Showing posts with label ZoNation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ZoNation. Show all posts

May 10, 2016

What's going on at PJTV?

Seriously, I don't know what's going on at PJTV. They're shutting down two of my favorite video weblogs - ZoNation and Bill Whittle. Maybe they have something similar in mind or trying to shake up their 'ratings'. Maybe PJ Media is shutting down PJTV entirely. I don't know. Nevertheless, let's hope both these gentlemen, and possibly others (?) don't disappear.

July 14, 2015

Do Democrats Know What Fair Is?

ZoNation on Democrats' lack of fairness.

April 20, 2015

Is Obama anti-Christian?

I know a lot of people who think Obama has an anti-Christian agenda. Some even think he's pro-Muslim.  Personally I don't buy it.  I think he's a secularist, who used Christianity (not very effectively considering his choice in pastors) as a cloak during his campaign to help win the election.  That doesn't mean he won't do things to subvert Christianity whenever possible, but I don't believe it's a major thrust of his agenda, which is socialist in nature.

But I don't want to be dismissive of those who believe he's got a different agenda, because for all of us, it's speculation. so in the spirit of open discussion let me post something for your consideration.

Here, no less than Alfonzo Rachel ruminates on Obama's seemingly pro-Muslimness.

March 19, 2015

Thursday Hillar Bash - ZoNation edition

Last week, ZoNation discussed Hillary Clinton's email-gate.

October 31, 2013

Russell Brand Doesn't Care About Socialism

Russell Brand is being hailed by many of the far left, including people I know, as some sort of uber-intelligent socialist guru.  He's not.

Zo takes a crack at debunking Brand's brand on PJTV:

October 16, 2013

Zo talks about the government's maxed out credit cards

Despite my own feeling of ennui (a sense of weary boredom - from French and Latin) with the antics surrounding government shutdown, and the debt ceiling there is still meaning in what's being debated.  Let's not lose sight of that.

Zo breaks it down for those who haven't paid attention:

August 22, 2013

Thursday Hillary Bash - ZoNation sets it out!

A bonus Thursday Hillary Bash for you today. AlfonZo Rachel lays it out regarding Hillary 2016.

November 10, 2012

Obama isn't supposed to lead

He's supposed to represent the people of America.  Zo points out why he won.

October 9, 2012

September 14, 2012

Blame the right, no matter what.

ZoNation gets it right yet again. Libya - blame the right, because that's logical.

July 28, 2012

ZoNation: Liberals just don't get it

From Zonation, this speaks for itself (Zo clearly doesn't need anyone speaking for him).

February 24, 2012

For Black Voters - the most important political video EVER.

In my last post I shared Allen West's floor speech in Congress about Black History Month and I asked with the real history being what it was, why are African Americans overwhelmingly supporting Democrats?

Zo' explains it better than I ever could.

July 28, 2010

Andrew Breitbart is too smart for that

On Shirley Sherrod, ZoNation has the definitive rant about the firing (see below).  But I'm more interested in the Brietbart angle on this.

July 3, 2009


Just a quick plug for ZoNation as seen on Pajamas TV. A conservative African America with a great point of view and a unique delivery of his points.

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