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Showing posts with label pure entertainment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pure entertainment. Show all posts

Thursday, November 12, 2009

April 9, 2010

I think I see a DATE NIGHT in our future...

Now, if we could just line up a sitter...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I'm so excited!

...I think I might just wet my pants!

T minus 44 hours and counting...

Thursday, December 04, 2008

"Have you no decency?"

Here's the third installment of "The Outburst":

Really hoping that tonight's episode doesn't disappoint!!

Monday, December 01, 2008

Saturday, November 22, 2008

"Welcome back, jerky jerk face."

I'll admit... the episode this week was a little weak. But, there were some hilarious moments sprinkled in between.

Here's your Two-Minute Replay of "Frame Toby":

And, here you'll find Deleted Scenes 1 and 2.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Just pretend you didn't notice anything...

This show just reiterates for me why I don't miss working in an office environment! :) (Thank you, B.)

Here's Part 1 of the latest batch of Webisodes from The Office - "The Outburst":

And Deleted Scenes 3 and 4 from last week's "Business Trip" for your viewing pleasure.

Friday, November 14, 2008


One of the best episodes of the season!
Michael gets to go on an international business trip to... Canada.

Here's your Two-Minute Replay of "Business Trip":

And Michael's a wee bit indecisive on the 1st released Deleted Scene...

From last week's "Customer Service" episode - here's the 3rd Deleted Scene:

And the 4th Deleted Scene from last week:

Monday, November 10, 2008

"I'm getting that queasy feeling that sometimes accompanies jokes."

Another great episode of The Office last week!

Here's your Two-Minute Replay of "Customer Survey":

Deleted Scene #1
So, THAT'S why surveys are important... it's all about the carrots.

Deleted Scene #2
Andy's no longer the worst salesman at the office... we're so proud!
Different styles...

If you missed it, you can see the full episode of "Customer Survey" here.

And finally...
Have you ever been at work, and one of your co-workers makes a crazy loud outburst on a phonecall,
and you're supposed to pretend like you didn't hear it?
I have...

A preview of the new webisodes set to premiere on November 20th.
(Yep, you can count on me to keep you informed!)

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

"Did Darryl touch you?"

Here's your Two-Minute Replay of last week's "Employee Transfer":

Deleted scene #1:

Deleted scene #2:

Deleted scene #3:

If you haven't seen the full episode yet, go here.

The first 2 minutes are the best of the entire episode...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"...and it smells like Phyllis!"

One more... I can't resist!
Here's the third deleted scene from "Crime Aid".

I hate it when people mess with my office chair, too.

Friday, October 24, 2008

"C.R.I.M.E.-A.I.D.: Crime Reduces Innocence Makes Everyone Angry, I Declare"

Ooohhh... they set up all kinds of juicy story lines for us, tonight!

Here's your Two-Minute Replay from tonight's "Crime-Aid" episode:

The first of likely three deleted scenes to be released... Michael really likes his pizza:

Here's another deleted scene from last week's "Baby Shower" episode.
Dwight should work for Consumer Reports... or a sports bra company:

Your full "Crime-Aid" episode can be found here. But you don't need this link anymore... now that you've got the TV plugged in and everything, right?? ;)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The genius that is Fey

30 Rock... another one of those hysterical shows on television, that I sincerely hope you watch... and love... as much as I do.

The official season premiere is a week from tonight, on October 30th, but you can watch the episode here, in its entirety.

You're welcome. ;)

Monday, October 20, 2008

At Emily's request...

Here are the links you were looking for... full episodes of "The Office" from this season:
  1. "Weight Loss" - go here.
  2. "Business Ethics" - go here.
  3. "Baby Shower" - go here.
Also, they've posted another deleted scene from last week's "Baby Shower" episode... it's just so beautiful - go here.

And Em, just for the record... I would say that this 30-minute segment of pure hilarity every Thursday night, is most definitely plug-in-the-television worthy. ;)


Friday, October 17, 2008

"Growing up, I performed my own circumcision."

It's Friday... so you know what that means!

Is it just me, or is "The Office" getting better and better?!?

I LOVED the first 1:50 of the show last night... "Newborns are slippery."

Here's your Two-Minute Replay:

So far, they've posted only one deleted scene:

"If I had to answer for everything that guy did..."

These were posted by NBC after my post last week, but they're so good, I had to be sure to put them here for you.

This is one of the best deleted scenes ever...  I'm.not.kidding.  
Meet Ryan 2.0:

And Meredith's looking for dirt:

Thursday, October 16, 2008

"Dennis Quaid is here!"

HILARIOUS clip from a recent Ellen show. You will laugh out loud... I promise! Watch it.

Friday, October 10, 2008

"You are a thief of joy"

Last night's episode of The Office, "Business Ethics", was CRAZY GOOD!

Did you miss it, or just want to rehash it? Here's the Two-Minute Replay:

Here's the lone deleted scene they've released...

Thursday, October 02, 2008

"Can I send them a dead deer?"

Thursday is Must-See TV Night... has been for years (remember the Cosbys?).

And tonight we'll only get 1 hour (and not even the best hour) of watchable TV before EVERY station broadcasts the VP Debate.

Whose asinine idea was this? Don't they realize that the really good TV only started up a week ago? Why can't the debate be held on Friday... so that those people who want to watch it can stay home and do so?

My predictions for tonight?
  • Biden will play nice, and Palin won't actually be "tested" during the debate (because I would so love for her to prove she's able to do this job). OR
  • Biden will come out throwing punches, and Palin will get flustered and begin with circular answers (a la Miss South Carolina... see the 2nd clip on my brother's blog here).
Sadly, I just don't see it going well for Palin.
But, since the debate is all that will be on our TV, I suppose I'll just have to watch this scene over and over again to tide me over until next week:

Yeah, it was kinda corny, and not as romantic as I would have expected... but it was perfect, nonetheless.

For your viewing pleasure I've embedded the three deleted scenes from last week's episode of The Office. All of them, gems... it's too bad they didn't make it into the final cut of the show.

First, Dwight's dream vacation explained here:

Second, classic Dwight on Jim action:

Third, a memo from Jan:

And finally, a PREVIEW of next week's sure-to-be-hilarious episode:

I wish it was next Thursday already...

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Oh, how I've missed this!

Thank goodness for Tivo!! It's taken priority since I've returned from my trip... because it only has 40 hours worth of space, while the computer/e-mail/Google Reader space is a bit more limitless.

Here's your 2-minute replay of the Best.Show.Ever.:

Em - you can watch the full episode here. Unless you did the SMART thing and plugged in that TV already. However do you survive??

Too bad this week's episode will be preempted by Mrs. Palin likely putting her foot in her mouth again. How I wish we had better options this election!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Do you know what today is?

1 more week
until the
season premiere of


I loved this South Park
rendition of my favorite
cast of players...

(As seen on
Word to Your Mother,
who saw it on
Me & the Boys.)
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