Showing posts with label Emo Screamo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Emo Screamo. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Two Women On PMS, chatting on Viber

My sister: Apsal dah lama tak update Instagram?

Me: Sebab tengah enjoying my offline life. hahaa ;p

My sister: Rrrright. Anyway, aku rasa macam nak unfollow je this one girl la. Seriously cannot tahan looking at her pictures on Instagram and her captions. Hahaa. What kind of a person who says thatttttt to herself??

Me: Ahahahah. I know right!! Baru je nak comment the same thing! hahaha. Thought of commenting the picture, but oh well...tak jadi lah. I'm still nice. ahahah

My sister: Dia tu kenapa ek? Kurang kasih sayang ke apa? haha

Me: Hahahah. Hang ni, mesti tengah PMS. Sebab setiap kali tengah PMS jer hang dok lagu nii. LOL. ;p Lagipun our timing kena period lebih kurang sama kan? Sebab aku pun tengah PMS ni. haha. Sebab tu jugak lah tak update my Instagram. Heeee. Sebab rasa macam takde mood nak amik gamba. And rasa menyampah tengok style sendiri yang sama. ahahahah

My sister: Hahahha. Yes memang tengah PMS pon. Asik nak menyinga je ni. Apa masalah tah laaa

Me: Ahahahhahahahahah. Aku pulak asik nak chocolate je. Harini je dah makan Cadbury Crunchy, Twix and half Mars. Hantu Cikelat mana masuk dalam badan, tak tahu lahhh. Pastu menyesal tak sudahhh...Haih.

My sister: Baiklahhhhhh. Aku pulak tengah rimas tengok rumah aku semak! Dah la tadi ada cicak! Benci gila laaaaaa! >__<

And pastu aku asik nak burger and coke. Haihhh

Me: Hmm....apsal eh God created all these weird feelings in us?? Laki relax jerr. SO unfair! Pastu asik gelak memanjang. Especially si Safee Sali tuh. Happy sakan. Hidup dia penuh dengan kegembiraan betul... =_______='

Sampaikan time aku tengah PMS, dia gelak pun aku boleh rimas. ahahhahah. Kesian dia. LOL

My sister: Aku rasa dia comel la sebab asik nak gelak jerr..

Me: Ya Allahhhh....... Tolonglah. ahahah. SEMUA BENDA dia rasa kelaka! Sumpah tak tipu. Dia boleh gelak kat semuaaaaaaaaaaa benda. Serious tak tipu. Aku tapahammmmmm. =____='

My sister: Hahahahhahah. So funny!

Me: Benda takyah nak gelak langsung ponnnn nak gelak cam banganggg. Pastu aleh2 kena marah dengan aku. Hahahahahahahah 

My sister: Hahahhahahah. Bangangnyeeeeee xD

Me: I'm too uptight I guess. LOL. Tapi serioussssssss, dia tu kanak-kanak riang sangat. The only person yang aku pernah jumpa se-happy ni. LOL

My sister: Dia tu loose.. laid-back

Me: Takde la, sampaikan aku tengah marah dengan dia ni..muka masam gila... Pastu dalam keadaan aku tengah "tense" macam tu, dia boleh pulak excited gila tengok aku macam tu...sambil gelak-gelak and cakap comel la apa la.. Pastu pergi ambik gamba aku 


Aku daripada nak menyinga, terus tak tahan nak gelak. hahah

My sister: Hoiiiiii...dia tu dah kenapaaaaaaa. hahah

Me: Haaa...Tu la!!! Look!


Me: Sabaaaarrr je lah. Susah betul nak marah dengan dia. hahah

My sister: Bagus laaaa. Eh cop, a'ah kot...boleh jadi geram jugak kot.. Sebab takde pelawan.

Me: Haaaa! Exactly! Sumpah geram, sebab takde response! hahaha

My sister: Ahahahahaha. Kelaka lar!

Me: Haihhh...masalah betul la, perempuan-perempuan sekalian. Bila argue pun salah, bila takde pelawan, takde response pun salah. What do we want actuallyyyy??? ahahahah ;p

My sister: Tapi patut syukur la kan, kalau tak dapat yang panas baran. Aku rasa kalau aku dapat suami panas baran, mau kena pelangkung kalau tengah PMS. ahahahahah

Me: Tu laaaa.. Dulu that emo guy, kaki gaduh je dengan aku. Yang ni pulak, kerja dia gelakkan aku bila aku emo. ahahahah. So haruslah bersyukur kenal orang macam ni..hehe

My sister: Tapi dia boleh take things seriously tak.. Kang tengah akad nikah ke or apa-apa yang serious, dia pi gelak-gelak pulak. hahaha

Me: OMG! hahaha. Tu la pasal...jiwa dia terlalu riang... Taktahu lah akuuu.. haha.. Tapi tak kotttt. Dia boleh serious. Bila perlu serious, dia serious la.. haha

My sister: Oklah, aku nak makan burger aku. Tata

Oh well...don't take these two women seriously. These are the women who are on PMS. We ramble on just about any random stuff that we feel that is weird. Cuz we're a bunch of weird people like that.. haha. Ok bye I wanna eat chocolate naoww.


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Acne sucks!

Okay....some of you might think that this post is rather silly (as there are a lot of other important things in life that we really should worry about), but I really don't care, because acne does suck MAJORLY! It's ugly, it's painful, it's unnecessary, it's yellow, it's gross and it's super annoying because no one really needs some huge bumpy thingy on their face for some extra accessories! T___T

To those who are lucky enough not to have pimple ever in their life, might not understand the feelings that we, the pimple sufferer would feel each time we see some bumpy little thing in the morning when we wake up. Sighh... Having pimple really, really does affect my life and my mood! :( I know they're just pimples. And it doesn't seem like a really big matter to some people...and they would rather fix their car problems than being worried about some petty little things in life. But well... for me, every one's "matter" is different. Being a beauty freak that I am, to me..acne IS a big problem! Because why? Acne affects my life! I am not 100% myself when I get acne on my face. It made me so conscious about everything. It made me shy and embarrassed. It made me feel uncomfortable. It made my self esteem so low. And it made me sad too.

A study published in the British Journal of Dermatology found that acne patients experience social, psychological, and emotional ramifications at the same level of those with chronic health problems, such as epilepsy, diabetes, and arthritis! Yikes! O____o

The study also showed that an overwhelming number of teens deal with skin problems and of that group, a majority had feelings ranging from mild depression to severe which in some cases, even lead to suicide! - Depression and anxiety are more common in those with acne than the general population. (Well.. I am grateful that my case is not so severe like some people who even thought of suicide because of acne! But of course, in a society that places great emphasis on appearance, acne often made us feel uncomfortable or embarrassed...right? =/ )

Well...I don't know about you, but having acne makes me feel insecure when talking to people sometimes, you know! I know that acne does not mean it is the end of the world, but I gotta say that acne really affects my social life. I feel embarrassed to go and talk to people. I feel like people are looking at my pimples (and judge me) when talking to me, and not actually looking at ME. -- I'm imagining thoughts on me like "Euww...What a nasty person this girl is! What is thatttttttt thing doing on her face? That yellow-green thing looks SO disgusting! Did she even take her bath or wash her face every morning? Why does she have thattttt and I don't? What is it that thing anyway??" - Or something like that... (that was bimbo talking by the way. hahah. -- I know people might not even think that way and no one really notice it, and it's just me who feels that way, and so perasan...but, I just can't help not to feel SO conscious about it because I used to have a crystal clear skin! And skin is not as perfect as last time! T__T )

