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Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, ANTONINUS ET FAUSTINA, TEMPLUM (search)
which stand free from the church with the exception of the two nearest the antae; the architrave and frieze of the facade and sides as far as the cella wall extends, but only a small part of the cornice; and the wide flight of steps leading down to the Sacra via, in the middle of which are the remains of an altar. Some fragments of a colossal male and female statue, and a few other pieces of sculpture, have been found. The whole temple was covered with slabs of marble, which have disappeared. The frieze on the sides of the temple was beautifully sculptured in relief with garlands, sacrificial instruments and griffins, and on the columns are numerous inscriptions and figures, some of which are Christian and have been scratched as early as the fourth century A.D. (HJ 8-9, and literature cited; HC 220-222; Thedenat, 160, 273-274; D'Espouy, Monuments, ii. 96-98; Fragments, i. 92; ii. 91, and especially Bartoli in Mon. lxxiii. 947-974; DAP xv. 368; RE Suppl. iv. 485-7; SScR 247; HFP 36).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, ARCO DI PORTOGALLO (search)
nt palace, 2.36 metres below the level of the Corso. Extant drawings of this arch, dating from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries (HJ 466; PBS ii. 35, and No. 52; LR 507), show a single archway flanked on each side with two columns, and surrounded with a cornice (Ill. 2). The architecture seems to belong to a period later than that of Hadrian, and it is quite possible that the arch itself is of considerably later date-being in fact sometimes assigned de- finitely to Marcus Aurelius-and that it was decorated with sculpture from earlier monuments, as was the case with the arch of Constantine. Indeed, Hulsen (DAP 2. xi. 174) believes it to belong to the fourth or fifth century, and to have been built with fragments of earlier buildings. One of the sides was demolished in the twelfth century, when a fragment of the cornice was removed to S. Maria in Trastevere (HJ 465-468; BC 1891, 18-23; 1896, 239-246; 1915, 333). This is against its having been a' mediaeval pasticcio ' (Cons. 36).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, ARCUS SEPTIMII SEVERI (search)
ttic of the arch, which is still standing. The original bronze letters of this inscription have disappeared, but their matrices remain, and it can be seen that the name of Geta was chiselled away after his murder, and the space filled up with additional titles of Severus and Caracalla. The arch is triple and built of Pentelic marble on a foundation of travertine, which was concealed by the flight of steps that formed the approach to the arch from the forum side. Later, probably in the fourth century, the level in front of the arch on this side was lowered, the flight of steps lengthened, and the top of the foundation cut away to provide for them (CR 1899, 233; Mitt. 1902, 21-22). The exposed corners of the foundation were then faced with marble. The arch was never traversed by a road until mediaeval times. The arch is 23 metres high, 25 wide and 11.85 deep, the central archway being 12 metres high and 7 wide, and the side archways 7.80 high and 3 wide. Between the central and side a
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, AVENTINUS MONS (search)
tiquite, Paris 1906, 5-14, and literature there cited; HJ 149-157). According to the traditional view (Gilbert ii. 144-257) the Aventine, although it was surrounded by the wall of Servius Tullius, remained outside the pomerium until the time of Claudius, and this exclusion was due to religious scruples connected with the founding of the city (Gell. xiii. 14). Another explanation of this exclusion-is that the hill was not included within any wall until the Servian wall was rebuilt in the fourth century, and therefore was outside the pomerium (CP 1909, 420-432; AJA 1918, 175; TF 117-120); for still other theories, and a resume of the whole discussion, see Merlin, op. cit. 53-68); Beloch, Rom. Gesch. 205-208 The name Aventinus is still unexplained, in spite of the many etymologies offered by Roman antiquarians (Varro, LL v. 45; Liv. i. 3. 9; Fest. 19; Verg. Aen. vii. 657, and Servius, ad loc.; Lydus, de mag. i. 34; Jord. i. 1. 180-183; HJ 151-153; Merlin, op. cit. 26-36). The suggestion
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, BIBLIOTHECA TEMPLI D. AUGUSTI (search)
BIBLIOTHECA TEMPLI D. AUGUSTI also called bibliotheca Templi novi, the library established by Tiberius in the temple of Augustus, and dedicated after his death (Suet. Tib. 74; Plin. NH xxxiv. 43). This library was burned with the temple under Vespasian or Domitian and restored by the latter. From a reference in Martial (xii. 8), it has been conjectured that the books themselves were removed after this fire and not actually replaced until just before the publication of this epigram in 101 A.D. (Friedlander, ad loc.). It is possible that this is the same library that was called bibliotheca domus Tiberianae in the fourth century (cf. Boyd 10-15, 34). For the discussion of the identification of this library, see AUGUSTUS, TEMPLUM.
