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Showing posts with label Gideon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gideon. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 7, 2017


•O N E• One year ago this evening, we were mourning the loss of the daughter we thought we would be bringing into our family and God was already at work, bringing Gideon Aaron into this world at the exact time I declared to my friends “I just want a call that a baby is born and i am sure I️t will be a boy”. November 7th, 2016 I was not his mama yet but oh my has this boy stolen my heart in the past year. Happy birthday Gideon Aaron, a strong and mighty warrior who has been touching and changing lives since the day you were born. May your story stand to glorify God and be a light in this dark world. We are SO lucky to be your parents!
“You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; you have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, that my glory may sing your praise and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever!" -Psalm 30:11-12

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Gideon 7 months old

Well here we are, closer to G Man's first birthday than when he was born... wow! Summer is in full swing, something I longed for this past winter when we were all home sick. Life has been flying by, hence the lack of blog posts around here but oh my word we are just smitten with our baby boy. His personality is blossoming, he is calm and sweet, easy to make laugh, and beautiful as ever. I feel like we'll have a mobile baby before we know it, and then life will get even more crazy! Look at this beautiful boy.

  • 18lb 6 oz (taken on scale at home)
  • Gideon still only has his two bottom teeth... two months and counting. I thought he'd be getting teeth left and right but no more yet. He is full on teething... drools more than any other baby I've known and chews on everything. It is rare to see G without a bib on and he usually soaks about 4 a day.
  • We gave him his first food a month ago and he isn't really into it. We've tried green beans, apples, and bananas but I've only given them to him a handful of times. I am not too worried about it and with our move coming up, we plan on waiting to get more regular with food until we are all settled. He does love drinking water out of his sippy cup.
  • Our beautiful boy's face finally cleared up from eliminating dairy! It took about 7 weeks for the dairy to get out of his system and one day he woke up with the smoothest cheeks ever. It's been hot and humid the past few weeks so he's had a couple little breakouts but I have a feeling dairy is the main culprit and cause of his bad eczema. The back of his knees and elbows are still patchy. 
  • Gideon had allergy testing a few weeks ago and that was just about the saddest thing ever. We had to go to 3 different labs to get the blood draw, he has extremely hard to find/rolling veins. We ended up having to go to the hospital to get it done and it was traumatic but successful. We should be getting those results this week or next and then meeting with the allergist. 
  • Gideon is a champ at holding his bottle with the Lil Helpers bottle holder. He drinks 6 ish ounces of Nutramigen formula every 3 ish hours. He isn't on a strict feeding schedule so I really don't know how much he eats! 
  • We are finally sleeping through the night rather consistently! G goes to bed anywhere between 7-7:30pm and sleeps until 6:30-7am. Occasionally he will fuss once in the night but we don't go in there. When we are home for naps, he takes two solid 2-3 hour naps in his crib but most days he takes his morning nap in the car/on the go and a good nap in the crib at the same time as Lucy in the PM. He sure is a trooper!
  • He is finally sitting up! Sometimes he can sit up for 10 minutes but sometimes he grabs for a toy and flops over immediately. This is huge for him considering a month ago he would't be able to hold himself up for even a second.
  • He loves standing in his exersaucer and jumperoo and he can play for a long time in those. 
  • Wears disposable diapers during the day and size 3 disposable overnight diapers at night. 
  • Wears mostly 9 month clothing... I think we will have to go to 12 month soon, he is so long!
  • Favorite toys are Zoli teether, Molar Mallet, mini Sophie, Freddie the Firefly, plastic cups and spoons
  • We finalized Gideon's adoption on May 23rd, 2017... what a special day! We also dedicated him at our church on Sunday June 4th, another beautiful ceremony. 
  • G is super ticklish and smiley. He is so easy to make laugh! Ford and Lucy love getting in his face and making him giggle. He is so aware of them and loves watching them run around from the exersaucer. They are into making forts with daddy upstairs and Gideon loves to get in on the fun. I can't believe that he'll be toddling around with them in just a few short months!
  • He loves his baths and chewing on washcloths.
  • I haven't put him in the pool yet, the pools are surprisingly still pretty cold but he has had many days in the shade by the pool and lake. 
  • G has had a few bouts of separation anxiety in the last week. Everyone always seems to ooh and ahh over him when we are out in public and he either gives the biggest smile or gives the lip and cries. So sad! He also can get shy... he'll smile and laugh and interact with someone and then bury his head into my shoulder. 
  • He does wonderful with our babysitters, childcare at the gym, and nursery at church. Praise the Lord!
  • He loves grabbing faces, jewelry, bears, hair... he is a busy boy!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Gideon 6 months old

Our precious Gideon Aaron turned 6 months old on May 7th! How on earth has a half a year already passed by? He is happy, healthy, and the perfect fit into our family. This weekend I get to celebrate my first mother's day as his mommy (and his birth mama, R) and we finalize his adoption later this month. Gideon is so sweet and gentle, I couldn't love him more!