Anyways, my point is...acne really makes me feel unpretty and disgusting human being. And what's worse is that, acne could even make me feel depressed sometimes (severe case!). I don't know whether I get acne because of depression, or having acne made me feel depressed?? - But I think, it is a bit of both! Cuz I definitely feel sad when I get acne (more than 2, that is). And most of the time, when I am stressing out, acne started showing up on my face!! Because even though I did change my skin care regime sometimes, I know that that is not the main cause for my break outs. - my face is not really that sensitive to products, but my face is sensitive to my hormone and stress level, I think! Haihh... T___T

And right now...I kinda feeling really stress lately. There's something really bothering me...and I can't help not to feel sad, a result, acne started showing up on my face as a sign of asking me to calm down....which actually made it even more depressing for me! :(
Ohh...why can't I just feel sad..and not have to have these "side effects" of being sad?? Ishhh. Leave me alone, acne!! You're making me even more stress now! Yeeeesh. >__<

I read somewhere that under stress, the growth of nerve fibres near sebaceous glands is stimulated, which in turn contributes to the increased production of sebum — the fatty substance that combines with cell debris and dead skin cells, to form those familiar pustules! Eeeeeek. And in a study done by Statistics Norway, it was found that there is a linear relationship between mood and acne! It was discovered that the more severe the acne was, the worse the depression symptoms were as well!

I know I only have a moderate acne, and there are people who suffer more worse than me! But mine are like the huge ones, you know! And this is making me really conscious, although I know that this is just temporary..and I'll get my clean face soon, but...I still can't help not to worry about it! :(
Hmm...I guess, this would be a really good time for me to go for a holiday, and leave my worry behind...and just be happy about life!

Of course, I don't like having acne and  I hope they will be gone soon. But as weird as this sounds, I am still glad somehow that I had the experience of having acne, because it has helped me to be more sympathetic to other people who have other various problems in life. (though I really wish I just had that experience for a day or two instead of weeks! :p )

Anyways, before I end my sad entry here, let me share with you what someone so dearly to me used to tell me... Whenever we get problems in life, remember that all of the experiences, make up who we are in life. He said, there are no problems...only solutions and how we deal with it. So even though some things are hard to deal with, he asked me to please try to find the good in the bad. And he said, someday we will all be free from the problem, and in my case, acne free (or whatever it is that you're facing in life) - It's just a matter of time. And we will all have the memories of our experiences and those memories will influence how we look at life. :) Hopefully we will be more understanding of other people's differences and be a better person for having gone through what we did.

If you can think of a "good point" of acne, please share it with everyone so we all can handle it positively! hehe.. Now...I gotta see my doctor soon. And wear the right skincare treatment at this crucial time! Take care girls! :)


Monday, August 13, 2012

Truth hurts.


Salam everyone..
I never thought I would be writing this post.. But here I am, writing it right now, today.

I know that this blog of mine is not like some other blogs where they blog about their thoughts or talk about some personal stuff and etc. Yes, I rarely do that here..

My blog is supposed to be happy and fun. A place for me to post things that interests me. And not something that's too personal. But today, it's different. I just have to write this. As much as I hate to do it, I really have to be a grown up and face the world and end the assumptions people have made about me. I was told that the sooner I say it, the sooner I'll recover and be better, inshaallah.


Please know that this entry has been the hardest post that I have ever done in my entire life. This dugaan that I have to face is the biggest test that has ever occurred in my life. Only Allah knows just how deeply hurt I am. I have been keeping this for quite some time and I don't quite know just howwww to write about thisssss, or even to tell people without feeling so low. Especially those who know me.... Even right now, I'm still not sure how to write this. It took me a few hours to think what exactly should I write in here..
Sedih, malu, geram, marah, bersyukur, benci, semua ada. Macam-macam perasaan wujud dihati.. :(

I have tried writing it a few times before. But it all ended up with a blank page as I just can't proceed with my writings when tears began to stream down my face.. And I ended up pressing the "Delete/Backspace" button each time, and started to channel my sadness and anger in a different, and happy post, like my beauty and travel entries instead.. heh.  But I know that eventually, at some point..I will have to tell people and to stop abstaining myself from facing the truth and the situation. =/

So here I am today, holding back my tears...writing The Truth. The truth that so many people wanna know about. (I know some of you have even Googling about me and about it! Pffft.) The truth that I hate to tell. The truth that I can't believe that it's happening to me. The truth that hurts me so damn much. ='(

Oh well...some of you may have probably know about this by now.. Or maybe already sensed something about me and my engagement right? - Because I have heard stories that people have been talking about..and I even got a few comments/messages/SMSes asking me about my personal love life from people that I know, anddd strangers! Thank you for your concern, honey.

Well yes, my engagement with that man (I can't even say his name now) has ended. It happened for a few months back. But only now I have the courage to tell everyone here since the engagement is officially terminated. - I figured, it would be easier for me to write a post in my blog rather than telling each and every one who knows me  either personally or through my blog.. Because I've had enough of people congratulating me and asking me questions about my engagement, about my wedding, about the dresses, about the colors & themes, about the date and stuff like that... Sigh. I know they meant well but it's too much pressure for this girl. T___T

I NEED to stop being stressed out by spilling the truth here, so that I can start open a new chapter of my life. Because I deserve to be happy.

Truth be told, my November wedding is off, and my engagement that was held last January has come to an end. We were engaged for a very very verrry short period of time! It was only for a few weeks. Yes, it was that pathetic. And that was the reason why I was extremely down. I don't know how can anyone could face what I have faced before. And I sure hope no girl would ever have to face this kind of thing ever ever everrrr! Only God knows just howwww deeply hurt I felt when it happened. I felt like running away. I felt like screaming. I felt like my world is over..and that it's hard for me to get up again. I felt stupid. I felt extremely down and depressed. I felt really really EXTREMELY guilty towards my parents, knowing that they have spent a lot of time, money and effort to make it happen for me. (Sorry mama, and abah! tskk) And I especially felt extremely guilty towards myself too, for letting this thing to happen to me! :(

Part of me hates that it happened to me..but another part of me is somehow glad that it happened.. Because it made me realized something..and it has made me more mature I guess.. This is like satu tamparan yang sangat hebat for me. And I've learned my lesson!

Well I am not going to get into details of what happened between us, because I need to jaga hati a lot of people, even though I feel that I deserve to have a say in this.. But I'm not really here to blame anyone or talk bad things about anyone..or berniat nak memalukan siapa-siapa kat sini. Especially his family, when they did nothing to me. So yes..I'm not here to salahkan siapa-siapa. I'm just here to end the assumptions people have been making. Sigh. God, I hate pressure.. It's not healthy.

