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Showing posts with label Fall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fall. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Just because (42)

Basement-Board-04If you’re on Pinterest, I’m sure you’ve seen this gorgeous project by Kerry of Kerry’s Kronicles

I wanted to work something up for Thanksgiving, and this quote has stuck with me for a few days…

“It is not happy people who are thankful; it is thankful people who are happy.”

So much truth in it… I love it!

For you, here’s another 5x7 installment of the Just Because series – there are 10 different colorways for you to choose from.

Just Because 42 - Thankful - 5x7 - Sprik Space - IMAGE

To download the 5x7 image(s) for printing, simply click on the collage image above, and a new window will open to the download locations in 4shared.  Save the image(s) to your computer, and they’re yours!  Just print it out yourself, or upload to your photo printer of choice.  (Wondering how to download from 4shared?  Please read more here.)

If you would like to blog about this free printable, please accompany any images from my site with a credit and link back to this post. As a courtesy, please do not link directly to a downloadable file but rather to this page. Thank you!

I always love to see the creative ways you put my freebies to use.  Please be sure to send me links or pictures! I can’t wait to see what you’ve done with them.  :)


P.S.  Other “Fall” printables I’ve offered in the past can be found here.

P.P.S.  I’ve placed a handy-dandy “Pin It” button on the bottom left for your pinning pleasure!

Pin It

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Just because (41)

Just Because 41 - TRICK or TREAT - black chevron - 5x7 - Sprik SpaceIt’s almost here… just 26 more days until Halloween!

This is Connor’s third Halloween.  (Here’s my favorite Halloween memory!)  We’ve been coaching Connor for several weeks now… “What do you say on Halloween?”  Brian’s even been doing a little role playing with him.  This year is going to be his very first trick-or-treating experience… I think he’ll have it mastered by the big day!

Sunday is his NICU reunion, and we’re so excited!  (See past years’ – 2009 A&B, 2010)  The NICU staff does a fantastic job of organizing a “carnival” for all the past babies and their families, and the kids have the opportunity to dress-up in their Halloween costumes a few weeks early.  It’s a can’t-miss event for our family, so I’ve had to do some advance planning.

Halloween Costume (Elmo) - FAIL - 08-18-11When I first asked Connor (back in August) what he wanted to be for Halloween, he said “ELMO” (of course!).  So, I promptly ordered him a costume… which ended up looking nothing like the picture in real life.  He hated it, and I did, too.  (And there is still red fuzz scattered randomly throughout my house.)

Halloween Costume (Buzz Robot) - WINNER - 09-17-11Then he said he wanted to be Buzz.  Have you seen the Buzz costume in the stores?  IMO, not very cute for a 2-year-old.  In the meantime, I fell in love with this year’s Old Navy costumes… and settled on the robot.  Thankfully, he loves it (!!!) and calls it his “Buzz Robot” costume.  Knowing how fickle a 2yo can be, I’ve got the hamburger and the skeleton (yes, he is still that small) in reserve.  Whatever he doesn’t wear to the reunion will be returned.  :)     

Just Because 41 - TRICK or TREAT - orange houndstooth - 5x7 - Sprik SpaceTruth be told, Halloween is not my favorite holiday… at least not the creepy, spooky side of it.  (The house next door takes the cake on that one!)  So, I’ve been collecting more cutesy décor lately for Connor’s benefit.  And, making some, too! 

And for you, here’s another 5x7 installment of the Just Because series – there are 2 colorways in 9 different patterns.  I sure hope you have fun with this one.  :)

Desktop1Just Because 41 - TRICK or TREAT

To download the 5x7 image(s) for printing, simply click on either collage image above, and a new window will open to the download locations in 4shared.  Save the image(s) to your computer, and they’re yours!  Just print it out yourself, or upload to your photo printer of choice.  (Wondering how to download from 4shared?  Please read more here.)

I’ll be posting this project to some of the link-up parties listed here:

If you would like to blog about this free printable, please accompany any images from my site with a credit and link back to this post. As a courtesy, please do not link directly to a downloadable file but rather to this page. Thank you!

