movement which led my forces north, where I was confident a frightened foe was not likely to go. I soon found the rebel forces had divided and gone in every direction, but it was several hours before I learned that the main force, after entering the cañon, had turned short to the right, following obscure ravines, which led into the Huntsville road in a due south direction.

Gen. Sigel followed some miles north toward Keitsville, firing on the retreating force that ran away. Col. Bussey, with cavalry and the little howitzers, followed beyond Bentonville.

I camped on the field, and made provisions for burying the dead, and care of the wounded. The loss in the several divisions was as follows:

Commanded byKilled.Wounded.Missing.Killed.Wounded.Missing.Total.
First division, Gen. Sigel,42118938144
Second division, Gen. Asboth,33 176036119
Third division, Col. Davis,418 422569329
Fourth division, Col. Carr,62929549178701
Third Iowa Cav., Col. Bussey, 1 2418952
Bowen's battery, Major Bowen, 1 1226

This sad reckoning shows where the long-continued fire was borne, and where the public sympathy should be most directed. The loss of the enemy was much greater, but their scattered battalions can never furnish a correct report of their killed and wounded.

The reports of division and other officers of my command, are all submitted with such details as were seen or understood by local commanders. They give interesting incidents, and notice many deserving heroes.

I mentioned in my telegraphic report of the ninth of March, with high commendations, and I now repeat the names who have done distinguished service. These are my commanders of divisions: Gens. Sigel and Asboth, Col. and acting Brig.-Gen. Davis, and Col. and acting Brig.-Gen. Carr. They commanded the four divisions.

I also present commanders of brigades: Cols. Dodge, Osterhaus, Vandever, White, Schaefer; Pattison and Grewsel. The three first named I especially commend.

I also renew the just thanks due to my staff-officers, Capt. T. S. McKenny, A. A. A. General, Capt. W. H. Stark, Capt. John Ahlfeldt, Lieut. J. M. Adams, and Lieut. Stilt, all acting aids: also, A. Hoopner, my only engineer. To these I must add Major Bowen, who commanded my body-guard, and with the mountain howitzers did gallant service in every battle-field in the pursuit, and especially at Pea Ridge. Captain Stevens, Lieut. Matteson, and Lieut. Crabtree, of this battalion, also deserve honorable mention. Major Weston, of the Twenty-fourth Missouri, Provost-Marshal in camp, and in battle did gallant service. Lieut. David, ordnance officer on my staff, took charge of the First Iowa battery, after Capt. Jones was wounded, and did signal service. I must also thank my commanders of posts, who supported my line of operation, and deserve like consideration, as their duties were more arduous: Col. Boyd, at Rolla; Col. Wains, at Lebanon; Colonel Mills, at Springfield; and Lieut.-Col. Holland, at Cassville.

To do justice to all, I would spread before you the most of the rolls of this army, for I can bear testimony to the almost universal good conduct

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