Of course, I was really really brokenhearted. I have never ever imagined I would be facing this kind of phase. (Of course, no one would!) And until today, I keep on asking myself, whyyyyy did it happen to me?? Whyyyyy did I proceed when I know it's going to be bad?? Whyyyy did I ever get engaged?? Whyyy did I let that thing happened?? Whyyyy didn't I speak up and be the brave girl?? Whyyyy did I let him abuse me mentally and emotionally?! I should have known my values and my rights. Whyyyyy I was so weak and so afraid to stand up for myself??!! Whyyyyyy did I even meet him in the first place?! Yes, I have come to a point where I regretted the day I met and know him. It made me think just how weird it is that the person who used to be your number one priority..becomes the last person you want to meet...if you ever have to!  Sometimes love can be blind and make you do stupid things (like continuing a relationship when you already know it's not going anywhere or it's bound to cause major catastrophes. Haihh). I am not really the kind of person who likes to hate other people. But with him, I just can't stop myself from feeling like this! Cuz things are still fresh in my mind. And it still does affect me up until today..although it has been about half a year now. - Sedikit sebanyak, benda ni does affect me today....and that's why I hate it so much! I want to be ME again! =/

I was depressed. I was shocked. I was traumatized. And I was miserable when it happened.  I didn't sleep. I didn't eat. I didn't go out. I just couldn't do anything. For a month! Sebulan duduk terperap dalam bilik..thinking howwww can I face the world! Thinking how stupid and blind I was! But as much as I hate that this thing has happened to me, I know that I can't fight fate and destiny. Ini semua takdir dan ketentuan Allah. And I have to accept it. I have to. Ia sudah tertulis..  I always tell myself, "ada hikmah atas apa yang berlaku" or "Allah has so much better plans for me", to keep myself sane again. But, deep down inside, who am I kidding right? I'm just a normal human being with feelings. I'd be lying to myself if I say I'm okay and this thing does not affect me at all. Because it does. Or at did.


Anyways... I'm all better now. Alhamdulillah, syukur! Thanks to all the support I get from my parents, my very best friend who has helped me A LOT throughout my hard times. (I love you so much for that! hihi), my Along, my brother, the articles I've been reading, my friends, my cousins, my maid, etc, who were there for me when times were so hard back then. Well honestly, I am not 100% healed yet, but I'm almost there, insha allah. Maybe another 10% more. haha.. - Every now and then, whenever something triggers the button, I wouldn't lie that I don't feel anything.. (Like Cheryl Crow said, The First Cut Is The Deepest! hehe) That is the reason why it's kinda hard for me to just let go of it already, although I know he is SO not worth it..but I just can't help myself. I'm only a human being... Cuz the sakit hati and pain is still there.. (Tell me how does a girl recover and being 100% normal and happy again, when she was being abused mentally, emotionally, financially and almost physically?? TELL ME. Sighhh..)  Hmm.. but for what it's worth, I know all this feeling is just temporary. I know I'll be 100% okay again, inshaallah.. Let's hope that this healing phase would be fast! And I'll meet my soul mate who would love me just how I wanted to be loved..and adore me just the way that I am... soon! Amin. Inshaallah! :)

So I'm free now.. Alhamdullilah.. I thank God that I see it sooner rather than later. Like my parents said, nauzubillah...kalau kahwin dengan dia.. Daripada anak dia hidup bahagia, tiba-tiba nanti jadi sengsara just because tersalah pilih pasangan hidup.. So, saya berasa bersyukurrrr sangat, Allah telah tunjukkan dan selamatkan saya dari lelaki sebegitu. Seram sejuk bila difikirkan kalau saya ditakdirkan berkahwin dengan dia. Thank you soooo much God, for stopping it and made me realize! I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU! Thank you for saving me! *sujud syukur*

Now..I just wanna be happy again, like I have always been! It's time now for me to let go of the past and time to embrace all that awaits me! I can't wait! I KNOW, ALLAH HAS SO MUCH BETTER PLANS FOR ME! I KNOW HE WILL DEFINITELY REPLACE THIS FEELINGS WITH SOMETHING SO MUCH GREATER THAN THIS! INSHA ALLAH. :)

Lastly, I hope and pray no girl (or guy) would ever have to face this emotional and mental abuse.. And don't ever have to face a "putus tunang"/ "putus cinta" situation. The pressure is so great I tell you.. Sigh. But thank God it's over now! Syukur!!

And here's a little advice from me, if you’re already in a bad/unhealthy relationship (even if you’re engaged) and you don’t think it’s going to get any better, act fast! DO NOT BE AFRAID TO SPEAK UP! You should know your awesome values! Because like my sister said, no guy is worth your tears..and the one who is, won't make you cry - And she was SO right! :) So if you know that your relationship is not healthy and you're not happy, jangan biarkan ia berlarutan sampai ke jinjang pelamin! Think about your future. Jangan takut apa orang lain cakap atau fikir sebab orang memang tidak akan berhenti bercakap. What people think about you is none of your business. What matters the most is you and your life! Because when you’re already married (to the wrong person), it would be too late! Marriage does not solve the problem; it will only create more of what is already there! So my advice is, jangan bercinta 100% mengikut hati dan perasaan. Bercintalah guna otak! haha.. Dan 40% lagi, baru guna hati. LOL - Boleh ke nak guna mathematics in relationship & love? Hahah.. Maybe? ;p
Oh know what I mean, right! hehee ;)

Anyway..I think I have spilled enough. Time for me to stop now... Phewwwww!! Finally..I did it! I've let it out!  - It took me months to write it in here! And only now I have the guts to publish it?! haha. And boyyy....That was easy?! heh ;p
Now let's start a new chapter! Boleh bukak buku baru dah! Yeay! hehe. It's time now for me to let go of my past, and embrace all that awaits me! ^___^


P/S: What is meant to be, will find it's way. Insha Allah :) 


Yours Faithfully,

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What a Life I Have! T..T

Life....isn't perfect! Sob...sob....

Morning: Stuck in jam everyday for almost 2 hour. I know! Crazy right?!
(If I go as early as 6.30, I'll arrive so early - 30 minutes drive, and the office is still close! But if I go out at 7 and above, I'll be stuck in traffic for 1-2 hour! Grrrr...)

Then, arrived office with some workload that keep on coming in non-stop, every hour, everyday. 
*wipe tears*

Evening: Rush to KLCC for Marie France Bodyline treatment (if there's any). And stuck in jam for another one hour.

Or...If I choose to cancel my appointment at MFB, and go back 'early' instead, I'll stuck in jam for another 2 hours or so..

At 9-10 pm, after I'm done with the treatment or work or dinner. The traffic is STILL as bad! Stuck in jam for 1 hour more...

Arrived home.

11 pm-1 am:  Mandi. Solat. Do some of my usual stuffs for a bit.

2 am: Sleep.

6 am: Wake up.


Grrr.... >_<

PFFFFFT. What a life! Thank God this will soon end!!! :D (I got a helicopter. LOL ;p)
Haihhh... I. Cannot. Wait! Now only I value my schooling days. Hmm...maybe I should take Masters! haha ;p

Anyway, the conclusion for this post is: I HATE TRAFFIC JAM THAT IS MORE THAN 50 MINUTES OF MY PRECIOUS TIME! Sikit-sikit dah la..bukan sampai berjam-jam habis masa on the road, pagi petang siang malam! It's annoying! KLites, please take LRT from now on and let the Selangor people like me to drive happily everyday! hahaha ;p 

P/s: I. Freaking. Need. A. Vacation! Kaki aku sakit, dowh!!  >_<

Drama Queen ;p 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sigh... Another Impostor!


