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Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, ANTONINUS ET FAUSTINA, TEMPLUM (search)
econd (CIL vi. 1005: divo Antonino et divae Faustinae ex s.c.). In onsequence of this double dedication the proper name of the temple was templum d. Antonini et d. Faustinae (so a fragment of the Fasti if 213-236 A.D., CIL vi. 2001), but it was also called templum Faustinae (Hist. Aug. Salon. I; Not. Reg. IV) and templum d. Pii (Hist. Aug. Carac. 4). It is represented on coins of Faustina (Cohen 2, Faustina senior, Nos. I, 64-71, 191-194, 253-255, 274). In the seventh>/dateRange> or eighth century this temple, apparently in good condition, was converted into the church of S. Lorenzo in Miranda (Armellini 2, 156-157; HCh 288), the floor of which is about 12 metres above the ancient level. Excavations in front of the temple were undertaken in 1546 (LS ii. 193-196; JRS 1919, 183), 1810, 1876, 1885 (HJ 9), and in 1899 and following years (CR 1899, 186; 1902, 285; BC 1900, 62-63; 1902, 30-31; NS 1899, 77), when the whole eastern side was exposed to view. It was hexastyle prostyle, with
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, ARCUS CLAUDII (2) (search)
ARCUS CLAUDII (2) built by Claudius in 51/52 A.D. in commemoration of his victories in Britain (CIL vi. 920-923 =31203-4; Suet. Claud. 17; Dio lx. 19 ff., 22). It also formed part of the aqua Virgo, where this aqueduct crossed the via Lata, just north of the Saepta. It seems to have been in ruins as early as the eighth century, but in 1562, in 1641, and again in 1869 portions of the structure were found, including part of the principal inscription, inscriptions dedicated to other members of the imperial family, some of the foundations, and fragments of sculpture of which all traces have been lost. On coins issued in 46-47 A.D., as an ' intelligent anticipation' of events (BM Claud. 29, 32-35, 49-50; Cohen, Claudius 16-24), is a representation of an arch erected to commemorate these victories of Claudius, but whether it is this arch of the aqua Virgo is quite uncertain (HJ 468-9; LS iii. 125-6; PBS iii. 220-223). For reliefs recently discovered which may belong to it, see NS 1925,
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, BASILICA IULIA (search)
) and a statue of Crispus was set up here as a reward for his frequent pleadings before the Emperor Domitian (Schol. Iuv. 4. 81). The basilica is mentioned in several inscriptions (CIL vi. 9709, 9711, 9712, 32296), in Reg. (Reg. VIII), and by Pol. Silv. (545). The amount and magnificence of the marble used in this basilica marked it as the special prey of the vandals of the middle ages, and a lime kiln was found on its very pavement (LD passim; BC 1891, 229-236). In the seventh or eighth century, the outer aisle on the west side was converted into a church (Archivio Storico dell' Arte, 1896, 164; Frothingham, Monuments of Christian Rome (New York 1908) 83); this has generally been identified with S. Maria de Cannapara, mentioned in the catalogues of the twelfth to fifteenth centuries, which must, however, have been at a considerably higher level (HCh 321). Nor can it be S. Maria in Foro (HCh 335); cf. HFP 15. The basilica occupied a space 101 metres long and 49 wide, boun
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, LACUS IUTURNAE (search)
re found fragments of inscriptions relating to the curatores aquarum and the statio aquarum, or headquarters of the water department of Rome (NS 1900, 293; 1901, 129-131; BC 1900, 72; Mitt. 1902, 72-73; Klio 1902, 235; Thed. 311-312). One of these inscriptions, on the pedestal of a statue dedicated to Constantine on Ist March, 328, records the restoration of the statio at that time by the curator aquarum, Fl. Maesius Egnatius Lollianus. It is therefore probable that the statio occupied these rooms as offices in the fourth century, but how much earlier is not known. A statue of Aesculapius, another of Apollo (fifth century B.C.) and other sculptural remains, found in this precinct, lend some support to a theory that in the second and third centuries there was some sort of a sanatorium of Aesculapius established here (Neue Jahrb. cit., 384- 388); and in the early Middle Ages the springs were still used, as is shown by the large number of jugs of the eighth century which have been found
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, MAUSOLEUM HADRIANI (search)
s Mallius, which is often quoted as an independent authority, is probably copied from the Mirabilia itself. A detailed account is, however, given by Procopius (BG i. 22) who says that it was faced with blocks of Parian marble, and that there were statues of men and horses of the same material in the upper part, which rose above the city walls. The statues were, many of them, hurled down upon the besieging Goths in 537 A.D. John of Antioch (Malalas) cited in HJ 665, n. 113, writing in the eighth century, describes a colossal quadriga on the summit of the mausoleum; but Hulsen points out (Boll. Ass. Arch. Rom. iii. 27) that the chapel of S. Angelo de Castro S. Angeli, also called inter nubes-see HCh p. 196, 586-which commemorated the vision of Gregory the Great in 590, during a plague, of the archangel Michael sheathing his sword above the fortress, and was probably founded by Pope Boniface IV (608-615), must already have been in existence there. Another mediaeval church was that of S.
