Showing posts with label big tech. Show all posts
Showing posts with label big tech. Show all posts

July 5, 2023

This is not news to us

Democrats and the media have been colluding for decades. The media is part of the left's arsenal. Big tech is also a (newer) part of the left's arsenal. So this story comes as no shock to anyone with even a modest level of true political awareness:

It's not news, it's reality.

August 25, 2021

OnlyFans is not like Big Brother apparently

I've never been on OnlyFans, but I've read that there is a lot of explicit (adult) content there.  They recently had announced an intention to ban all of that sort of content from their platform.  I get it, they may not have intended to be that sort of a platform (and obviously not all content on OnlyFans is adult type content).  It's their prerogative  to make that sort of policy change.  But then something interesting happened that made me sort of become a fan of OnlyFans, despite never having been on their platform even once.  They listened to their users (both producers and consumers):

The content subscription service announced plans last week to block sexually explicit photos and videos from October.

On Wednesday, it tweeted that it has "suspended the planned 1 October policy change".

It is currently unclear if the delay will be permanent.

OnlyFans wrote on twitter that it would "continue to provide a home for all creators".

"Thank you to everyone for making your voices heard," said the company.

"We have secured assurances necessary to support our diverse creator community and have suspended the planned 1 October policy change.

"OnlyFans stands for inclusion and we will continue to provide a home for all creators."

OnlyFans might be a much newer platform and unwilling to take the hit of a producer/consumer revolt.  So this could end up being a temporary change of heart.  They could end up being as heavy handed and autocratic as Twitter or Facebook.  But for now they are not, and that is a win.

Why am I suddenly a fan?  They just did something other platforms  have refused to do, serve the community.  The heard the backlash and changed their minds.  That is called being responsive to the marketplace.  It's how capitalism is supposed to work.  This flies in the face of other decisions by the likes of Facebook, Twitter, Patreon, YouTube, Pinterest and Tumblr.  It's refreshing.  So much so that I plan on checking the platform out to see if there is anything of interest.  Not because of the adult content, but I will be checking it out as a result of their willingness to allow creators and users to produce and consume the content they prefer to produce and consume.  Hopefully there ends up being some political content or something worth keeping my attention because I'd like to be able to reward OnlyFans for their responsiveness.

July 24, 2021

Russell Brand calls out Pelosi corruption

Russell Brand may be slowly getting red-pilled, maybe not.  But on political corruption with respect to Nancy Pelosi and her husband and Big Tech, he's making a lot of sense.

Brand still leans left in terms of a lot of his ideas on solutions for a lot of problems. However, the good news is that he is starting to recognize a lot of the right problems.  And to be fair, a lot of Republicans did not step up in the face of Big Tech, and they need to be called out as well.

July 7, 2021

Go Trump!

 President Trump is joining a class action lawsuit against the Big 3 in Big Tech. Nice!

May 29, 2021

Fighting digital censorship

Harmeet Dhillon explains how to fight digital censorship via Dinesh D'Souza's podcast.  There are lessons to take from this.

May 27, 2021

Palate cleanser: Dinesh D'Souza on Ron DeSantis vs. Big Tech

After two posts showing Rubio talking truth (so far just talking it), I thought I should get back to some red meat.  Here's Dinesh D'Souza on Ron DeSantis vs. Big Tech.

NOTE: Both DeSantis and Rubio are from Florida, and while Rubio is talking a good game right now (and it is better than the alternative), DeSantis is actually doing something.

Two Rubio posts in a row?!?

 Like I said, I'm generally not a fan.  But he's right again, this time on Big Tech.

February 5, 2021

Why the far left are fooling themselves, and why conservatives must join them.

 If you are a progressive you have to be ecstatic right now.  You ousted Trump (by fair means or foul is inconsequential), and the mainstream media and social media Big Tech have conservatives on the run, about to be routed perhaps forever. You have a president who is willing to do whatever he told you and doesn't cares about the labor unions who supported him and now have workers getting laid off. Democrats control the house and senate and are trying to kick Republicans out of the house and senate entirely. As exciting as all of that sounds to you, you should be very, very worried. 

Progressives, you are fooling yourself and conservatives, now is the time to join with progressives to stop what all Americans, all Westerners, hell - all people of the world need to be are in danger of becoming.  Unnecessary.

I know that sounds strange but it's true.  I urge you to consider the following, before it gets to late to do anything.  If you are a progressive, conservatives do indeed sound radical and dangerous, but that is only if what you are hearing in the mainstream media is 100% true.  I urge you to consider taking in information from some non-traditional non-mainstream sources and see the news you are missing or are being filtered out of your line of sight. It's not going to harm you or poson your mind to look or listen. You may disagree with these conservatives, but they are not bark-at-the-moon crazy.  They have legitimate concerns that are not being addressed, and in fact it's worse - they are being silenced.