  • 17lb 2oz (41st%), 27.75 in (90th%), 17in head (42nd%)
  • Gideon has the most beautiful big brown eyes and his hair is starting to curl! I also feel like he is darkening up as he gets older.
  • We have a long and lean boy on our hands! We had his 6 month well check this morning and he is hitting all of the milestones, strong, and growing perfectly. He got two vaccinations which sucked and then our doctor ordered blood work for allergy testing and that was awful. We went to the lab in the building (we go to a clinic that has a bunch of different specialties, mostly adults) and they tried twice to stick his little veins but couldn't get enough. It was so sad... holding him down while he was screaming and flailing with a needle in his arm. They referred us to their pediatric specialty lab and I will go next week. They are testing for dairy, gluten, egg, soy, and nuts.
  • Gideon had an eczema flare up in these photos but it has cleared up about 80%! I was looking at him this morning and thought wow I haven't seen those cheeks so clear since he was a newborn! So dairy is definitely the culprit for his eczema and we will meet with an allergist once his blood work is back.
  • He is quite the eater... aka always eating. He drinks 6 ish ounces of Nutramigen every 3ish hours. Typical 3rd child I don't really keep track of how much he eats, whoops. His spitting up has also diminished drastically since going dairy free. 
  • We started solids last week and he's had peas (he hated them), carrots (loved them), and apples (so-so). I am trying to do a little bit of solids every evening when we eat dinner. 
  • Gideon got his two bottom teeth right after he turned 5 months old... no signs of any more popping through but he is a drool machine. We go through multiple bibs a day. 
  • Sleep... not the greatest of subjects for us. 4 month sleep regression lasted about 8 weeks for us (holy moly I didn't think I would survive) and we are slowly getting better. Some days he will sleep 10-12 hours straight, but most days he eats once in the night and it is never consistent. He naps really well at home... yesterday took a 3 hour and 2 hour nap, woo hoo! He doesn't sleep so well on the go anymore because he loves playing and looking around but I am trying to keep him flexible so we can be out and about. He sleeps in his crib in a sleepsack (medium) with his soft little lovey, he clutches it while he sleeps it is so cute! He mostly sleeps on his tummy and cozies up to his bumpers.
  • Gideon is so strong! Just this morning I let him stand up on his own holding the chair and he stood for 10 seconds on his own. He is a rolling machine and often makes it across the room scooting and rolling.
  • He has just started being able to sit up for 5-10 seconds... he would rather stand.
  • He LOVES his jumperoo and doorway jumper... it is so cute to see him bouncing and playing with the toys.
  • Favorite toys: Zoli teether, his "crunchy" book, Freddie Firefly, bubba keg straw, Lincoln logs
  • Ford and Lucy absolutely love their baby brother and he is smitten with him! They know how to make him laugh so easily and he loves watching them play. I love thinking about how he'll be playing right alongside of them before we know it. 
  • G can now flip out of the Rock and Play that we use to feed him bottles so we need to get rid of that soon... boo.
  • He goes to church nursery once a week, childcare at my bible study once a week, and childcare at the gym about twice a week... and he is so great! All of the ladies working love having him and he just plays and hangs out. 
  • He has found his raspy little voice and sings and sings, especially when he is playing with a toy he will grab it and stare at it and sing to it.
  • Loves being in the swings at the park, he cracks up the whole time. Also loves going on walks... anytime he is fussy in the evenings we can bring him outside and he is instantly calm. 
  • Very grabby these days... grabs at his toys on the playmat and grabs at faces, earrings, hair, beards.
  • He has the BIGGEST smile ever and it just makes me smile thinking of it. His mouth gets so huge and it is contagious. He is so easy to make laugh, I love his raspy chuckle. 
  • G man loves his baths and just kicks and kicks with a stoic and concentrated face. I've started bathing all 3 kiddos together and Lucy gets so offended if he kicks her haha. 
  • He is very ticklish, just like Ford and Lucy!

