When we got to the Northeast, Ed said "When I drive in this part of the country, I feel as if my driving skills have been validated, that my being able to navigate these metropolitan areas is recognition that I'm truly a professional driver."
"You are." Big smile.
"Well," he said, "not too many people like coming to this area, but I've never had any problems."
Neither have I. I grew up in New York and have been all over the tri-state area (New York/New Jersey/Connecticut) by the time I was eighteen years old, so driving around here is not a challenge for me. Driving in snow is not a challenge for me. Navigating traffic, whether it be in New York City or Boston is not a challenge for me.
In a car.
In a truck, it's a completely different story. Not that I have any fear or trepidation driving in this area, as we do it often, and I've driven in New York City, Boston and up and down I-95 more times than I can count now. The roads are tight, the traffic moves fast, and the drivers, although quick to jet around you and get out of your way, are also quick to jet around you and well, get in your way.
A lot of truck drivers don't like coming to the Northeast. In fact, many of the recruiting magazines which contain advertisements from companies looking for new hires will include the promise of "No NYC" and "No Northeast". Apparently, it's a big selling point. Chickens. That's okay though, we'll take it. Sometimes it even pays more to come up here. I don't mind coming back home and getting paid more to do it.
Even though I haven't been driving as many years as Ed has, I still feel the same pride being able to navigate the streets of the big cities (and small towns) of this country.
Even if it does mean greasing the sides of the truck with butter to slip through the traffic and cars parked on the side streets with the greatest of ease.
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1 YEAR AGO: Mine. All Mine.
2 YEARS AGO: No, You Can’t Fly It
3 YEARS AGO: Flying Parasols
4 YEARS AGO: Seattle In Motion
When I am at home for time off and I am waiting for a work assignment that will get me back to it, I always hope that whatever comes across the qualcomm is something in one of the surrounding states or in an area of WV I am not familiar with.
Because I know my town and surrouding cities very well IN A CAR. It scares me anytime I have to get loaded locally, because I am always afraid I'll forget about a low bridge or too tight a turn or something.
Do you find the drivers in NY, NJ and New England to be less courteous to truckers than divers in other states?
Gil: No, I don't find them less courteous - but maybe that's because I grew up in this area.
I do find them smarter than elsewhere in the country - they MOVE when you need them to move and they know what they're doing and where they're going most of the time.
I find in other places, drivers often look at you blankly with that "Huh?" look, instead of knowing instinctively what you're planning on doing.
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