Sometimes I get a message, people telling me..some bloggers "steal" my photos, and claimed it's theirs. Like taking my stationary collection photos, my accessories stuff, my make up collection, my shoes collection and et cetera.. Haihh.. Well, as much as I don't like that, (because you know.... at least put some credit for me la.. - I took my time to snap the photos, and then to transfer it into my laptop..and then to edit and resize it, etc... And lastly, to upload it in here some moreee, so the least you could do, is to watermark my name on the picture you took, or give some credits to me larr..) Right? But well.. These days, I don't know why I just don't want to do or say anything about it.. Maybe sebab I terasa macam funny je orang-orang macam ni, pretending to be someone else..and lying to their friends and family, and strangers/readers about their stories/life..  So I guess, the reason why I don't want to say anything just yet..cuz I don't want to spoil the fun and just wanna keep on reading and see what's next, that they are going to lie and say! hehehee ;p (It's like..this is my own joke, that I keep to myself... Heeeeee ;p)
I mean, is not threatening me or my family... even though, it IS annoying sometimes, seeing these fake people... But...Hmm..entah lah...

But when I found out about this thing the other day, I just couldn't keep quiet anymoreeee. Because really, I think when it involves 'people', it is REALLY a serious case already.. It's scary. It's freaky. It's threatening.

Like, my sister's case. Seriously, she copy-pasted everything, bulat-bulat and claimed that our family is hers!! (But changed our names, of course). She's living in a delusion! That psycho girl is sooo freaky! Knowing that she was my sister's ex-roomate tu yang lagi scaryyyy!! tskk.

And now... the case that I just found is... me.

Someone tried to be me. Well...the person didn't exactly change names like that psycho girl did, but  instead, she use my name (only spelling is different) and took a lot of my photos from this blog, and pretended she is me, on Facebook.

Well at first, I think it is not really such a big deal...I mean, that is still my face, and it is still my name.. So basically he/she is just making another account for me. So I thought nothing to worry about lahh..and just wanna keep quiet like I always do..
But..then, after much thought.. I really think I should make an action about this. It's threatening and it's kinda bothering me.  The person could do anything with the account, and my life is on the line!!

It's scary and freakyyyy okayy?!

Wanna see? Here's the FAKE SYAZWANI'S (with a Y) account on Facebook!

Now let's see...what did the person put on his/her page....

Hurmmm..... Her hometown is in Kampung Kabong Sarawak? Hmm... yadda yadda yaddaaa.....Worked in CIMB. Schooled in SMK Kabong (Where the heck is thattt?). Graduated from UPM Serdang... bla blabla.... Hmmm.... Nope, all of these are not ME! (Btw, look... she made an album for that Fashion Valet event that I attended last few weeks..Pffft)

Okay...let's move on,, what else does this person wrote...

Now this is my favourite part....

None of these are my favourites! Musics, movies, etc...NONE!
Siti? haha. I only like her make up. Not her music. And Avril? Well.. I only listen to her songs, but not make her my idol/favourite! And Sheila On 7? Hmm...I only like one song. (And I forgot the title! So that does not really count as "Favourite" la, kan?!) ;p

And moving on to the "Movies" section.. Hurmmm..... Of all the movies he/she listed above, I have only watched one movie among those!! So yeahhh... Favourite lah sangat kannn.... Pffft.

So nope. That does not sound like Shazwani Hamid with this real face at all!! -_-"

Next...the "Favourite Television" section, none of those sound like me!!! CSI? Never watch! Dr. House?  I don't have Star World channel anymoreee. SpongeBob? For cartoons, I only watch Disney's cartoons. And blablabla......seriously, none of those are my fave channels!

And the interesting part... The "Games"... hmm... Badminton and Futsal, ey?? HA. HA. You've got to be kidding me! The last time I play badminton when I was 11, and then I stop because I was injured and swore to myself that I would never play sports anymore (because I keep on getting scars and injured and what not). And Futsal? Well... I did play once dulu - If you count as dressing up in a sports attire in pink and putting on a matching trainers with your "sports bag", and only went into the court for like 3 minutes, and run from the ball (cuz you were scared of getting injured), and ended up watching your friends play futsal while you eat Mister Potato, as playing futsal lahh..... ;p

Hmm..anyway, by looking at this person's information... I don't know why... I sense that this person is a HE. Just look at his fave TV shows.. his Movies, his activities...
I mean....  I think,most of my readers or stalkers (heh ;p) in here are mostly women righttt...and this is a girly blog... But none of those things that he put up...sounded girly. At least in my eyes....

Oh my.... If it's a HE, it'll be much much much moreeeeee scarier!!!!

I mean... who would do such thinggg....and steal people's photo (or and pretend that it's theirs??

This is patheticly sickkk.... =(

Oh look... there's an album for "Balik Hometown", curik from my entry that I balik from Saudi! Pfffft. Hmm... I wonder...what was on his/her mind la...

Seriously. I REALLLLLYY wanna know! (He even put up my dad and my sister's photo!!!! >_<)

"Okay... Apa lagi aku nak ambik eh.. Gambar mana yang interesting eh... Jom scroll lagiii.... Hmm.. nak ambik gambar yang ni lahh... Konon-kononnya aku balik Kampong Kabong aku ni, naik MAS lah.....  *few minutes later*  ..... Okayy... done! Yeayyy..bestnya, best nyaa aku naik MAS!!"  haha ;p

"Okay..gambar pergi event dah. Gambar "aku" balik Kampong Kabong pun dahhh. Gambar apa lagi ehhh.... Hmm... Haaa....gambar aku nak pergi beli spek la pulakkkk.."



Haihhh... Maybe he/she was just wanted attention kot... Or maybe this is just a sick joke that he/she intended to do for me... Hmmm.. whatever your reason is, mister/mistress whoever your REAL NAME is.... PLEASE delete the account immediately! I have made what I should do..and will take this case seriously. Take an action to close down that account, or I will! the mean time, to my readers, can you please do a favor for me by helping me to report it to Facebook admin.....

Just click at the bottom left side button (below your "Friends" icons), the "Report/Blocked This Person" button... And click "This profile is pretending to be someone or is fake"...and select "Someone that I know", and insert my name... Shazwani Hamid

Thank you so much guys!!! I would really really reallllyyyyy appreciate thissss!!!!!!!

*big hug!!!*

P/s: I really should start watermarking all of my pictures kannn? Haihh... -_-"


Friday, April 8, 2011

Help! I Have a Disease! T..T

Hey girls... So sorry for not updating anything in here for quite some time...and haven't reply any of the comments in the previous posts...

Thing is... I've always have things to do every now and then, these days... and thus, got no time to blog.. Seriously, I haven't open any of my fave blogs to read these days.. Such a bummer! =(

And make it worse, I got some sort of infection on my feet! I don't know what I ate, what I touched or stepped on...or even... who bit me! T_T

It all happened last three days, after I got up, and pray for Subuh prayer, then suddenly my left leg and foot was so very itchy that I couldn't stop scratching and that it annoyed me!! Seriously...the pain is sooooo annoying that I feel like screaming! tskk =(

My leg becomes red, and rashes all over it! T_T

And not long after that, it became swollen..and more rashes on it!! And it has started to affect my left foot as well!!! T_T

Left foot - rashes, Right foot - a bit swollen 

I couldn't stop scratching and scratching!! So I put some Yoko Yoko and minyak Cap Kapak onto my feet.. I poured half of the bottles!! Cuz that's the only way I'd stop scratching..and stop the itchiness.....and thank God it worked! Only thing, I had to put that hot ointment every time it dries on my feet... 