Friday, April 7, 2017

Gideon 5 months old

I've never been so happy to see 5 months come...  but never so tired. This month has been quite exhausting, but also lots of fun. The day after he turned 4 months old, 4 month sleep regression started and G man seems to think he is a newborn who wants to be up and eat all.night.long. This mama is not sure what to do but we are powering through and loving that our baby boy is sweet, easy going, happy, and laid back during the days. The smiles and laughs are golden, I love seeing his little personality develop! Gideon we love you so much  baby boy, please sleep for us!

  • 15lb 10oz (taken on home scale)
  • Like I said above, sleep has not been good at all this past month. Bedtime is between 7:30-8pm and every single night is unpredictable but he has only slept through the night once in the past 5 weeks. I know it is just a phase and we will power through. We are currently using the Merlin suit and sleep sacks instead of the swaddle.
  • He is a pretty good napper.... I am trying to get him to be flexible and nap on the go and he takes great naps in his crib at home. 
  • Wearing 6 month clothes and size 2 disposable diapers
  • Gideon's eczema just got so bad the past few weeks that we decided to switch to a hypoallergenic dairy free formula (Nutramigen). We are 1 week in and his face looks SO MUCH better thank you Lord! He seems to have adjusted pretty well to the taste of it but the smell is repulsing. We are hoping this helps clear up is "snurfiness" too. We go to the doctor in a few weeks for his 6 month appointment and I am hoping to get him some allergy testing so we can find out what he is allergic to before we start baby food. This boy is an eater! He eats 4-6oz every 2-3 hours... always eating!
  • Lots and lots of smiles and they are just infectious. He is so easy to get to smile and laugh. Ford and Lucy love singing and doing funny things to get him to belly laugh. I think he totally recognizes them as brother and sister. They also love helping with him... grabbing toys and bottles and pacifiers.
  • He rolls and rolls and rolls! I am hoping he can start sleeping on his tummy soon but anytime he flips to his tummy, he is over it in about 5 minutes. 
  • He is very ticklish!
  • He loves his Zoli teether, Freddy the Firefly, and Nubi teethers. He is getting so good at holding and grasping toys... he loves his playmat too! 
  • He prefers standing over sitting up but seems to enjoy the Sit Me Up Chair and Bumbo in 10 minute increments. He is still a little wobbly in the exersaucer but we prop him up and he thinks he is so big.
  • We got our court date to finalize his adoption at the end of May, we are so excited!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Gideon 4 months old

Not sure how we got here but Gideon is 4 months old! Time has flown by and I finally feel like I am emerging from the newborn fog. We are sleeping and getting into a good routine....but with 3 kids 3.5 and under, things are always borderline chaotic. Gideon SMILES all day, laughs when he is tickled, and is smitten with his big brother and sister. I forgot how fun and sweet this age is and I know it is going to get better and better! It is so cool to watch Gideon learn new things,  notice new things, grab toys, and enjoy himself. I love being this sweet boys mama!

  • 14lbs 10oz (33%), 25.75in (77%), Head circumference 41.2cm (36%)
  • G had his 4 month well check this morning and is pretty much perfect. We are still dealing with eczema and are contemplating trying a dairy free formula (that costs 4x his Gentleease, boo). He got his vaccinations and hated those of course, talked to the doctor, and almost rolled over for the first time there!
  • Gideon is quite the eater! I feel like he is eating 99% of of the day. He'll take 2-3oz every 2-3 hours but I carry a bottle with us wherever we go. He is quite the messy eater so he is always sporting a bib (and going through 2-3 a day). 
  • Wears 3-6 month clothing...mostly onesies and one piece outfits. Gideon is such a hot body (just like daddy and Ford) so you won't ever see him in footies or pants. He sleeps in a onesie at night and even wakes up hot in that. 
  • Cloth diapered during the day and size 2 disposable diaper at night
  • G goes to bed between 7:30-8pm and sleeps 11-12 hours straight. 2 nights over the weekend he has cried out and woken in the night... no one is immune to the dreaded 4 month sleep regression. He slept 12 hours again last night so hopefully the regression was short and sweet. We are still swaddling him and don't really have a plan to stop just yet. He is not rolling over so I'm not worried about him rolling in the swaddle but we have a Zipadee Zip and Merlin suit when the time comes. 
  • Naps are hit or miss lately. Unlike Ford and Lucy, I am trying to be more laid back when it comes to naps for G because we are on the go most of the day. On good days Gideon will take a 1.5-2 hour nap around 8:45am when we leave for the day, a 2 hour crib nap at home when F and L are resting in the afternoon, and then an early evening snooze. I really want him to be flexible on naps and there are some days where I think "Well no wonder he slept 13 hours straight last night, he was exhausted and didn't get a proper nap!". 
  • Gideon smiles ALL THE TIME! He is such a joyful baby and his mouth gets so big and wide when he smiles. He laughs when we play games with him and is very ticklish on his sides. Ford and Lucy can get him cracking up.
  • He loves playing under his play mat and grabbing the toys. He loves his Freddie the Firefly, Sophie Giraffe, and Beanie Babies. He also loves chewing on his hands. So. Much. Drool. 
  • Giddy has found his voice and it is adorable and raspy. He furrows his eyebrows and gets this serious look and just talks and talks. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Gideon 3 months old

