(Remember, you can clickity-click on any pic to make it larger.)After a good month under our belts with all three of us under the same roof, I can finally say that we're finding our groove. We're so deliriously happy - our lives feel more complete, more fulfilling, and oh so sweet! I know he's been a part of us for several months, but we finally, now, feel like a
It's hard to believe Connor's
5 months old already!
The past 4 weeks have flown by so quickly, no thanks to his busy schedule. I feel sad that we couldn't be there for him his first 4 months, like we've been here for the past month. We missed out on so much... :( But, I've resolved that all I can do about it now is to give him my all - 110%.
Which is why you haven't heard much from us...
Since I've been a total failure lately at posting anything, this entry is going to be fairly pic heavy for the grandparents... Maybe it'll seem a little redundant, but we just can't get enough of this kid!
His latest stats:
Adjusted age - Roughly, just over 2 months old
Weight - 10 lbs., 5 oz.
Length - 21 in.
Head circumference - 39.5 cm.
Yep, got Mom & Dad wrapped around my little finger... - May 22, 2009
So charming! - May 25, 2009 Overall, Connor's been doing remarkably well. He is definitely thriving at home.
Lately, he's been much more expressive - tons of grins and giggles, and very playful. Any irritation I feel when getting up at 3:30am to feed him disappears once I see his cheeky grin.
A couple of weeks ago we had a follow-up with his surgeon. Things are looking pretty good on that front - Connor had a few more poking sutures pulled, and his incision was examined. He probably has a hernia at one end of his incision. Nothing they will do about it right now, unless it worsens (pediatrician warned that if that part of his belly becomes hard and Connor screams when we touch it, we're to rush him to the ER - yikes!). Perhaps the hernia will be taken care of in a year's time.
We saw his endocrinologist last Friday and heard the best news of the month. Some of the week's bloodwork results had come in - his
bilirubin went from 8.7 to
3.5, and his
alkphos was 1337 and is now
537!!!! Yippee yay! His levels are still elevated, but nowhere near where they once were. Hence, we get to discontinue his 3 OOPs meds and his Vitamin D in 3 weeks time. Most of all, we're happy he's beginning to normalize, but we're also looking forward to the monthly savings of $200!
Medically, his pediatrician has been generally pleased with his progress. His weight gain is fine, he's eating 3.5-4 oz every 3-4 hours. He sleeps plenty, just not at the right times (still working on that!).
We'll find out more tomorrow how Connor is doing developmentally when four Early Intervention therapists come to evaluate and assess him. Must admit I'm a little nervous for tomorrow, as I usually am when we take him to see a new doctor. We just don't want to hear any bad news anymore, or learn of any setbacks. Praying that tomorrow is full of good news!
How you doin'? - May 22, 2009
Trying really hard not to fall over... - May 23, 2009
So handsome! - May 18, 2009At 5 months of age, Connor
- his swing
- his mobile (still!)
- smiling and cooing
- bath time and changing clothes
- eating
- being awake in the middle of the night
- snuggling after a bottle
- sleeping in loving arms
- dirtying fresh diapers
- his Daddy
- the family room curtains and blinds
- his thrice daily "treats" - the medications he gets by syringe b/c they taste good
- stroller and car rides
Little do they know, I just messed my pants... AGAIN! - May 17, 2009
Is it bath time yet?? - May 2, 2009 Connor currently
- having his back scratched
- giving up burps
- being weighed and measured at the pediatrician's office
- startling noises
- not having a binky close by at.all.times
- getting his diaper changed when he's hungry
- bedtime
- any dilly-dallying at feeding time
- sleeping in his pack 'n play
- his reflux
- the sound of velcro
Come a little closer, and I'll slobber on ya! - May 12, 2009
Doing his best monkey impression - May 16, 2009 We've had some added medical drama in the last two weeks... after his 4-month immunizations, Connor developed a large, scary, swollen welt on his thigh, separate from his injection site. I promptly called his pediatrician, who suspected it was
Great. He prescribed an additional antibiotic to treat this new infection, but since Connor's already on an antibiotic to keep him from getting UTIs, there was some danger of an intestinal infection - since all of the good bacteria in his gut would be gone with the 2 antibiotics. So, a
probiotic was prescribed, to be added to his bottles twice per day. Within 3 days time, the welt had disappeared, and the additional medicines disappear tomorrow.
Love that profile! - May 17, 2009
Crazy eyes - May 17, 2009
We had one of those random household crises the past 2 weeks, that you pray come around infrequently - the refrigerator/freezer went out! :(
Normally, I might look at the situation as somewhat of an adventure... living out of a cooler, being forced to clean out the freezer, an opportunity to eat out a little bit. But, with nearly $150 of refrigerated prescriptions dependent upon a
working machine, we had to do something... and fast!
Of course, the repairman quoted a necessary fix of almost half the cost of a new refrigerator, so off to Sears we went as a family - Connor's first shopping excursion! And, wouldn't you know it - the
very first time Connor goes
anywhere besides a doctor's office or a hospital, a
tornado watch is issued while we're at the store. :S (Ended up being no big deal, and we returned home just fine.)
So, in the end...
Luckily, we were able to save everything worth saving,
including all of Connor's medications, between the cooler and the deep freezer in the basement. We got a smokin' deal on a new unit... it's nothing fancy, just the basics... but I'm very grateful we had the means to take care of it with no advance notice.
I'm bored. Entertain me. - May 21, 2009
No.more.pictures.Mommy! - May 21, 2009
Not my first choice, but it'll do... for now. - May 21, 2009
We have another busy week ahead of us...
- Tuesday - first assessment with Early Intervention, Grandma Sprik comes to visit, and our new-new fridge will be delivered (the week-old one we have is a bit of a dud)
- Wednesday - first appointment with his neurologist at Lutheran General, Daddy leaves for Seattle
- Thursday - Connor's Baby Shower and semi-public debut!, Auntie Dee & Cousin Laura visit, Daddy returns home
- Friday - another weight check with the pediatrician
- Saturday - Grandpa Sprik comes to visit
Whew!... that schedule makes me a little tired. So thankful that Grandma Sprik will be here while Brian's out of town - I would be a zombie otherwise! Hopefully, by the time his next business trip rolls around, Connor will be sleeping in longer stretches through the night. With just a little more sleep,
everything is more manageable.
Yippee Yay! Looks like it's gonna fit!
(Planning to wear Daddy's Christening outfit on his Blessing Day) - May 22, 2009
See you soon! - May 25, 2009