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[155] What is the force of κεν with the aorist indicative ἐτύχθη (= “ἐγένετο”)? GG. 467 c, 468 b.

ὑπέρμορα, ‘beyond the decrees of fate,’ i. e. that had not been determined by fate.

[156] This interference of the goddesses is to be placed side by side with that in A; see note on A 194.

[157] πόποι, see note on A 254.

ἀτρυτώνη, see note on “ἀργεϊφόντης”, l. 103. The original meaning was perhaps ‘the unwearied,’ ‘the invincible.’

[160] κάδ, § 47; translate with the verb, as if “κατα-λίποιεν.

εὐχωλήν, ‘as a boast’ in apposition to “Ἑλένην” (l. 161).

[165] νῆας, on the quantity of the ultima see § 32. But the force of a lost sigma of [“ς”]“άλαδε” (cf. Lat. sal) may have been still felt.

[167] ἀίξασα, on the tense, § 186; with βῆ, ‘she darted away.’ Cf. notes on l. 71 and A 391.

[169] μῆτιν has the ictus on the ultima, although it is short; see § 33.

[170] ἑσταότ᾽α), “ἵστημι.

ἐυσσέλμοιο, on double “ς” see § 39.

[171] μιν, syntax, § 179.

κραδίην, θυμόν, syntax, § 180.

[175] πεσόντες, ‘tumbling,’ of disorderly embarkation, because hasty. Embarking in good order would be expressed by “ἐμβάντες”, as is suggested by a scholium.

[179] μηδέ τ᾽ ἐρώει [Monro (Homeric Grammar^{2}, § 332) accepts as better the reading of four MSS., “μηδ᾽ ἔτ᾽ ἐρώει”], ‘and do not delay’; with this verb associate the noun “ἐρωή” (16.302), ‘cessation.’ But “ἐρωήσει”, ‘shall run,’ ‘shall gush out’ (A 303), seems to be a different word; with it is to be associated a corresponding noun, “ἐρωή” (3.62), ‘rush,’ ‘thrust,’ ‘blow.’

[182] φωνησάσης, translate by present, § 186.

[183] θέειν, syntax, § 211; ‘he started to run.’

[184] This Eurybates is to be distinguished from the herald of Agamemnon, mentioned A 320.

ὅς, why long? § 61.6.

[185] Ἀγαμέμνονος limits ἀντίος, ‘to meet’; compare the similar con struction with the adverb “ἐναντίον”, A 534.

[186] οἱ, dative of interest, meaning here ‘from him.’ The scepter became the symbol of his authorization to speak on behalf of Agamemnon to the kings who were his peers and to the common soldiers.

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