I always love to see the creative ways you put my freebies to use.  Please be sure to send me links or pictures!  I can’t wait to see what you’ve done with them.  :)


P.S.  I’ve placed a handy-dandy “Pin It” button on the bottom left for your pinning pleasure!

Pin It

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Just because (40)

Happy Fall, Y'all! 2Two reasons this printable came to be:

  1. It’s a little known fact, unless you know me IRL, that I grew up in Texas.  My dad didn’t want his kids to sound “uncouth or uneducated”, so he fought hard to ensure we wouldn’t speak with a Texas drawl.  “Y’all” was one of those banned words in the house.  Now that there’s nothing he can do about it, I love to throw it around every so often… kind of like a nails on chalkboard effect for him.  ;)  And, using just the phrase “Happy Fall” didn’t have the same panache, as it did with “y’all” at the end of it.  Sometimes, I like when things rhyme, too.
  2. In my opinion, Chicago has nice weather just 2 times per year – for a few weeks in the spring and a couple of weeks in the fall.  That precious time is now upon us!  And the copious trees around here… they’re just starting to turn GORGEOUS!  Seriously, if you’re looking to visit an amazing city, this is the time of year to see Chicago.

So, on those notes – Happy Fall Y’all!  (Beautiful leaves photos from Microsoft ClipArt - here and here.)

Happy Fall, Y'all!This printable doesn’t have to be printed… feel free to use the image on your blogs or on Facebook/Twitter… anywhere you want to share some fall happiness. 

This is the 40th installment in the Just Because series(Can you believe that there have been 40 of these already?!?  Go here for a reminder peek at the very first one, just under a year ago.)

To download the 5x7 image(s) for printing, simply click on either image in this post, and a new window will open to the download locations in 4shared.  Save the image(s) to your computer, and they’re yours!  (Wondering how to download from 4shared?  Please read more here.)

If you would like to blog about this free printable, please accompany any images from my site with a credit and link back to this post. As a courtesy, please do not link directly to a downloadable file but rather to this page. Thank you!

I always love to see the creative ways you put my freebies to use.  Please be sure to send me links or pictures! I can’t wait to see what you’ve done with them.  :)


Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Just because (7)

Count Your Many Blessings - Sprik Space
Surprise!  Another printable in the Just Because series
I love this little reminder for the season of Thanksgiving and all throughout the year.
To download the 5x7 image for printing, simply click on the image to the left, and a new window will open to the download location in 4shared.  Save to your computer, and it’s yours!  Just print it out yourself, or upload to your photo printer of choice.

*** UPDATED 06/26/12 ***
New download location for these images is here 


Monday, November 01, 2010

"Name them one by one..."

I have so much in life for which to be thankful!  In the hustle and bustle of raising an active toddler, and with everything there is to do during the next few weeks to make the holiday season enjoyable, I don’t want to take my blessings for granted.

We have our health, a comfortable home, food on the table, a steady income, reliable transportation, the love and support of our family, good friends, our faith, each other – I could go on and on… 

I decided I wanted to make something to add to my Thanksgiving decor that could help remind us of the many blessings we enjoy – something that might help with our “attitude of gratitude” during the month of November.

Our Many Blessings - Sprik SpaceI came up with this fun 8”x10” printable that I’ll be framing in my home, on which I’ll be listing our many blessings, and wanted to share it with all of you.  

Two options for download this time: 
  1. To download the image as a .jpg, go here.  Just print it out yourself, or upload to your photo printer of choice.
  2. To download the image as a .pdf, go here.  Just print it out yourself, trim to 8x10, and frame! 
Once it’s behind glass, it becomes a dry-erase surface, perfect for listing the many blessings your family is grateful for this holiday season.

*** UPDATED 06/26/12 ***
New download location for these images is here 

(Elements used in printable from Summertime Designs – Thanks for Giving Kit.)

Hope this becomes a happy addition to your Thanksgiving decor! 

(If you do frame this up, I’d LOVE to see photos & feature you on Sprik Space – please e-mail them to me!)

I’ll be posting this project to some of the link-up parties listed here:

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