And until now...I still have to put it every night!! And I still don't know WHO THE HECK that bit me and made some love bites all over my feet!!!! Ughhh... 

So. Not. Sexy. T_T


Monday, February 14, 2011

The Phone Issue

I am not really a gadget freak. So I don't really change my gadget stuff every now and then.. Be it camera, handphones, laptop, mp3 player/iPod etc etc.. (But they always come up with some cool new devices, I couldn't keep up! - Unless if they're designing some new fashion for shoes, that's a whole different story then! ;p)

So I really don't know what's in and what's not for all the gadgets in the world.. (Ok I lie.. I kinda know a bit. At least those from Blackberry and Apple. But what I usually don't know is 'why' they're hot and stuff). - I don't bother to find out about them..maybe cuz..gadget is just not my thing... So I don't bother to know unless if I'm looking for a new one to replace them..
We don't change our handphones everyday, like we change our shoes to match with the bags, do we? ;p

So anyway.. I've been using my old phone for almost 3 years now.. (That is quite looong for a handphone life, ain't it?) Dad gave me my first Blackberry Bold when it first came out.. So I use it since then, until recently.. it always makes me go crazy that I feel like smashing it down! >_<

Really, my phone can be such a pain in the arse! It always hangs and lags..and the one thing I really hate the most is, when I can't hear what the other person on the line is saying to me.. (I don't know whether it was because of Maxis, or because of that phone itself. But whatever it was, I still hate the phone!) Pfft.

But well...actually, it doesn't really happen all the time.. Some day, it's really fine.. But most of the days, it'll go crazy like usual..and makes me go crazy as well! (I have to restart the phone, for it to be okay again, every like..few hours..or maybe one hour. Sigh)
Does that annoy you? Haihh..
(To Blackberry users, does this ever occur to you? Does your BB always hang?)

So last Saturday when I came back home with lotsa missed calls that I don't even hear them ringing - Bcuz at the time when the caller calls, the phone hangs and can't even register who the caller is. Tau-tau je, tiba-tiba dah 'Missed Call' from an UNKNOWN NUMBER! Pftttt. Geramnyeee >_<
And look what this crazy woman babbled about how she hates her phone so much on her Facebook statuses, last Saturday.. (Sorry guys, if I flooded your NewsFeed/Walls on FB with my complaints. hahaa ;p)

LOL. 3 different statuses, same message, in one night. 
I was really, really REALLY pissed off with my phone for making me live my life miserably! tskk

So..after the many many incidents that my phone lagged, and made me missed some very important calls, I lost some SMSes, the alarm clock was not working (due to the phone hanged at the time that it's supposed to wake me up), and some other annoying things.. which got me into little miscommunications between all the people who have been trying to reach me.. So I figured, I don't want to send it to the clinic and repair it.. I just want a new phones already.. Plus, it was almost 3 years I'm using the same thang.. So it's really time to buy myself a new handphone..right?! ^_^
( more throwing off the phones on the floor! ;p)

After much thought between Blackberry Torch and the iPhone 4... I chose....


An iPhone 4!

Yeayyyy! I am now a happily converted BB user, to the iPhone owner! This phone is going to be my main line now.. And I need to change my telco line from Celcom to Maxis or DiGi.. Hmm.. which one is good? Anyone? =)


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Of Bra Shopping and Feeling Annoyed

Bra shopping can be such a fun thing to do. Especially when you're shopping at those high-end, fabulous stores or brands like La Perla, Lejaby, Valisere, La Senza, Victoria's Secret, Wacoal, Xixili and the list goes on and on..They have such gorgeous style and comfy bras, aren't they?! =)

I love to look at my reflection in the mirror and see those perfect style and color (and lace) being wrapped up all over my chest. It gives me some kinda happiness. hehe

Anyway, I started buying my own bra when I was as little as 14! Reason being, I don't like those bras that my mom usually would pick for me (those unfun, pale, boring plain beige colored bras! hehe). So I secretly went to Jaya Jusco after school, and decided to buy my own choice of pretty Triumph bras. That's when I started to love lingerie shopping!

So up until now, I have never asked my mom to buy any bras for me, cuz I wanna choose myself what I want for my body! haha. My favourite brand is La Senza and Victoria's Secret (But too bad it doesn't exist here in Malaysia! Bummer!).

Anyway, the other day I went to Isetan The Gardens to buy myself a couple of bras since they were having a sale. So I went to the Lingerie Department, and looked around..

And then came a Sales Assistant to assist me..

"Hello miss. What type of bra or brand are you looking for?"

So I told her just the normal ones and without lace. (I prefer the satin plain ones if I wanna wear it with t-shirts or sheer blouses)

After I've made a decision on which bra that I wanted to buy, I asked, where the cashier at.. But the SA wants me to try them on first.

I said, I already know my size, but she told me that I could be wrong because different bra/brand sometimes has different size.

Fine. So I decided to try.

Thus, the SA lead me to a fitting room at the back.. Before I went into the room, she said she wanted to measure my chest. I already told her my size and confident that it is correct and the bras that I took matched my size. (Not that I embarrass or whatever, it's just that I don't feel it is necessary for her to measure me up since I already know my size..)

But she insisted on measuring my chest jugak-jugak as she said,

"Sometimes different cutting and styles can make a big difference in choosing the perfect size. So I wanna make sure you take the right size and the right bra for your body". (Yes, again. I already know that tooo.)

Ok, so fine. I let her do her job.

10 seconds later..after she measured me up and down, left and right, front and back.. She said for that bra that I took, I should take that size.

And then I showed her the size that I took with a smile on my face. (And yes, I was right. The size that I took was correct!). So I went in and pulled the curtain down.

At that time I was wearing Premium Beautiful full corset, by the way. So it consists of the bra corset, waist nipper and girdle. Just so you know, this corset is really hard to get on and get off with (because I rarely wear it! Heee...). So it took me some time to take it off..and just when I was just done removing the bra corset and waist nipper from my body (so I was half naked), the SA came to the dressing room, and trying to pull aside the curtain and said,

"Miss, dah siap ke? Bagi saya tengok?"
("Miss, are you done? Let me see it")

I was surprised to see the curtain was pulled aside a bit when she said that, so I shouted,

 "Heyyy... I am not done yet!!"

"Oh, okay. Sorry. Let me see when you're done, kay", she said.

While I was in there (still trying the bra on my own), it got me thinking, whyyyy does this girl insisted on seeing my boobies on her bra? I really don't feel comfortable because I am so used to shopping bras on my own. All my life, I have never experienced with this kinda situation. I mean, why does she care so much if my boobies don't look that good because I wear the wrong size? It's not like I took those sizes yang memang comfirm is not my size at all, like maybe too damn big or too tight..or something..

First, she insisted on measuring my boobs after I said no, and then after I've tried it, she wanted to see it some moree? Haihh.. I really think just by measuring is enough. Why do you need to see it? It's a different story if I'm the one who show it to her and ask her opinion.. Right? Suka hatilah nak bagi tengok ke tak. Why must you paksa jugak-jugak? Please respect my decision lah! Haihh..

