After he had thoroughly made up his mind, he came to Cluvius. What
sort of a man was he? an insignificant man? No, a most influential one. A fickle man? A
most consistent one. An intimate friend of his? A perfect stranger. After he had saluted
him, he began to ask him, in gentle and elegant language to be
sure,—“Tell a lie for my sake, tell some excellent men, your own
intimate friends who are here with you, that Flavius settled with Fannius about
Panurgus, though in truth he did not; tell them that he paid a hundred thousand sesterces, though in reality he did not pay a penny.”
What answer did he give? “Oh, indeed, I will willingly and eagerly tell lies
for your sake; and if at any time you wish me to perjure myself in order to make a
little profit, know that I am quite ready; you need not have taken so much trouble as to
come to me yourself; you could have arranged such a trifle as this by a
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