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Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, ARCO DI PORTOGALLO (search)
t palace, 2.36 metres below the level of the Corso. Extant drawings of this arch, dating from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries (HJ 466; PBS ii. 35, and No. 52; LR 507), show a single archway flanked on each side with two columns, and surrounded with a cornice (Ill. 2). The architecture seems to belong to a period later than that of Hadrian, and it is quite possible that the arch itself is of considerably later date-being in fact sometimes assigned de- finitely to Marcus Aurelius-and that it was decorated with sculpture from earlier monuments, as was the case with the arch of Constantine. Indeed, Hulsen (DAP 2. xi. 174) believes it to belong to the fourth or fifth century, and to have been built with fragments of earlier buildings. One of the sides was demolished in the twelfth century, when a fragment of the cornice was removed to S. Maria in Trastevere (HJ 465-468; BC 1891, 18-23; 1896, 239-246; 1915, 333). This is against its having been a' mediaeval pasticcio ' (Cons. 36).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, ARCUS PIETATIS (search)
ARCUS PIETATIS *mentioned only in the Mirabilia (23) and the Anon. Magl. It stood on the north side of the Pantheon, perhaps in the line of the enclosing porticus. Hulsen (RAP ii. 19; cf. HCh 437) places it close to the church of the Maddalena, connecting it with the wall enclosing the precinct of the TEMPLUM MATIDIAE (q.v.). Rushforth (JRS 1919, 37-40, 53-54) conjectures that it is the arch of Augustus described in the twelfth century by Magister Gregorius as bearing the inscription 'ob orbem devictum Romano regno restitutum et r. p. per Augustum receptam populus Romanus hoc opus condidit,' and mentioned by Dio Cassius (li. 19) as decreed to be set up in the forum in 29 B.C. (but not actually erected) and afterwards placed here. The inscription, though it cannot be a literal transcript, may be the echo of a genuine one (see ARCUS AUGUSTI). A relief on this arch is said (Anon. Magl.) to have represented a woman asking a favour of Trajan,Boni believes that the legend was inspired b
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, ARCUS POMPEII (search)
ARCUS POMPEII mentioned by Magister Gregorius in the twelfth century. Est enim arcus Triumphalis Magni Pompeii, ualde mirandus, quem habuit de uictoria quam obtinuit uicto Metridate (61 B.C.). Its sculptures represented his triumph with a long train of waggons laden with spoils. Rushforth (JRS 1919, 40, 54-55) maintains that this arch had a real existence (cf. Petrarch, Ep. de reb. famil. vi ii.: hic Pompeii arcus, haec porticus, quoted also by Nibby, Roma Antica, ii. 616), but his opinion is not shared by Prof. Hulsen, who points out that the triumphal arch is a creation of the Augustan period (Festschrift fur Hirschfeld, 428)
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, CIRCUS FLAMINIUS (search)
cula Flaminio). In the Regionary Catalogue it is the official name of Region IX. It is marked on a fragment (27) of the Marble Plan (cf. FUR 21-22). Money changers appear to have had their stations in its arcades (CIL vi. 9713). In the Einsiedeln Itinerary (1. 2; 2.2; 8. 3) the name is wrongly applied to the Stadium, though some think the Ordo Benedicti has the name correctly (Mon. L. i. 521; cf. BC 1901, 57, 58), while others think the circus is the basilica Iovis. At the close of the twelfth century a considerable part of the circus, called castellum aureum, was still standing (a bull of Celestin III of 1192 mentioning the churches of S. Lorenzo and S. Maria in Castello aureo or de castro aureo (Domnae Rosae; Bullar. Vat. i. 74; Caetani-Lovatelli, Passeggiate nella Roma antica, Rome 1909, 108-128; HCh 284-285, 331) ). Its ruins were described by Biondo (Roma instaurata iii. 109) in the fifteenth century, but almost entirely removed in the sixteenth to make room for the Mattei palac
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, AUGUSTIANA, DOMUS (search)
PLAUTIANI, TEMPLUM ELAGABALI, DIAETAE MAMMAEAE, SICILIA, STABULUM, etc. In Christian times the edges of the hill were occupied by churches, but the central portion (perhaps owing to the destruction caused by the earthquake of Leo IV) seems to have been almost entirely left alone. Both the Anonymus Einsiedlensis and the writers of the Mirabilia barely mention it, and we know very little about its mediaeval history, though the pallacium divi Augusti described by Magister Gregorius in the twelfth century (JRS 1919, 31, 52) is probably this palace This is Rushforth's view. Hulsen, however, points out that the 'Palatium LX imperatorum ' (JRS cit. 36, 53) must be the Palatine; cf. the reference to S. Cesario in Palatio in the list of twenty abbeys given by Petrus Mallius and Johannes Diaconus as 'in palatio LXX regum' (HCh 232). The ' Pallacium divi Augusti' is more likely to be near the Lateran, as the connection of the aqueduct with the Porta Asinaria shows; while the inscription is a m
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, FORUM NERVAE (search)