Gideon is 3 months old today! He doesn't stop smiling, sleeps great, and is growing like crazy. It is so fun to see his personality come out, he is totally not a blob anymore but a sweet little guy with such a calm and happy demeanor. We love this little boy!

  • 13lbs 9oz (taken on home scale)
  • Wearing 3 month and 3-6 month clothes. He is a tall boy so I can tell his 3 month jammies are getting really tight on the feet. We started cloth diapers a few weeks ago and he looks so stinking cute in his diapers. I still use a disposable at night (just like with F and L) so I can use booty cream and I don't change his diaper from about 6/7pm-7am. He is in a size 2 disposable. 
  • Gideon is SO smiley right now! Take one look at him and he smiles ear to ear, his smile is contagious. He is also ticklish and it is fun to get him going and giggling. He is talking a LOT! I love baby babble... he is so serious when he is talking like he has something important to say. 
  • He found his hands and is constantly chewing on them. He also scratches himself all the time so he has tons of tiny little scrapes on his face, boo. 
  • Poor guy has eczema on his cheeks... I chalked it up to cradle cap for so long but then realized it was eczema. We are doing a routine of 7 days with Cortizone 1%/Aquaphor and then 7 days just Aquaphor. His face is SO soft and clear with Cortizone and it goes right back to being rough and patchy when we stop. I am sure we will figure something out.
  • Gideon is an eater! A piggy! I swear he is always eating (and this is why I am thankful I am not breastfeeding him haha). He drinks 4-6 oz every 3 ish hours but I swear we always have a bottle with us. He is also a really messy eater/spitter so he rocks a bib every day now. He drinks Gentleease Formula and I give him this probiotic everyday. 
  • We are finally getting the sleep thing down, Hallelujah! He still isn't super consistent but we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Bedtime is 8pm and he either sleeps til 7am or wakes up at 4a to eat and go back down. Never 5am or 6am... always 4a or 7a. It has felt absolutely amazing to be able to sleep through the night again, especially because Jon has been traveling a lot lately and it is pretty freaking hard to function when you are up all night with a baby then up at 6am with toddlers. Thank you Jesus for sleep!
  • If we are home all day (very rare), he will take 2, 3/4 hour naps which are amazing, but since we are gone from 9a-1p most days, I am trying to make him adaptable to sleep on the go. 3rd kid, you have got to go with the flow buddy. He usually passes out right when we get in the car to drop off Ford at preschool or go somewhere and he naps for 1-2 hours while we are out. Most days I can get him to nap when Lucy naps and Ford does quiet time so that is really nice to actually get alone time. 
  • He sleeps in his crib, double swaddled. Not sure when we'll drop the swaddle but it's working for us now,
  • He takes a paci at the most random times... if he is fussy in the carseat I always try to offer it to burn off steam but he doesn't take it that well. If he cries out in the night, we try to pop the paci and that usually helps him get back to sleep then he spits it out.
  • He has started grabbing things and it is hilarious to watch! He will grab on to a toy or blanket and flail his arms around not knowing what is going on. We have this bottle holder (God send!) and he has started holding it during feedings. 
  • This month he has discovered the TV and loves it. Often times I can see him craning his head trying to look at the TV... he loves the colors.
  • He still loves his playmat and little floor bouncer. He is getting over the Rock and Play because he's so tall and straightens his legs and gets mad but it is nice to have him in there while I cook dinner or shower. We have a Sit Me Up Chair and he doesn't really like it for more than a few minutes. I am looking forward to trying the Bumbo soon and maybe exersaucer. 
  • He notices Ford and Lucy playing and they get him to smile so easily, I know he will be in on the action before I know it. Ford loves "playing" with Gideon... last week I overheard Ford trying to teach G a fist bump. Ford is so helpful, it literally melts me into a puddle. Lucy is VERY sweet with her baby brother. She calls him "Giddy!" and loves to pat his back and help with bottles. I absolutely love watching my kids love on each other so sweetly. 
  • Went on his first road trip to Dallas a few weekends ago, he did great!