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, OBELISCUS AUGUSTI, GNOMON (search)
UGUSTI, GNOMON an obelisk erected at Heliopolis in the seventh century B.C. by Psammetichus II, brought to Rome by Augustus in 10 B.C. and set up in the campus Martius between the ara Pacis Augustae and the columna Antonini Pii (CIL vi. 702; Amm. Marcell. xvii. 4. 12; Strabo xvii. 805 ; Plin. NH xxxvi. 71). It is of red granite, 21.79 metres high (cf. Plin. loc. cit.; Notit. Brev.: Jord. ii. 187), and covered with hieroglyphics (BC 1896, 273-283=Ob. Eg. 104-114). It was standing in the eighth century (Eins. 2. 5; 4. 3), but was thrown down and broken at some unknown date (BC 1917, 23), and not discovered until 1512 (PBS ii. 3). It was excavated in 1748, but, in spite of various attempts (LS iv. 151), it was not set up again in the Piazza di Montecitorio, its present site, until 1789 (BC 1914, 381). It was repaired with fragments from the columna Antonini. Augustus dedicated this obelisk to the Sun (CIL vi. 702) and made it the gnomon, or needle, of a great meridian The name 'ad Tita
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, OBELISCUS HORTORUM SALLUSTIANORUM (search)
OBELISCUS HORTORUM SALLUSTIANORUM now standing in the Piazza della Trinita dei Monti. This obelisk was brought to Rome some time after the period of Augustus (Amm. Marcell. xvii. 4. 16) and erected in the gardens of Sallust, where it was still standing in the eighth century (Eins. 2. 7; Jord. ii. 344, 649). It is 13 metres high, and on its surface is a copy made in Rome, probably about 200 A.D., of the hieroglyphics of the obelisk of Rameses II that Augustus set up in the circus Maximus (BC 1897, 216-223=Ob. Eg. 140-147). In the fifteenth century it was lying on the ground, broken into two pieces, near its base (Anon. Magl. 17, ap. Urlichs 159; LS i. 234) and remained there until the eighteenth century (LD 171, who reproduces a drawing by Carlo Fontana (Windsor 9314) dated 21st March, 1706, and lettered 'scoprimento della Guglia, etc.') Cf. also Kircher, Oedipus Aegyptiacus, iii. 256-257, and plate (dated 1654) reissued in Rom. Coll. S.J. Musaeum, Amsterdam, 1678. In 1733 Clemen
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, PALLACINAE (search)
cinas de cena rediens Sex. Roscius; ib. 132: in vico Pallacinae, and schol. Gronov. ad loc., Or. p. 436: locus ubi cenaverat Sex. Roscius). Whether there was originally a district-Pallacinae- or not, is probable but not certain (cf., however, Rostowzew, Sylloge 500), and the testimony of early Christian literature is in favour of such a hypothesis (LP vit. Marci 3: hic fecit basilicam iuxta Pallacinis in 336 (HCh 308) ; Inscr. Chr. i. p. 62: Antius lector de Pallacine; cf. the church and cloister of S. Lorenzo in Pallacinis, LP xcvii. 71 ; xcviii. 76; cvi. 23; HCh 291-292; see also HJ 556; BC 1914, 98-99; S. Andrea de Pallacina, Arm. 463; HCh 189-190). In the eighth century a porticus Pallacinis is mentioned (LP xcvii. (Hadr. I.) 94), of which possible fragments were found in the Via degli Astalli (Arm. 459; BC 1908, 280-282). In any case the district was near the north-east end of the circus Flaminius, and the vicus may have coincided in general with the Via di S. Marco (KH iv.).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, PORTA PINCIANA (search)
PORTA PINCIANA : a gate in the Aurelian wall, famous for its defence by Belisarius. On the keystone is a Greek cross (Procop. BG i. 19, 23, 24, 29; ii. I, 2, 5, 9, 10; seven times puli/s, five times pu/lh or pu/lai). It was still open in the eighth century, but was closed in the ninth century (DMH: porta Pinciana clausa; the addition of the last word must have been made at a later period, unless with Lanciani, we refuse to attribute the DMH to Honorius). The name had already become corrupt in the seventh century (tertia porta Porciniana (Portitiana, al.) et via eodem modo appellata, sed cum pervenit ad Salariam nomen perdit; GMU 87; R. ii. 404). It was closed in 1808 and re-opened in 1887. It was originally a postern, and was transformed into a gate by Honorius, who converted the square tower on the right into a semi-circular one, and added the. round tower on the left. At one time it had three stories, as older views show. The arch is of travertine and so was the threshold; one of
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, PORTA TIBURTINA (search)
PORTA TIBURTINA a gate in the Aurelian wall (III. 44), by which the VIA TIBURTINA (q.v.) left the city (DMH). In the eighth century it was known as Porta S. Laurentii, because it led to the church of that name (GMU 88; R ii. 406). There seems to be no trace in the present gate of any work by Aurelian, who may have simply restricted himself to flanking with two towers the arch by which the aquae Marcia, Tepula and Iulia crossed the road. This was rebuilt by Augustus in 5 B.C., and also bears inscriptions of Vespasian and Septimius Severus, relating to the aqueducts (CIL vi. 1244-1246). From the bull's head on the keystone of the arch came the name porta Taurina, which we find in the Liber Pontificalis in the lives of Alexander I (LPD i. 127) and Anastasius I (ib. 258) as well as in the Mirabilia (Jord. ii. 319-328); while Magister Gregorius (JRS 1919, 20, 46) gives both porta Tiburtina and porta Aquileia, que nunc Sancti Laurentii dicitur, in his list. The gate was restored by Honor