October 19, 2024
Meanwhile in Canada, Trudeau is desperate
August 20, 2024
U.K. Prime Minister acting like a socialist
In fairness, it's only because he is one. "Don't like what you're doing, you are clearly racist."
April 22, 2024
Monopolies are not capitalism
Canada has a monopoly problem. It serves as a cautionary tale for any economy becoming oligopolistic or worse, monopolistic. The trend in Canada has been towards fewer and fewer players in most major industries. It harms consumers, employees and stifles innovation. In Canada it has become a critical problem.
No worse monopoly than government, and there is no bigger monopoly than government. Socialists who are anti-business and prefer to consolidate power favor government as producer. They are in favor of an even bigger super-monopoly, refusing to see the error of their own illogic.
February 26, 2022
Reason's Great Escape
I think there's a certain naivety in this, despite the validity of the sentiment. Klaus Schwab is not a good guy. Dare I say it, evil. So this Reason video on a decentralized world and decentralized economies makes a lot of sense. But there is a naivety in thinking that there is not some sort of conspiracy behind it. I'm not saying there's some secret cabal guiding all of this, but there is a common socialist/communist vision along with a technocrat vision that drives many of those who are pushing for this. So it is not a closed door back-room conspiracy but it is a common ideological goal that is driving those who drive this.
There's also a naivety to think think that a Great Escape will overcome the Great Reset. Not without a tremendous amount of push. Look how they were able to shut down the Freedom Convoy using economic levers. That's tough to overcome. It will take a herculean effort by millions of people. Let's work towards that rather than just hoping it will materialize.
February 13, 2019
Green New Deal insanity
Here's more details:
June 7, 2018
Happening Now: Conservative vs Liberal vs Socialist in Ontario
All that, said I expect our mini-Trump to win a majority government in provincial parliament as his votes are not so concentrated as the NDPs which will solidly over-perform in some areas, just as Hillary Clinton did in California, which did not help her one bit either. Conservatives deserve to win because they are offering common sense. They are listening to voters.
I'll report tomorrow on how it turned out.
December 21, 2017
Socialist Pope Decries Bureaucracy
Pope Francis has rebuked Vatican colleagues in a Christmas message, denouncing the “cancer” of cliques and how bureaucrats can become corrupted by ambition and vanity.“Reforming Rome is like cleaning the Egyptian sphinxes with a toothbrush,” Francis told cardinals, bishops and priests who work for him on Thursday. “You need patience, dedication and delicacy.”The pope acknowledged there were competent, loyal and even saintly people working in the Holy See. But others tasked with helping to reform the Vatican’s inefficient and outdated bureaucracy had shown themselves to be not up to the task.
February 10, 2016
Socialist Pope redux
That is not cool.(CNN) The look on the face of Pope Francis says it all.Why am I being presented with a wooden crucifix laid on a hammer and sickle, the Communist symbol conceived during the Russian Revolution?The Pope received the gift from Bolivian President Evo Morales on the latest stage of his South American tour. He later celebrated Mass with nearly 1 million Bolivians in Santa Cruz.The links and battles between Communism and the Catholic Church are an extremely sensitive subject in Latin America, the Pope's home continent. While he was an archbishop in Argentina, Francis tried to strike a delicate balance between championing the poor and avoiding class warfare.According to reports, Morales told Francis that the "Communist crucifix" was modeled on a design created by the Rev. Luis Espinal, a politically active priest murdered by right-wing paramilitaries in Bolivia in 1980. The Pope stopped and prayed at the site of the shooting on Wednesday evening.
February 5, 2016
Crowder - Hitler was a socialist
December 9, 2015
Dictator Watch - Venezuela post-Chavez
Tough talk, but right now he holds all the guns.A defiant President Nicolas Maduro said he would give no quarter to the Venezuelan opposition in spite of his own party’s crushing defeat in last weekend’s mid-term parliamentary elections.Mr Maduro vowed to block “the counter-revolutionary right” from taking over the country. “We won’t let it,” he said.The outburst came as electoral authorities gave final confirmation that the coalition of opposition parties had not only pushed the ruling party into the minority in the national assembly for the first time since 1999 but had, after final results came in, secured a two-thirds majority that, in theory, will allow it to pass laws without the President’s support, replace his ministers and potentially move to replace him.
October 5, 2015
Bernie Sanders, socialist for president
The mayor says, “It’s not welfare. It’s money that never should have been taken from you in the first place, for God’s sake.”The old woman looks at him and smiles indulgently. She clearly likes the mayor. “I shouldn’t say this,” she tells him, “but I saw you on TV the other night, with my son, when they finish fixing North Avenue? And my son says to me, ‘That Mayor Sanders, he’s a communist, you know.’ And do you know what I say to him?”Sanders shakes his head no.“I say to my son, ‘Don’t go around saying such things where intelligent people can hear. They’ll think you are stupid.’”She laughs, a silvery laugh, and the mayor laughs, too, and rising from the sofa, he puts his huge hands on her tiny shoulders, thanks her and makes sure Thabault has got her address.Stopping him at the door, the woman says, “I told my son that you’re a socialist, not a communist.”“Precisely!” the mayor shouts.
September 24, 2015
Thursday Hillary Bash - Plunging?
(CNN) Hillary Clinton trails Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in the race for the Democratic nomination for president in New Hampshire, even if Vice President Joe Biden decides not to make a run for the White House, according to a new CNN/WMUR poll.Sanders has the backing of nearly half of those who say they plan to vote in the first-in-the-nation Democratic primary next year -- 46% support him -- while just 30% say they back Clinton. Another 14% say they would support Biden, 2% former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley, 1% former Virginia Sen. Jim Webb, and less than half of 1% back former Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee or Harvard professor Lawrence Lessig.Clinton trails Sanders across most demographic groups, with broad gender and ideology divides bolstering Sanders' run. He holds 56% of male Democratic voters compared with just 20% who back her, while the two are much closer among women, 39% back Sanders, 37% Clinton. Likewise, Sanders holds a 56% to 30% lead among liberals, versus a 37% to 31% race among moderates.