So after I tried the first bra (I took 3 bras to try, btw), and was in the middle of trying out the second bra that I took, which was a satin turquoise bra by the way.. and then came the SA again,

"Miss, tak siap-siap lagi ke?? Bagi lah saya tengok.." - Sumpah, annoying okayy
("Miss, you're not done yet?? Come, let me see it")

At that time I was getting a lil' bit annoyed with the sound of her voice disturbing my fun moments in the fitting room, so I let her see it and pulled aside the curtain.

And she went in. At first, she stood there, looking at me for a few mili seconds.. And then I asked,

"Hmm.. so..this is okay, right?"

And then, she came close to me and start measuring me AGAIN! Ughhh.. At that moment, I really think it's not necessary and that she actually doesn't really know what else to do since the bra really does look okay and suits me well!

So again, while looking at my half naked boobs, she measured me here and there, up and down...bla..bla.bla.. and with a frowned face and a very loud sigh, like there was something wrong.. As if macam masalah besar sangat.. Haihh.. And then after THREE TIMES of measurement, she asked me, to unzip and pull down my skirt!! Because she wanted to measure under my bust area. But still, why do you need me to take off my skirt?? Skirt kat pinggang la! Bukan dekat dada! I dunno why the heck did I follow her instruction! Ughh. It's like I was so blur and dengarrr je apa dia cakap. (Luckily I was wearing the girdle, otherwise, I would be seen in a bra and panty only!!). OMG! What does taking off my skirt has to do with my bra size??! I felt so uncomfortable and annoyed but yet I couldn't say NO to her, and I did what she told me to!! OMG.. I feel so stupid! I dunno why on earth I did that and followed what she said?!

And then, I guess she sensed that I was feeling awkward and uncomfortable, after a few measurements, she looked at me and smiled, and asked me, what size did I take. And then I said X size. And then you know what she replied???

"Oh. Betul la."
("Oh. That's correct")

At that time, seriously, I was really reallllllly annoyed with her!!! Because I really think that there's no purpose at all for her to measure me up and down, here and there from the very first minute she put her hands on me! And especially, the part where she asked me to pull down my skirt!!! What the hell was that for??! As long as the bra looks good on me and fit me correctly, then..I don't see what seems to be the problem??! Haihhh.. Sibukkk sangat lah! Ish.

And then you know what happens nextttt?!

She asked me to try another bra (the 3rd bra) IN FRONT OF HER. She said,  

"Now try this". (And she meant, trying it in front of her!!)

I was like, Huhhhh??! What is this?? Who are youuu?! What is your problem?!

So I told her off (nicely) that I already know my size and said that I will only take the one that I was wearing, and the 1st bra that I tried. And then you know what she said?!

"But I haven't seen you wear the first one yet. Try la, let me see it. You don't have to feel ashamed, we're both women, right?"

With a firm voice (still trying to keep my cool), I said,  

"No, it's okay. You don't need to see it. I'm just gonna pay"... and walk away from that room as fast as I could.

Ugh. I really felt like I was being molested! haha. ;p

That was indeed, a really bad bad bad bad bad experience! Scary, okay! Bra shopping should be fun! Not embarrassing! Sigh. I shall not look for bras in Isetan The Gardens anymore! One very unsatisfied customer!!



Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Saya Tidak Puas Hati.


Align Center
Minggu yang sangat menensyenkan diri.

Minggu ni lah paling banyak presentation and assignments!!

So meaning, memang tak kan ada masa rilek rilek (ni pun curi masa sekejap untuk online..heh)

Pastuuuu... Next MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday AKU DAH START FINAL!!! Aaaaaa.

Sumpah tension.

Bila masa tah nak study? Dah la satu subject ada 14 chapters. Giloooo! Macam mana aku nak study weyyy?!!

Isnin: Consumer Behaviour.
Selasa: Marketing Research.
Rabu: Computer Networking.
Khamis: Internet Application.

Memang aku peninggg ar minggu ni and minggu depan dowh! Shyteyy la weyy!!!

Nasib baik lagi 2 subjects ada gap lama sket. But still, 4 subjects back to back???!!! Wth!!! Never in my life ada exam back to back macam ni. Paling tak pon, 2 hari je. Ni tak..empat terus sekali gus.. Semua yang banyak baca pulak tu. Yeesh.

Mamabah, pleaseeee doakan saya!


I need all the luck in the world!

Dugaan Final Year.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A (Very) Bad Day!

Oh my god. Today I had a very verrry bad day!

Scene 1:
It started off when I couldn't sleep the night before because I was quite in my hyper mood. And my mind were wandering around (as usual). So baring pusing sana sini still tak boleh tidur. And after awhile, I looked at the Man Utd clock, it was 6.30 am already! So I got up, Subuh..and then just baring nak rehat badan je cuz I didn't want to sleep sebab lagi sejam lebih je nak siap for class.

Because that night I didn't sleep at all, so by the time the clock hit 8.00 am, I was really really tired and sleepy I guess, and dozed off by accident. Luckily terjaga with the annoying sound of my ringtone walaupun dah terlambat actually. So mandi, siap-siap, gosok tudung and baju kurung, pastu breakfast..and off to my campus.

I was late by 15 minutes.

Scene 2:
And then, around noon..I got a really bad throbbing headache. My head felt so heavy and I thought I was going to pass out.

So I took two tablets of Panadol ActiFast. It didn't really work. So I drank a lot of water. And then slowly..dia makin ok.. And by the time I had my lunch..dah agak nak fully ok jugak la (plus, I met Hana, Biela and Nani. Lepak dengan diorang mesti confirm gelak). So those laughter that we had, has cured me a little bit. =)

So anyways..since my next class was at 3.30 pm, after lunch I went to Cyber Cafe, to check my emails (oh, and ebay & Diva necklaces too. I dig Diva's stuff!) =P

Eh..tiba-tiba pulak..

Ok, pastu..

Scene 3:
So around 3.15 pm I arrived at Education department/kuliyyah. I am so not familiar with this area cuz I am from Economics & Management Sciences punya department. So mana la nak tau sangat. But this semester, I took two subjects from an IT department. Kena jugak la amik tahu nampak gayanya. But the venue stated in my slip was at Education department. Tapi subject tu subject ICT. So I got confused. So I went to both departments (ICT & Edu). Cari setiap tingkat, block, etc.. Penat gile. I searched for the class for about 45 minutes! Jalan ke hulu ke hilir..naik turun tangga..and I asked practically everyone who were in sight..tapi semua pun tak tahu where the freaking Teaching Lab B is! Pfft.

Last last bila dah lencun lenjan baju kurung ku, dan apabila perfume ku tidak kelihatan berbau lagi..maka saya pun sudah give up untuk berjalan lagi dan teruskan usaha untuk mencari kelas. Lagi pun masa tu dah pukul 4.00 pm. (taknak la haku datang setengah jam lambat!)

Makanya...saya pun patah balik from ICT to Edu to HS punya building (I parked my car over there). Penat gile jalan!

Esok pergi cari lagi sekali lah.

Scene 4:
Arrived home. But no one at home.
So..after half and hour dah duduk rumah, terasa boring and sunyi, so I took my car keys and got out. At first I just wanted to have a nice, slow and steady journey, just to take my mind off things and to relax a bit while listening to Boyz II Men (cuz normally I drive quite fast with the stereo blasting, dan tak berapa nak enjoy the view yang ada. haha) So I thought..hmm..nak pergi jalan-jalan yang jauh sikit la. And by 6 o'clock, kononnya nak balik la..

