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1, 92 : Iov(i) Leibert(ati) This confirms the view (WR 138, n. 6) that Ovid (Fast. iv. 632) is wrong in giving this date as that of the founding of the Atrium Libertatis. , restored by Augustus (Mon. Anc. iv. 6: Iovis Libertatis in Aventino=ib. Graec. x. II:*dio\s )*eleuqeri/ou e)n )*aouenti/nw|; Babelon, Egnatia 3 =BM. Rep. i. 400. 3276-84), and re-dedicated on 1st September (Fast. Arv. ad Kal. Sept., CIL i. p. 214, 328, where the name appears as Iuppiter Liber). Ti. Sempronius, consul in 238 B.C., had built and dedicated a temple of Libertas on the Aventine, out of the proceeds of fines, in which his son placed a painting of the celebration of the victory of Beneventum in 214 (Liv. xxiv. 16. 19: digna res visa ut simulacrum celebrati eius diei Gracchus postquam Romam rediit pingi iuberet in aede Libertatis quam pater eius in Aventino ex multaticia pecunia faciendam curavit dedicavitque; Fest. 121: Libertatis templum in Aventino fuerat constructum). Whether this temple is to be