e, and its apse projected beyond the limits of the forum. Besides this temple Domitian also erected one to IANUS QUADRIFRONS (q.v.) ; and Alexander Severus set up colossal statues of all the emperors who had been deified, with bronze columns on which their res gestae were inscribed (Hist. Aug. Alex. Sev. 28. 6). The colossal statue of Mars in the Capitoline Museum was not found here (p. 223, n. i). A considerable part of the temple of Minerva (which was known as templum Palladis in the twelfth century, see JRS 1919, 30, 52) was standing in the sixteenth century, and of this we have views (Du Perac, Vestigi pl. vi.; Palladio, Quattro Libri di Architettura (1570), iv. ch. 8; cf. Mem. L. 3. xi. 25; DuP II-105 ; Toeb. i. 52-53; DAP 2. xv. 367), but this was destroyed in 1606 by Paul V and the material used in building his fountain on the Janiculum. Modern houses stand on the podium (FUR p. 27; LR 310). The short ends of the forum were slightly curved, and that toward the forum Romanum wa
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, FORUM TAURI (search)
terature; Add Marcell. comes Chron. a. 447: Saxa quoque ingentia in forum Tauri dudum super sese in aedificio posita ... collapsa sunt. to the forum in connection with the martyrdom of S. Bibiana (Catalogus codd. hagiograph. Paris, Brussels 1889, i. 522; BC loc. cit.); and to the caput here and also elsewhere (Acta S. Bib. in cod. Vat. 5696 (cf. Jord. ii. 319; HJ 369); LPD i. 127, 258). The forum was therefore probably near S. Bibiana, while the caput Tauri extended some distance around it, and was perhaps separated from the horti Tauriani (CIL vi. 29771) by the via Tiburtina vetus. It is not to be confused with the locality known as AD TAURUM (q.v.) near the thermae Traianae. It is also possible that L. Statilius Taurus, consul in 44 A.D., who owned the horti, constructed the forum and adorned it with bulls' heads, which in turn gave the name to the surrounding region. The porta S. Lorenzo was called porta Taurina in the twelfth century and later (Urlichs, pp. 115, 127-130, 150).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, HORREA GALBAE (search)
that the horrea were much larger, extending north-west beyond the present Via Giovanni Branca and as far as the river to the south-west (BC 1911, 206-208, 246-260; 1912, 152; 1914, 206; NS 1911, 205, 317, 340, 443; 1912, 121-122; AA 1913, 144). The construction was mostly in opus reticulatum. Lead pipes with an inscription of Hadrian were found, and a hoard of coins (149-268 A.D.). More recently remains of horrea were found just upstream of the new Ponte Aventino (see EMPORIUM). The descriptions of these horrea by earlier writers, such as Benjamin of Tudela of the twelfth century (Jord. ii. 68) and Fabretti (de aquis, 1680, 165; RE viii. 2461) are of doubtful value, as they probably did not distinguish accurately between the horrea and surrounding buildings, like the EMPORIUM (q.v.). The remains of the ' horrea publica populi Romani' were sufficiently conspicuous to give their name to a mediaeval region; and we have records of three churches called ' in horrea ' (HCh 266, 272, 416).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, HORTI MAECENATIS (search)
ature or to determine their exact location. Topographers are not agreed as to whether they lay on both sides of the agger and both north and south of the porta Esquilina. Maecenas is said to have been the first to construct a swimming bath of hot water in Rome (Cass. Dio lv. 7), which may have been in the gardens. Whether the horti Maecenatiani of Fronto (Ep. i. 8) were the former gardens of Maecenas, or called so for some other reason, is unknown. The domus Frontoniana mentioned in the twelfth century by Magister Gregorius may refer to them (JRS 1919, 35, 53). Hiilsen suggests that it is probably an invention, like the Domus Aquilea (ib.). For the description of a building, often thought to be within these horti, see AUDITORIUM MAECENATIS. Many of the puticuli of the ancient necropolis have been found near the north-west corner of the Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, that is, outside the porta Esquilina and agger, and north of the via Tiburtina vetus, and probably the horti extended north
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, MARMORATA (search)
MARMORATA the modern name for the wharf where marble was landed, downstream of the west side of the Aventine (see EMPORIUM). A bull of 926 (Reg. Subl. n. 18, p. 18) mentions an oratorium S. Gimiliani . . . in regione prima ... in ripa Graeca iuxta marmorata supra fluvium Tiberis, which recurs in the twelfth century (ib. n. 183, p. 224), but had already disappeared in the sixteenth. It was probably in the southern part of the regio Marmoratae towards the horrea (HCh 253-254). Until lately numerous blocks of marble were still to be seen there (Jord. i. I. 434; Ann. d. Inst. 1870, 105; LR 527; LF 39, 40; HJ 174); but this regio did not correspond with the locality now called Marmorata, which was included in the mediaeval regio horrea, but lay further upstream under the west angle of the Aventine adjacent to the regio schole Grece (HCh c. n. 2; cf. 174, 198, 402, and v. supra, p. 44).