Monday, January 30, 2017

Gideon's Fluffy Bum

I don't think there is anything cuter than a naked baby in a fluffy cloth diaper. We were given so many disposable diapers when we brought Gideon home and have finally run out meaning it is time to start cloth! This will be my first time having two in cloth thanks to Ford potty training really young (same age as Lucy is now... and there is no way she is ready!) so I am anxious to start a routine. I split up the diapers we have into different color piles for Lucy and Gideon... I am not looking forward to telling Lucy that Gideon gets all the blue diapers! Poor 3rd child gets so many hand me downs, diapers included, so I am super excited that he got two of his very own diapers from Buttons Cloth Diapers. Their prints are CRAZY cute, I have a thing for buffalo check. We also got this adorable Santa Fe Aztec print one... pictures to come! I seriously can't get enough of Gideon's little body... well I shouldn't say little, he is going to be my tallest kiddo for sure! 

Pop on over to my Instagram for a giveaway of a Buttons Cloth Diaper for your little ones booty!

Buttons Cloth Diapers

Buttons Cloth Diapers

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Gideon 2 months old

As I blink through tired eyes, I can't help but to be in awe (and denial) that 2 months has already gone by! Christmas, New Years, lots of sickies, lots of late nights and up all nights has made the month seem to drag on but we are so in love with this little man and still can't believe he is ours. These pictures aren't the greatest but I got everything prepared for photos and he woke up from his nap cranky but we had to stick to the plan! Now here are some updates on Gideon's 2nd month:

  • 11lbs 8oz (26th %), 24" (87th %), head 39.2cm (48th %)
  • Gideon had his 2 month well check today and did great! Lots of smiles and coos for the doctor and nurses, he is such a charmer. He is a tall and skinny boy that's for sure! My tallest baby yet! He checked out great, nothing to be concerned out! He cried pretty hard during his vaccinations but quickly calmed down with some cuddles from mom. We are hoping not to go back until his 4 month well check in March
  • We moved him to his crib in his room around 6 weeks. Sleep was a tender subject for us this past month but the past few nights have been really good, praise God. Gideon is a great napper during the day but nights have been a little unpredictable. We have been putting him down at 9pm and trying to hold him off for a feed until 4am. Two nights ago he didn't wake up until 5:50am to eat (!!!) and last night he cried out at 2:30a so I gave him his paci and then fed him at 4a when he cried out. I am working on getting him on routine nap schedule, but it is also hard with two active toddlers!
  • He is pretty fussy between 7-9pm, also known as the Witching Hour. He is also in a Wonder Weeks leap so lots of bouncing and walking during that time. 
  • He is an absolute houdini in his swaddles! We have tried everything (including the Miracle Swaddle which he proudly broke out of within an hour of sleep) and are now using a Summer Infant Swaddle with another brand of velcro swaddle over it, can't remember the name but it has two extra straps on top.
  • Gideon takes the Wubbanub paci sometimes... mostly when he's trying to burn off energy or we are trying to push him longer to a feeding. He isn't great at it and doesn't take it at bedtime... it wouldn't surprise me if he ends up not taking it within the next few months.
  • This month he is talking, smiling, cooing... it is the BEST! I can't wait for the next few weeks because I know this is when it gets even cuter. He has the best gummy smile
  • He is also incredibly active! He no longer wants to snuggle on your chest calmly, he is lifting his head, moving around, looking around, kicking his legs, grabbing things with his hands, so many new things.
  • He loves kicking under his playmat and often has Ford and Lucy under there keeping him company.
  • He is pretty much over the Boppy Lounger and Rock and Play, too baby-ish for this big guy.
  • We have a swing upstairs but have only put him in it a handful of times, I should do it more now that I think of it.
  • We just started putting him in the Fisher Price Sit Me Up Chair and he likes it! I think he prefers to be sitting up and looking around and in on the action.
  • Lots of time in the Lillebaby carrier, I can't wait until I can forward face him.
  • He lost a little bit of hair up front but it is growing back in... he has such beautiful, soft hair!
  • Poor guy still has baby acne on his cheeks, I hope that goes away soon!
  • We don't bathe him often because A. babies don't really get dirty and B. he is half black and I don't want to dry out his already dry skin. The jury is still out on whether he likes bath or not... sometimes he gives me the biggest lip and cries but sometimes seems to enjoy it. 
  • He has the most beautiful big brown eyes, I love them!