So..dah jalan-jalan tuh..pastu mentang mentang minyak tengah full, saya pun telah membawa diri ini ke Putrajaya.

Pusing sana sini. Tengok orang balik kerja. Tengok orang naik bas. Tengok orang hisap rokok. Tengok pokok pokok yang cantik dan sebagainya..

Kemudian..tiba-tiba saya nampak signage 'Alamanda'

And I thought..Hmm..why not? Since memang tengah takde arah tuju dalam hidup ketika itu..So, I stopped by Alamanda, just to see what do they have there. Dah lama gila tak pergi sana.

After about one hour in there, I decided to go home since my watch already hit 6.10 pm.

So..time balik tu, boleh pulak tersalah jalan. I missed the 'Susur Keluar ke Kuala Lumpur' (sebab sebenarnya ada this one guy ni, kedekut tak kasi saya nak masuk kiri time tu..Siot je..). So..terpaksa teruskan je lah perjuangan perjalanan itu. And then not long after that I saw the word Sri Kembangan. So pakai hantam je main masuk lorong tu.

And the next thing I know I was in the middle of nowhere! Sumpah tempat tu macam bukan area KL/Selangor. Macam dekat pekan pekan kat kampung punya area.. I had no idea where I was. (But still refuse to make a u-turn sebab konon nya, I will somehow jumpa other signage or familiar places.

But I was wrong.

Pusing pusing, dekat situ jugak. After an hour plus jalan-jalan and pusing pusing trying to figure out aku kat dunia mana nih, tapi..ended up dekat tempat yang sama je rupanya. And masa tu dah maghrib, dah gelap. And I was starting to feel nervous and scared a bit. Yela, tak familiar langsung tempat tu and the fact that jalan kat situ berlubang lubang, and takde proper lampu jalan, pastu macam jalan tu itself pun macam kecik sangat je. So perasaan takot pun sudah mula menyelami dan menyelubungi diri ini.

Tempat dah la scary gila. Dah la sorang. Dah la battery phone dah weak. Pastu dah malam. Pastu dah puas masuk jalan sana sini pon, tapi still kat tempat yang sama. Macam mana la saya tak takot. huhu. (Dah la tengah tak selesa sebab still pakai baju yang peluh tadi tu jugak..Euww..pastu Dah la nak terkencing. Adei..). Masa tu serious doa banyak banyak supaya sampai rumah cepat sebab nak mandi, nak solat, nak makan, nak rehat apa bagai semua. Letih gila kot.
(And I cried too! How ridiculous is that?! Tu pun nak nangis. haha. Tak pernah pernah macam ni, tiba tiba je nak nangis sebab rasa macam risau gila! Even though I know that I won't sesat sampai ke London pun.. tapi..tah la..macam takot tiba tiba. Before this, I jenis yang suka try jalan macam macam, sebab biar sesat tapi nanti tau tu jalan nak pi mana..Tapi this time, maybe sebab dah lama sangat dalam kereta and tak nampak arah nak keluar langsung kot.. So maybe that's why la kot, I burst into tears. Tah la. huhu) =P

I texted my friends. Tapi sorang pun memang tak tahu area situ. Luckily my friend, Feex tau area tu and somehow saved me! Phewwww...

So by 9 pm I arrived home safely.



After about 3 hours in car, sampai jugak rumah ku!! (Normally pergi Alamanda tuh 20 minutes je from my house! hahah)

P/s: Meter kereta I hari ni je, dah berjalan sebanyak 130 km ye! Dah boleh sampai my kampung dah tu! huhuh =P

Tobat taknak pergi Alamanda lagi!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I am a Grumpy Young Lady.



Remember this post? Well, I told you earlier, I've been using someone else's laptop since mine got crashed. Well, it was my dad's laptop to be specific.

And I swear to God while I was using it, I didn't press any unusual button, did not download any songs or videos or pictures or whateverrr at all, did not cucuk any thumbdrive, did not do anything else other than checking my emails - gmail and ymail, updating my blog, approving comments, checking my Facebook, updating my Twitter and only read those favourite blogs that I love so much. THAT'S ALL!!!!


And then, all of a sudden, while I was browsing through this particular blog, there were a lot of windows popping up.. (it was maybe about 8 times before the damn thing shut down completely)

I know it's a virus or whatever you guys called I just closed the windows..But it kept coming back and appear some more. So I just close it every time it appears. And at the same time, the antivirus thing keep on reminding me to renew it since it has expired. And then tiba tiba..the laptop shut down by itself and I cannot restart it at all. (Until now)

So of course I got freaked out. It's my dad's lappie! It contains a lot of private/confidential/important files and folders.


And then, tiba-tiba je after I told my brother (bcuz I thought maybe he can help me out..) but..turns out, he blamed me for it. EEEEE. Wey, I did not press any button la dammit! Plus, abah's anti virus dah memang EXPIRED pun! So it's not my fault ok! I REPEAT, I DID NOT CLICK, PRESS, PUSH, TEKAN, PICIT ANY BUTTON OR WHATEVER OK. THE THING JUST HAPPENED! AAAAAAA. I OFFICIALLY HATED MICROSOFT. AND SCREW YOU PEOPLE WHOEVER INVENTED THE VIRUS THING. Happy sangat la kau ye dapat rosak kan hidup orang lain.. Yeeeeesh. BODOH. BODOH. BODOHHHH! (ke aku yang bodoh..sebenarnya?)


Is there any ways I can get the documents/files/folders that contain in the laptop even though it cannot open/start at all?? Ishh. Please, help me out.. I'm desperado.

Please God..please help me.. I need my lucky charm right this second! Please give it to me!!! =(

P/s: to make it worst, my DiGi has been barred again! Ish. Now I have to use the Celcom number pulak. Tapi yang ni takleh main internet lebih-lebih.. Nanti orang tu marah. huhu.
haihh..Great! No connection at all for now! =(

Tolong Saya.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


I'm paranoid. I'm paranoid. I'm paranoid.

Why can't love just be as simple and uncomplicated as it supposed to be?

Why must I feel this way?

Oh God. Please help me.


Nak tulis banyak-banyak kat sini pun tak boleh. Nak cakap kat siapa-siapa pun tak boleh. Isu sensitif.

Haih. Diam je lah.

Taktahu lah apa nak jadi.

How I wish I was 18, back in Matric PJ.

Life was so much fun and uncomplicated back then.



If only tears were laughter. if only night was day. if only prayers were answers..

God please help.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Why do I feel so lonely?


Ugh. I hate this feeling.


Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sudah Jatuh, Ditimpa Tangga Pula!

That is me!!



I am damn pissed!

I just spent or rather invest my money on something.. (and quite regreted it..but nevermind..)

So basically, I am quite broke right now. And I do not want to pay anything at all other than my fuel, my tolls, and my food until my money being debited to my account again. I REPEAT, I DO NOT WANT TO SPEND ANYTHING UNIMPORTANT AT ALL.

And then..

