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Showing posts with label golly gee giveaways. Show all posts
Showing posts with label golly gee giveaways. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

GIVEAWAY :: Winner of KDP’s “Say NO to Auto”


The lucky WINNER of the Kristen Duke Photography’s “Say NO to Auto” e-book giveaway is:

#90 – mamabeck



Mamabeck, I have forwarded your e-mail to Kristen, and you should be hearing from her shortly.

If you didn’t win this giveaway, don’t fret! 

You can order your own digital or hard copy of “Say No to Auto” here.

Thanks to all who entered!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Don’t miss it!



01-copyXblog1[49][8]The deadline to enter the contest for the free copy of Kristen Duke Photography’s e-book “Say NO to Auto” is end-of-day tomorrow (Tuesday, August 16th). 

Have you entered?


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Just 5 days left!


01-copyXblog1[49]Is your camera stuck on auto like mine has been for years??

Do you want to learn how to take better pictures without having to spend a lot of money or time confusing educating yourself??

Have you entered this week’s giveaway yet??




Tuesday, August 09, 2011

GIVEAWAY :: Kristen Duke Photography’s “Say NO to Auto”

I’m breaking status quo here on Sprik Space to share something with all of you that I’m head over heels excited about… and I’m running a GIVEAWAY!

1993Eighteen years ago, I was a senior in high school and she was a freshman… little did I know, Kristen Duke had some mad photo skills brewing and would later turn into an amazing photographer! 

Of course, at this point in my life I would love to get my little family professionally photographed… by Kristen.  Sadly, she’s in Austin, and I’m in Chicago.  I haven’t been back to Texas since the year that photo was taken (layovers don’t count), and when I missed her recent workshop in Arizona by a mere 4 hours, I was majorly bummed. 

So, for now, I’ll just have to make do by trying to better my own photo-taking skills.  Let’s be honest, for pictures worth keeping and especially framing, auto settings on any camera just don’t cut it, and standard flash usage ruins great photos.  I’ve studied a little bit online, but it’s more than a bit overwhelming for a newbie like myself.  There’s just way too much information out there, and I don’t really know where to begin. 

Enter wonderful Kristen Duke.  :) 

imagesKristen has recently updated her popular “Say NO to Auto” e-book, and I absolutely love it!  You don’t have to own a DSLR camera to benefit from her helpful tips.  I downloaded her revised e-book a little while ago, and it’s already helping me to understand the manual settings on my little point-and-shoot camera.  That’s because she’s broken it down to 3 steps – just the basics you need to learn to achieve better-looking photos, no matter what type of camera you own.  This easy-to-understand e-book is just 17 mini-pages or 4 regular-size pages, that you can print yourself or peruse on your computer.  And, guess what – Kristen has graciously offered a copy of her handy dandy e-book to one of my readers!  




What you’ll win:  A copy of Kristen Duke Photography’s “Say NO to Auto” e-book of your very own!

To enter, you must do one or all of the following: 

  1. Be a fan of Kristen Duke Photography on Facebook, and leave a comment below.
  2. Subscribe to Kristen Duke Photography’s blog, and leave a separate comment.
  3. Be a fan of Sprik Space on Facebook, and leave a separate comment.
  4. Be a Google Follower/Friend of Sprik Space, and leave a separate comment.
  5. Subscribe to Sprik Space, and leave a separate comment.

That’s up to 5 opportunities to win for each of you!

Giveaway closes:  Tuesday, August 16th at 11:59pm, central time.

Number of winners:  One lucky reader.

Other info:  I’ll select the winner using random.org and announce on Wednesday, August 17th.

P.S.  If you’re chosen as the lucky winner, and you’ve previously downloaded Kristen’s e-book, she will happily refund your money.  :)

giveaway good luck

P.P.S.  Don’t trust your odds in this giveaway and want to get her e-book for yourself?  It’s only $10, and you can read more about it here.

P.P.P.S.  If there’s a good response to this giveaway, I have a music mix I’m dying to share with a lucky reader in a potentially upcoming giveaway… and it’s seriously gooooood!!

Friday, October 02, 2009

Giveaway shout-out

My old roomie, Kristen, is hosting a handmade card themed giveaway on her blog this week.

Not only is she offering a whole grab bag of paper crafting goodies, she's throwing in 3 cute cards she's made herself!

You can check it out here.

It pays to enter giveaways and do shout-outs... I WON!!  :)

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

My oh my!

Mindi's got it goin' on!

She's hosting yet another superfantastic blog giveaway this month...