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, BIBLIOTHECA DOMUS TIBERIANAE (search)
BIBLIOTHECA DOMUS TIBERIANAE a library attached to the DOMUS TIBERIANA on the Palatine (q.v.), mentioned only in literature of the fourth century (Gell. xiii. 20. 1 ; Hist. Aug. Prob. 2 ; Fronto, Ep. iv. 5; see also BIBLIOTHECA TEMPLI D. AUGUSTI, and Boyd 14-15, 34-35).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, BONA DEA SUBSAXANA, AEDES (search)
.; Not. Reg. XII; Merlin 108-110; BC 1914, 344-345). The early Roman goddess Bona Dea Fauna (Macrob. Sat. i. 12. 22; Fest. 68) had apparently been merged in the Greek goddess Dalia, whose cult had perhaps been introduced into Rome after the capture of Tarentum, or a little later. To this period the founding of the temple is probably to be assigned. It was restored by Livia, the wife of Augustus (Ov. Fast. v. 157- 158), and by Hadrian (Hist. Aug. Hadr. 19), and was standing in the fourth century (Not. Reg. XII), but has left no traces. The statement of Ovid (Fast. v. 155-156) that this temple was dedicated by a Vestal, Claudia, is based on an erroneous identification of this aedes with an aedicula which a Vestal, Licinia, dedicated in 123 B.C., and which evidently was not allowed to stand (Cic. pro domo 136). Bona Dea (Damia) was a goddess of healing and her temple a centre of healing, as is shown by the fact that in this temple snakes moved about unharmed and innocuous,
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, CARCER (search)
facade of travertine was added by C. Vibius Rufinus and M. Cocceius Nerva, consules suffecti, perhaps in 22 A.D. (CILvi. 1539=31674; cf. 9005; Pros. i. p. 428, No. 972; iii. p. 424, No. 395), but, it may be, a good deal later (Mommsen, Westdeutsch. Zeitschr., Korrespondenz- blatt, 1888, 58, puts it a little before 45 A.D. ; cf. ILS iii. p. 342). It was still used as a prison in 368 A.D. (Amm. Marc. xxviii. 1, 57), so that the tradition that it was converted into an oratory in the fourth century is without foundation; and the fons S. Petri, ubi est carcer eius of Eins. (7. 2), cannot have been here (Mon. L. i. 481 ; HCh 421-422). The name Mamertinus is post-classical. The building near the Regia, mis-called Carcer by Boni, is a series of cellars, They might well be slaves' bedrooms, like those in the large Republican house near the arch of Titus (CR 1900, 239; 1905, 76; AJA 1923, p. 405. fig. 6). Cf. also DOLIOLA. and may belong to about 70-40 B.C. (CR 1902, 286; Mitt. 19
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, CASA ROMULI (search)
1914, 196; TF 105). No exact identification with any existing remains is possible.It is suggested (ZA 174) that it may have perpetuated the memory of the existence of actual huts, traces of which were found in the excavations of 1907 (see p. 377). TF 104, 105 identifies it with what is more generally believed to be the fifth sacrarium of the Argei (see p. 53). It was perhaps the same as the tugurium Faustuli that is mentioned once (Solin. i. 18), and was preserved at least to the fourth century (Not. Reg. X; Hieron. praef. in libr. Didymi de Spiritu Sancto ii. 105, ed. Vallars.). An ' aedes Romuli ' occurs in the list of the Argei (Varro v. 54: Cermalense quinticeps apud aedem Romuli), which evidently stood in some relation to the casa, and it has been conjectured that the casa may have stood within the aedes. Another casa Romuli, probably a replica of the first, stood on the Capitoline hill, perhaps in the area Capitolina (Vitr. ii. 1. 5; Sen. Contr. ii. 1. 4; Conon,
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, CASTOR, AEDES, TEMPLUM (search)
the imperial temple previous to 1899, see Richter, Jahrb. d. Inst. 1898, 87-114; also Reber, 136-142; D'Esp. Fr. i. 87-91; ii. 87; for the results of the excavations since 1899, CR 1899, 466; 1902, 95, 284; BC 1899, 253; 1900, 66, 285; 1902, 28; 1903, 165; Mitt. 1902, 66-67; 1905, 80; for general discussion of the temple, Jord. i. 2. 369-376; LR 271-274; HC 161-164; Thed. 116-120, 210- 212; DE i. 175-176; WR 268-271; DR 160-170; RE Suppl. iv. 469- 471; Mem. Am. Acad. v. 79-102 The conclusions of this article are based on inaccurate drawings. ; ASA 70; HFP 37, 38). This temple was standing in the fourth century, but nothing is known of its subsequent history, except that in the fifteenth century only three columns were visible, for the street running by them was called via Trium Columnarum (Jord. ii. 412, 501; LS i. 72, and for other reff. ii. 69, 199, 202; DuP 97). In the early nineteenth century it was often wrongly called the Graecostasis or the temple of Jupiter Stator.