Sunday, August 16, 2015

A Tornado Dreams Of Wide Open Space Like This

This road in Kansas went on further than you can see in this photo, and there were many more like it. Spiking out north and south of Interstate-70, most of them were dirt, but many others were bright, white limestone. By the time I thought to snap a picture of one of them, the white roads ended and all I was left with was this dirt one.

We rarely go to or through Kansas. In the more than ten years I've been writing this blog, I only have 6 posts tagged for the state and we've only done 4 loads that originated or delivered there.  And I have to tell you, I forgot how flat and open it was.  Damn!

It's no wonder the tornadoes love this place - they have an endless, wide-open path to travel.  Tornado season starts in early May and ends in late June, and a second season starts around November.

Looks like we came through at just the right time.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2014: The End Of Day
2013: Until I'm One With You
2012: I Didn’t Even Have To Slip Him My Room Key
2011: Rest Comes For Robo-Ed
2010: Better Than A Leg Press Machine. Or How To Get A Good Looking Left Gam.
2009: How Can I Tread On You When I Can’t Even Turn Around?
2008: Popping Good Time
2007: Touching Down For A Quick Rest Break
2006: Follow Your Heart
2005: All About The Benjamins

1 comment:

Gil said...

Beautiful! Those bare fields are scary as wind storms blow the topsoil away.