Check it out:
2 Christmas books, a stocking leg lamp, AND a $25 restaurant gift card
I love lamp.

Does her generosity ever end?? Go enter yourself here.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Goodness gracious

Mindi's got another giveaway going on...

There's a purse, a turkey seasonal, and a dining gift card... the generosity never ends!

Also be sure to check the other giveaways happening right now in the blogging universe (see my left sidebar).

Don't miss out!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Chop suey

Not sure if you love PF Chang's as much as I do... probably not.

In that case, you definitely should NOT head over to Natalie's Sentiments for her giveaway.

I said not to... don't you ever do as you're told???

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Have I mentioned how generous she is?

The fantabulous Mindi is hosting
yet another amazing giveaway on her blog.
You really should get over there and check it out...
seriously. not. kidding.
If you win, I'll let you keep the Kohl's gift card...
but I get the SEASONALS!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Extra! Extra!

Check this out...

Tanja, of On That Note, is hosting a fantabulous giveaway of a 3-month subscription to ListPlanIt.

I'm all over that. (And, you should be, too!)

Monday, July 14, 2008

Giveaway goodness

The most hilarious Mindi is sponsoring another fantastic giveaway on her blog... check it out here.

If you don't make her blog a daily stop, then something must be wrong with you!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

When is she FINALLY going to announce the winners???

I know the suspense is killing you...
this day has been marked and highlighted on your calendars all week!


TIBURON of Shark Bait
KRISTEN of The Birkmeyers


(Yep, I visited each of your blogs
to grab the funniest picture I could find!
Read more about Tib's pic here and Kristen's pic there.)

I will be delivering your mixtape packages
to the Post Office on MONDAY!

Big thanks to all y'all* who entered and
take the time to read and comment on my little blog.
I appreciate it more than you know!

*(Had to work this phrase in... it drives my dad CRAZY! ;)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

T minus 36 hours and counting...

Did you enter yet?

If not, hurry on over to here.

Remember, give a shout-out on your blog,
and you'll have 2 entries in the

(Yes, I realize it's only a mixtape,
but new tunes are always fun,
and I'm going to throw something else in there fo sho!)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

This calls for a celebration!

It all began with this post 21 months ago... and look at how much fun I've been having lately! :)

300 posts later...

Blogging has been really good for me... I've learned a lot, I've developed new interests, I've met new people, and I've reconnected with old friends. I've also figured out that this blog can be anything I want it to be... there are no rules! I view it as my current creative outlet, and I hope that something here entertains or inspires you, gives you a peek into our mundane lives, or just distracts you for a bit.

A couple of weeks ago, I finally won something on a blog giveaway! Being the recipient of Tiburon's Totally Awesome '80s CD, got me thinking about how I should totally rip off her idea of a mixtape, make one of my own, and have my first. ever...

That's right, folks...

In honor of this,
my 300th post on Sprik Space,
I present to you my first ever GIVEAWAY!

At the very least, I will be sending you a mixtape exploding at the seams with sweet musical heaven. I pinky swear with you that this will be a mixtape worth winning! (Yes, it will actually be a mix CD - so Mom isn't confused... "What are you doing making tapes? Don't you kids use those silver discs now??") I promise that it won't have any tracks from Barry Manilow, Lindsay Lohan, Nelson, or Johnny Mathis. It will be the mixtape you can't stop listening to this summer... at least I hope so! And, you never know, I might even throw in another goody or two!

I'm gonna make it real easy for you to win:
  • Anyone can enter... family, real friends, imaginary friends, even strangers (come out, come out, wherever you are!)
  • Leave a comment... just say hello... on this post. (Be sure to leave your name and e-mail address if you're posting anonymously/without an account.)
  • If you'd like to give me a shout-out on your blog (extra traffic is always appreciated), I'll count your entry times 2! (Please leave in your comment that you're going to do so.)
  • All comments will be swiftly deposited into my Warm Fuzzies Collector Pouch... meaning I will treasure each and every one!
  • All comments/entries must be received before 11:59pm CDT, Wednesday, June 25th.
  • I will randomly select and announce 2 winners next Thursday, June 26th!
  • Winners will receive their prize package, valued: priceless, within the first week of July.
So, come on! What are you waiting for?? Just click on the word "COMMENTS" right below this line... I promise I won't bite.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Jump on the bandwagon...

Mahvelous Mindi is hosting an island-themed giveaway on her always hilarious blog, Word to Your Mother. Enter here.

(P.S. If you win, and I don't... I'm writing you out of my will.)
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