Friday, December 9, 2016

Our Journey To Gideon Video

I finally sat down to compile all of the photos and videos from our whirlwind of a journey to Gideon. Not a day goes by that I don't break down in tears in awe of the story God is writing for us. We serve such a kind, personal, generous Father who adopted me out of sin and darkness when I deserved death. Thank you Jesus for salvation and thank you for Gideon Aaron.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Gideon 1 month old

Yesterday marked 1 month of life for Gideon and today marks 1 month since we got the call about him. Man a lot can change in 30 days! The past month has been a whirlwind...2 relaxing weeks in Las Vegas with our boy and ever since we got home, things have been nuts. Poor Gideon contracted the nasty coughing virus that big brother and sister had but we are hanging in there. He is so sweet, calm, beautiful, and the perfect addition to our family. It feels so right having him home, we love you so much Gideon Aaron! I can't believe God chose me to be your mama!

  • 9lb 4oz (taken today at pedi), not sure on length, we go back in a month for his 2 month well check
  • Gideon was circumcised this morning at the pediatrician so we are having a relaxing home day while he rests (okay so we've been having home days for the past month haha). It was sad to bring him into the room and see all the tools set up but Lucy and I waited in the lobby and it was quick and it will be worth it. 
  • Like I said above, Ford and Lucy got a nasty cough/cold virus after their strep/ear infections cleared up and unfortunately Gideon got it. We were doing a good job of keeping all of the kids separate but after Thanksgiving Jon went back to work and I was caring for all of them on my own so it was pretty inevitable that he got it. Luckily he does not have RSV and is doing a good job of eating/sucking so we are just doing albueterol breathing treatments every few hours (Ford had to do these a lot as a baby). Gideon loves the treatments and I know he will be better before we know it. 
  • He is drinking 3-4oz of formula every 3-4 hours during the day and night. He had been on Similac Sensitive for spitting up but was having issues pooping so we switched to Gentleease and things have been great. We use Dr. Browns bottles and those have been great too. Ford is really helpful and feeds him about once a day, I love watching him be a big brother!
  • Sleep has been all over the place this month but I have to remind myself, he is a newborn! He had his days and nights mixed up while we were in Vegas and then coming home we've gotten on a better routine but being sick has been rough for him. He was sleeping flat in the pack and play but we moved him to the Rock and Play this week because he was coughing and choking on phlegm, ugh. We have been using the SwaddlePod but he seems to be getting too big for it and we are only doing his bottom. I think we will switch to a regular swaddle soon.
  • I moved him out of newborn clothes last week and into 0-3m and 3 month... still a little baggy. He is so skinny with the longest feet which is so new for me since Ford and Lucy were always short and chubby. He is basically wearing socks, footie pajamas, and hats all day, every day. Gotta keep this boy warm!
  • I have been wearing him in the LilleBaby the past few days and he passes right out. I much prefer a structured carrier than a wrap, lots more support and I just feel more comfortable with it on.
  • Ford and Lucy are doing really good with the transition. Ford is so helpful and sweet, I melt into a giant puddle when he talks to Gideon and gives him his paci. Lucy is really sweet with him too, saying "baby", and "I know" when he cries. Lucy is also a sassy, independent 19 month old so she is having tantrums and breakdowns but not related to baby Gideon. 
  • Poor guy has bad baby acne but I can tell it is getting better. He is biracial, first mom is white and dad is black, and has the most beautiful skin color! His hair is really dark and fine and I am anxious to see if it falls out and becomes more "black". 
  • I have only given him 3-4 baths which he doesn't like... I've been bathing him on a yellow foam mat and will get out the Angel Care bath seat soon.
  • He mostly chills in the boppy lounger, rock and play, Lille baby, or couch... poor 3rd baby I haven't even gotten the swing down! I am going to soon though. 
  • He is getting the hang of the Wubbanub paci which has been a life savor for us to stretch his feedings or keep him busy. F and L never took them and I used nursing as a pacifier way too often so I am excited for this! 
  • We haven't been out and about much but he has been really good on the go when we have. I had all 3 kids at Hobby Lobby last week and propped up a bottle while we walked around, so nice! Hoping that this weekend we can go to church and introduce him to our church family and then go out and about more!
  • If you didn't read the story behind his name, you can read more here.

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