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[478] hearts of their comrades, and will ever when spoken be revered by a grateful people. After the battle the regiment bivouacked on the ground from which the enemy was dislodged, and scarcely had the men thrown themselves down, when, notwithstanding the rain was falling fast, they were in a profound sleep, from which they were soon after with difficulty awakened, with an order to immediately take up their march for our transports. Upon arising from the ground, I found myself almost totally disabled from the pain of a sprained knee and foot, with which, you are aware, I had been suffering during the day; and, as my horse was shot from under me during the action, I was compelled to temporarily place Major Jardine in command of the regiment, who formed it in the most admirable manner in the short space of ten minutes, not a word being spoken except the commands of the officers, given in whispers — shortly after which a horse was procured for me, when I resumed command. I then, in accordance with orders, marched the regiment at a quick pace through mud ankle deep, in almost pitch darkness, a distance of twelve miles to the draw-bridge near Camden, which we held till the entire army had passed over, at daylight. I then, as previously directed, cut away the bridge, and then with my command brought up the rear of the last division, arriving at our transports at about nine o'clock A. M., with many of the men barefooted, completely exhausted, and their feet blistered and skinned, after which nothing worthy of note transpired.

The following is a list of the prisoners taken by the Ninth New-York volunteers, on or near the battle-field at South-Mills, Camden County, April 19, 1862:

D. E. Elder, company L, Third regiment Georgia volunteers.

James Y. Banes, company B, Third regiment Georgia volunteers.

Hardey Jennigan, company C, Third regiment Georgia volunteers.

Falman Berry, supposed North-Carolina militia.

Peter Sawyer, supposed North-Carolina militia.

Tinley Brown, supposed North-Carolina militia.

Lemuel Sawyer, supposed North--Carolina militia.

Wm. Williams, supposed North-Carolina militia.

Benjamin Clark, supposed North-Carolina militia.

In conclusion, allow me again to express my thanks to every officer and man of the regiment engaged in this action, and to bear testimony to their coolness under the hottest of fires, and general good conduct as soldiers under all circumstances, and also to express our united thanks and gratitude to yourself for the consideration you bestowed upon us, and gallantry with which you led us upon this as well as other occasions.

Very respectfully, I have the honor to be your obedient servant,

E. A. Kimball, Lieut.-Col. Commanding Ninth New-York Volunteers. To Col. Rush C. Hawkins, Ninth New-York Volunteers, Commanding Brigade.

Congratulatory order of Gen. Burnside.

headquarters Department of North-Carolina, April 6, 1862.
The Commanding General desires to express his high appreciation of the excellent conduct of the forces under command of Brig.-Gen. Reno, in the late demonstration upon Norfolk. He congratulates them as well upon the manly fortitude with which they endured excessive heat and extraordinary fatigue, on a forced march of forty miles in twenty-four hours, as upon the indomitable courage with which, notwithstanding their exhaustion, they attacked a large body of the enemy's best artillery, infantry and cavalry, in their own chosen position, achieving a complete victory.

It is therefore ordered, as a deserved tribute to the perseverance, discipline, and bravery exhibited by the officers and soldiers of the Twenty-first Massachusetts, Fifty-first Pennsylvania, Ninth New-York, Eighty-ninth New-York, and Sixth New-Hampshire, on the nineteenth of April, a day already memorable in the history of our country, that the above regiments inscribe upon their respective colors the name “Camden, April 19th.”

The General Commanding desires to express his approbation of Gen. Reno's strict observance of his orders, when the temptation to follow the retreating enemy was so great.

Care of the wounded.

headquarters Second brigade, Department of North-Carolina, April 20, 1862.
To the Commanding Officer at Elizabeth City, or at South-Mills:
sir: In the recent engagement near South-Mills, owing to the lack of transportation, I was compelled to leave a few of my wounded under the charge of one of our surgeons. As it has been invariably our practice to release the wounded on parole, I confidently anticipate that you will pursue the same course, in which case you will please inform Commander Rowan at what time and place they can be received. I also request permission to remove the body of Lieutenant Gadsden, of the Ninth New-York. The Surgeon will point out the place of his interment.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your. obedient servant,

J. L. Reno, Brigadier-General.

Department of Norfolk, headquarters Third brigade Volunteers, Camden Co., N. C., April 21.
To Brig.-Gen. J. L. Reno, U. S. A.:
General: In reply to your letter of the twentieth instant, I have to state that I have referred the subject of the wounded men to department headquarters, and am instructed to inform you that they will be paroled and sent to Commander Rowan as soon as they are able to be transported, of which due notice will be

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