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[515] twenty minutes the flag-ship ranged up ahead and silenced the enemy's guns.

From this point no other obstacles were encountered except burning steamers, cotton-ships, fire-rafts, and the like.

Immediately after anchoring in front of the city, I was ordered on shore by the Flag-Officer to demand the surrender of the city, and that the flag should be hoisted on the Post-Office, Custom-House, and Mint. What passed at this interview will be better stated in the Flag-Officer's report.

On the twenty-sixth I went with the Flag-Officer some seven miles above the city, where we found the defences abandoned, the guns spiked, and gun-carriages burning. These defences were erected to prevent the downward passage of Capt. Foote. On the twenty-seventh a large boom, situated above these defences, was destroyed by Capt. S. Phillips Lee.

On the twenty-eighth Gen. Butler landed above Fort St. Philip, under the guns of the Mississippi and Kineo. This landing of the army above, together with the passage of the fleet, appears to have put the finishing touch to the demoralization of their garrison, (three hundred having mutinied in Fort Jackson.) Both forts surrendered to Com. Porter, who was near at hand with the vessels of his flotilla.

As I left the river Gen. Butler had garrisoned Forts Jackson and St. Philip, and his transports, with troops, were on the way to occupy New-Orleans.

I cannot too strongly express my admiration of the cool and able management of all the vessels of my line by their respective captains.

After we had passed the Forts it was a contest between iron hearts in wooden vessels and ironclads with iron beaks, and the “iron hearts” won.

On the twenty-ninth the Cayuga, Lieut. Commanding Harrison, was selected to bring me home a bearer of despatches to the Government.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant.

Commander Boggs's report.

U. S. Steamer Brooklyn, off New-Orleans, April 29, 1862.
Flag-Officer David G. Farragut, Commanding W. G. B. Squadron:
sir: I have the honor to report that after passing the batteries with the steamer Varuna under my command, on the morning of the twenty-fourth, finding my vessel amid a nest of rebel steamers, I started ahead, delivering her fire, both starboard and port, at every one that she passed.

The first vessel on her starboard beam that received her fire appeared to be crowded with troops. Her boiler was exploded, and she drifted to the shore. In like manner three other vessels, one of them a gunboat, were driven ashore in flames, and afterward blew up.

At six A. M. the Varuna was attacked by the Morgan, iron-clad about the bow, commanded by Beverly Kennon, an ex-naval officer. This vessel raked us along the port gangway, killing four and wounding nine of the crew, butting the Varuna on the quarter and again on the starboard side. I managed to get three eight-inch shell into her abaft her armor, as also several shot from the after rifled gun, when she dropped out of action partially disabled.

While still engaged with her, another rebel steamer, iron-clad, with a prow under water, struck us in the port gangway, doing considerable damage. Our shot glanced from her bow. She backed off for another blow, and struck again in the same place, crushing in the side; but by going ahead fast the concussion drew her bow around, and I was able, with the port guns, to give her, while close alongside, five eight-inch shells abaft her armor. This settled her, and drove her ashore in flame.

Finding the Varuna sinking, I ran her into the bank, let go the anchor, and tied up to the trees.

During all this time the guns were actively at work crippling the Morgan, which was making feeble efforts to get up steam. The fire was kept up until the water was over the gun-trucks, when I turned my attention to getting the wounded and crew out of the vessel. The Oneida, Capt. Lee, seeing the condition of the Varuna, had rushed to her assistance, but I waved her on, and the Morgan surrendered to her, the vessel being in flames. I have since learned that over fifty of her crew were killed and wounded, and she was set on fire by her commander, who burnt his wounded with his vessel.

I cannot award too much praise to the officers and crew of the Varuna for the noble manner in which they supported me, and their coolness under such exciting circumstances, particularly when extinguishing fire, having been set on fire twice during the action by shells.

In fifteen minutes from the time the Varuna was struck she was on the bottom, with only her top-gallant forecastle out of water. The officers and crew lost everything they possessed, no one thinking of leaving his station until driven thence by the water. I trust the attention of the Department will be called to their loss, and compensation made to those who have lost their all.

The crew were taken off by the different vessels of the fleet as fast as they arrived, and are now distributed through the squadron. The wounded have been sent to the Pensacola.

I would particularly commend to the notice of the Department Oscar Peck, second-class boy, and powder-boy of the after rifle, whose coolness and intrepidity attracted the attention of all hands. A fit reward for such services would be an appointment to the Naval School.

The marines, although new recruits, more than maintained the reputation of that corps. Their galling fire cleared the Morgan's rifled gun, and prevented a repetition of her murderous fire. Four of the marines were wounded, one I fear mortally.

So soon as the crew were saved, I reported to you in person, and within an hour left in the only remaining boat belonging to the Varuna with

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