July 17, 2015
Shopping Malls were the idea of a socialist
Today shopping malls are seen as culprits in the rise of American car culture and the decline of walkable downtowns. But the inspiration for the shopping mall is in fact the town center of Vienna. Gruen, an Austrian Jewish architect born Viktor David Grünbaum, immigrated to New York with $8 in his pocket, and when he designed the first enclosed shopping centers in the mid-1950s, he envisioned a communal gathering like the one he knew back home, with a lively mix of commerce, art and entertainment....A socialist who hated cars (“Their threat to human life and health is just as great as the exposed sewer,” he once said), Gruen designed the development with long promenades and parking lots purposely built far away to encourage walking. In drawing Southdale’s original plan, Gruen imagined a medical center, schools and residences, not just a parade of glitzy stores.
But Gruen never imagined that these mega-structures he had envisioned as town plazas would contribute to the suburban sprawl that he despised, and to the demise of the urban high street.“I am often called the father of the shopping mall,” he once said, reflecting on his career two years before his death in 1978. “I would like to take this opportunity to disclaim paternity once and for all. I refuse to pay alimony to those bastard developments. They destroyed our cities.”
June 6, 2015
Saturday Learning Series - Socialists Know Better? They think so.
January 1, 2015
Obama Hearts Pope
I know I did, except I thought it would be much less in the visible spectrum.President Obama increasingly is finding a key policy ally in the Vatican, with Pope Francis standing virtually shoulder to shoulder with the White House on income inequality and a historic diplomatic reboot with communist Cuba. The pontiff next year also appears poised to offer greater support to the president on climate change initiatives and reportedly wants to be a leading voice at a U.N. global warming summit next year, where the American president will make perhaps his greatest pitch to date for more dramatic action on the environment.
March 19, 2014
Obama to salute Cesar Chavez (again) today
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This is how I plan to fly below the radar...swish. |
The official D.C. premiere of “Cesar Chavez” will be held at the Newseum on Tuesday night. But on Wednesday the film’s director and stars will head down the street to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. for a private White House screening. The biopic’s director, Diego Luna, told The Wrap that he hoped the president would tweet about the movie.
C.S.O., under the leadership of Los Angeles leftist President Ed Roybal (father of current congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard, mentor to far left congressman Xavier Becerra) and organizer Fred Ross, and with the financial backing of independent Chicago radical Saul Alinsky, became a major force in “progressive” politics in Los Angeles in the 1940s.C.S.O. created the first broad-based organization within the Los Angeles Mexican-American community. It had also established ties to organized labor, the Catholic Church, the Jewish community and to individuals in both the Democratic and Progressive parties, creating a broad based coalition that succeeded in electing Ed Roybal to the Los Angeles City council and then later to the U.S. Congress.C.S.O. pioneered, with the assistance of Saul Alinsky, the type of multi-racial, multi-ethnic coalition that would elect Barack Obama to the U.S. presidency some 60 years later.Both Ed Roybal and Cesar Chavez worked closely with a leading Los Angeles Communist Party USA member and Democratic Party activist, Bert Corona.
October 31, 2013
Russell Brand Doesn't Care About Socialism
April 6, 2013
Pope Socialist, I am NOT cool with that.
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Socialist Cristina Fernández Kirchner with the then future Pope. |
The former Argentinian Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio's "resume" is open to interpretation. The first Jesuit pope, he is known to share his religious order's passion for education and social justice, particularly as it concerns the welfare of the poor and oppressed. In a speech last year, he accused fellow church officials of hypocrisy "for forgetting that Jesus Christ bathed lepers and ate with prostitutes," according to the Associated Press.
Simply, God ordains governments for the suppression of evil. In Genesis 9:5-6, the initial post-diluvian government was to be established upon capital punishment in order to suppress evil. This was the extent of the affirmative directive from God. It must be stressed ever so strongly, that the Bible never commands or mandates anything further for human government than to suppress evil. Thus it is wrong to assert that God ordains active redistribution of wealth in a government.
Jesus commanded us in Luke 10:37 to take our personal abilities, talents and possessions and use them in showing mercy to other individuals. Jesus demonstrated this by taking His own abilities and talents (which were considerable since He was God on earth) and used them to show mercy to other individuals.
Jesus never projected this command to any government. To take this command and extrapolate it to government is simply not in the text. Let me repeat, the Bible makes no mandate whatsoever for a government to take the position of redistributors of wealth.
“But does not Romans 13:7 order us to pay taxes?” one may ask. Yes! But these taxes are for the government’s duty to restrain evil. No mandate for taxes for entitlement programs was ever given.
Neither did Jesus compel or force His followers to give their wealth away. Giving was to be voluntary and done cheerfully from the heart. Those who gave with bad motives would lose their heavenly reward or, at worst, be struck down (Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5:1-9).
But did not the early Church of Jerusalem in Acts 4:32-36 sell all their goods and “distributed to each as anyone had need”? Yes, they did do this. But we must note again that their participation in this community was voluntary (Acts 5:4).Now, it's not a slam dunk that the Pope is a socialist, but there is plenty of evidence that he leans that way. While that may be good for the Catholic church in South America or other socialist and communist countries, it isn't de facto good for Christianity and certainly not for the global financial situation.