Just when my BB bold is starting to function like any other BBs are supposed to function, and just when it started to have some cool applications, and just when I started to have interest in my BB, just when I discovered something cool on my BB, just when I decided that BB is cooler than an iPhone, just when I started to appreciate gadgets, just when Radzique has given me a new number, and just when The Company has unbarred my account, and just when I had just pimped my triple B with some hot pink swarovski crystals...



(Dah la on the very same day I pimped it!!)

Keypad and trackball dia dah lari..

If I press the letter 'A', huruf 'OU' yang keluar.. If I press 'Select', huruf 'HI' yang keluar..If I press 'Call' huruf 'BY' yang keluar.. (Nak hye hye, bye bye pulak dengan akuuu!)


Bengangg nyeeee!!!

My handphone is my life!!! I cannot live without a handphone.

Dah tried macam macam dah.. Guna hairdryer, letak dalam beras, letak dalam air cond..balut dgn towel.. haha..tapi semua pon tak berkesan!!

EEE.. Geram nyee..dah la phone2 yang lain semua takleh pakai..

Oh god..macam mana nak contact orang for this week? Or better yet, macam mana nak bangun sahur and pergi kelas???!!!

(Karang..jadi lagi macam dulu..Bangun2 je, dalam keadaan terkejut..the first thing keluar dari mulut haku, "Heeeeee! Tak pergi lagiiii!" - Girl and Naz, if u guys know what I mean! hahaha!)


Hmm..I should change my title to Sudah Kering Poketku, Blackberryku Masuk Air Pula!!


P/s: Nanti pi kedai, kena keluar kan duit lagi..
Dah la aku bodoh gadget. Satgi pi kedai, depa tipu haku plak. Adoi.. Dah la takde phone. Takde duit pulak. Demnn..

Demnn You.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Note from Yours Truly.

Hello my dear readers.. =)

How are you? I hope you are doing fine.

As of now, I am not doing so great. I'm in the state of 'unstable' actually. =(

Well, first of all, sorry for not replying any of your emails, comments, YMs, or text messages. (I'll get back to you as soon as possible,ok).

Life's a little too busy and shaky now. I just don't know why I don't feel like doing anything. Not even to reply a "Hello" back to my friend. (I know, I'm suck!). But well, what can I say, I'm only human. Erm.. a weirdo human being, actually. So I do have my ups and downs.

This week has been really really sucks, man!!! =(

Well..probabbly cuz I've got tons of stuff to think about. Most of the time, my mind will wander around.. Only my body's there. But my mind and soul has gone to everywhere in the world! heh. Most of them are negative thoughts and destructive sentiments. So basically it has affected my moods. And I easily get upset. And I super hate it.

And unfortunately, this week pulak, my workload has increased tremendously! (And I am now officially hating accounting!). And to make it worst, there are two ladies that has really really make my days become so awful and nasty. One is from that place. And another one is from this place. (The one who is from 'that place' is the one that I am furious with. I just can't forget the way she looked at me! Seriously, if you did 'that thing' on purpose, I swear I will curse your life to be so difficult as you have made mine! haha. *Evil laugh* ) =P

And also, May is coming in another 2 days. And I have not done anything yet. Haih. What a loser I am.

And I still haven't figure how to work things out between you and me.




Entah lah.. banyaknya lagi benda nak fikir!! Sumpah banyak. Ishhh..

Tah la. Dah 4 hari sakit kepala non stop. Even if I take that happy pills, it won't stop. Penipu punya ubat! =(

Only chocolates can make me feel better. But then again, I cannot eat it! I'll have more and more fatties in my bums. =(

Hmm.. I just don't feel like doing anything la. Anything at all. Can, ah?

Nak cuti satu minggu duduk dalam spa boleh? heesshh.. duit pulak takde. Dok perabis parking ticket, tol, minyak,makan, etc etc.. haiyoo.

Bila la...nak abis PMS ni.. menyampah la perasaan tah pape camni.. isk ='(

p/s: And sorry for not updating any interesting stories to share! I'll revert as soon as possible!! isk. =(

Yours Truly,

Monday, April 27, 2009

A Shitty Day.

I had the worst day of my life.

First the Chinese lady.

Then comes the money part.

And then you.


The End?

Monday, April 13, 2009

Saya Tidak Suka.

Saya tidak suka peperiksaan.


Kerana peperiksaan menakutkan saya.

Kerana peperiksaan, saya selalu stress dan tension.

Kerana peperiksaan memeningkan kepala saya.

Kerana peperiksaan mendebar dan menggegarkan jantung saya.

Kerana peperiksaan menyebabkan banyak jerawat tumbuh sesuka hati mereka di sana sini dan di situ.

Kerana peperiksaan menyebabkan haid saya tidak betul atau tidak normal.

Kerana peperiksaan menyebabkan saya tidak cukup tidur atau tidak boleh tidur sama sekali atau dua kali atau tiga kali.

Kerana peperiksaan, mata saya kurang menawan hati kalbu kamu. Lingkaran hitam sudah meraih tempat masing-masing.

Kerana peperiksaan menyebabkan hati ini tidak tenang.

Kerana peperiksaan menyebabkan saya tidak boleh berblog.

Kerana peperiksaan menyebabkan saya selalu makan dengan banyak dan rakus sekali.

Kerana peperiksaan menyebabkan saya selalu lapar!

Kerana peperiksaan menyebabkan pemakanan dan diet saya tidak betul. Kerana saya asyik makan makanan segera ataupun makanan ringan sahaja.

Kerana peperiksaan, saya haruslah membeli bermacam jenis stok makanan untuk dimakan ketika saya stay-up di dalam bilik saya.

Kerana peperiksaan akan memaksa saya belajar dengan lebih lama dan lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui keterangan yang lebih spesifik.
Dan disamping itu juga, saya suka minum air mineral banyak-banyak sambil belajar. Maka dengan itu, kerana peperiksaan, saya akan selalu ke tandas untuk membuang air yang telah diminum tadi.

Kerana peperiksaan, saya haruslah membeli air mineral banyak-banyak dan juga tisu tandas dengan banyak sekali.

Kerana peperiksaan, saya haruslah memfotostat banyak nota-nota ataupun kertas peperiksaan tahun-tahun yang lalu dan juga mem-print nota-nota slides atau nota apa jua sekalipun, demi membantu dan memudahkan saya untuk membaca ayat-ayat dalam buku teks yang tebal nak mati itu dan juga mempermudahkan saya menjawab soalan. (ye la tuh!)

Kerana peperiksaan, saya terpaksa membeli bermacam jenis ubat jerawat dan krim penjagaan muka dan juga losyen untuk mata saya ini.

Kerana peperiksaan, saya dilarang keluar ke tempat-tempat yang menarik seperti Warehouse Sales atau Pusat Membeli-belah yang terkemuka di Kuala Lumpur atau di mana-mana sahaja!

Kerana peperiksaan membosankan!

Kerana peperiksaan yang lama sebegini memenatkan akuuu laaaaaa!!

Kerana peperiksaan menyebabkan duit aku keluar banyakkkkkkkk sangatttt la weh!!!

Justeru itu, saya tidak sabar untuk tunggu 15 hari bulan. Kerana gaji saya masuk ketika itu. hehe. =P

Maka dengan itu, bila nak habis exam nii oi??!

Oh.. saya telah buang masa. Maka saya seharusnya berhenti di sini dahulu.

Selamat jalan! Tata!

budak yang sedang tension.
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