The concern you should have is that you are next.  Think about it.  If you were a dictator and wanted to move to an Orwellian police state, who would you need to silence first?  The gun-toting live free or die conservatives.  How do you silence them?   Make them look crazy and take away their ability to make a difference.  Silence them into submission and make them apologize for that which the do not need to apologize.  Herd them into a persecuted minority.  Once you have accomplished that, then you can do the same with those who are on board with your agenda because their agenda isn't actually your agenda.  They will have been useful puppets up to a point, but after the conservative  resistance is destroyed, the progressive crowd can be turned on itself similarly. Once there is no one left but the elite-supporting low-information proletariat the elite can do anything they want.  ANYTHING.  Their agenda is to achieve self-serving wealth-generating elitist goals. If there is no one left to fight back then they can do anything - lower the minimum wage, offshore all jobs, take away benefits, take away rights - whatever it takes to maximize their own wealth, at everyone's expense.  

These are not the 1%, they are the 0.001%. 

You don't believe me?  You realize that is exactly what Putin has done in Russia in his corruptocracy. He used to be Soviet KGB, now he's a self-serving elite. It's the same thing that exists in China but they are still functioning as a normal-appearing government.  This is what president Trump was railing against.  It's why they fought so hard to destroy him.  That you wanted him destroyed was mere convenience.  

You want to put conservatives in re-education camps?  What happens when it's your turn?  Doesn't that frighten you?  It should, because you are indeed next.  The elites do not want to change America to a more inclusive place, they want it more exclusive.  

Conservatives.  You've been abused by the left as much as by the elites of both parties.  You've been disillusioned by those you thought were on your side within the halls of power from Chief Justice Roberts, to Mitch McConnell to Paul Ryan to Bill Barr, all have let you down.  The truth is you have no allies there.  You cannot gain allies in the mainstream media or Big Tech.  Their goal is to eradicate your resistance to their agenda by negating you as a political force. Everything you try will be stopped sooner or later.  There is but one group that you can align with, if they realize it in time.  Progressives.

Why?  Because the underlying truth is that this  is not about conservatism, liberalism, libertarianism, progressivism or even capitalism or socialism.  It's about those inside making sure that they work together to disenfranchise everyone who can stop them.  The only way to stop them is for EVERYONE on all sides of the political spectrum to but their grudges aside and focus on stopping the elite from fundamentally changing America. They do not want equality of opportunity.  They do not even want equality of outcome unless it is an outcome that maximizes their power and wealth and minimizes everyone else's.  We need allies, and we only need to awaken allies.  That takes incentives not invectives.  That's the only way to stop what's happening.  We need to awaken progressives to what's going on, not antagonize them.

February 2, 2021

Crowder suing Facebook

With the odds stacked against any sort of success, I still applaud Steven Crowder's move. This is an important exercise and with the Big Tech oligopoly aligned against Reddit users, conservative voters and in general anybody but themselves, this is important.  

January 15, 2021

Front Page Friday - An alternative to the deletions on the horizon?

Bill Whittle, Stephen Green and Scott Ott discuss a developing alternative to the Internet's biggest problem - Big Tech Overlordship and selective deletion of opposing voices:

September 23, 2020

Are we doomed?

I sometimes wonder if I'm talking to the same 100 people all the time.  I'm pretty sure this blog has been shadow-banned, de-listed, whatever term you choose, by Google.  It's very rare that I see a spike in traffic.  There's no hubris in that statement, 10 years ago it used to happen. I'd get an occasional post with thousands of views.  Now?  Well it hasn't happened in about 5 years.  I get an occasional bump into several hundred more than normal, and that's it. 

I'm not going to turn this into a rant against Big Tech, who clearly have their thumb on the scale for Democrats and progressive liberal causes.  There's a reality that needs to be confronted, because Congress is not going to confront it.  Until there's a conservative version of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Google, we are going to have an ever-shrinking voice in the public sphere.  We will be silenced.  It will be a death by 1000 cuts scenario, and we are only about 300 cuts into it.

I know there are alternatives that have developed like Parler instead of Twitter but they seem to be stuck below the critical mass needed to become an alternative.  Perhaps it requires a root level alternative, a counter to Google, which is a truly massive undertaking, probably beyond our capability.

So what do we do?

Talking to your neighbors, neighborhood grassroots organizations, and voting are part of the answer but not all of it. At some point that becomes the same as this blog - talking to each other and not spreading the word.  Our message needs to reach into areas that it does not currently reach. There are cities and states that are with 100% certainty, locked down by Democrats. They do not get exposed to a conservative message.

The one weapon we have right now is president Trump. He's not afraid to do the outreach that changing demographics dictate we must at least consider, if not address.  In 2016 Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania proved it.  But if president Trump loses (legitimately or otherwise) or if he's not replaced by a similar fighter who is willing to win over non-supporters we are in big trouble. Are we doomed?  Yeah, maybe.

Even with a Republican congress, senate and president after 2020, we are on borrowed time right now. In every arena, media, education, government beaurocracy (the CIA, IRS, and FBI to name a few), entertainment, sports, law, and Big Tech we are getting our asses handed to us. Even churches are losing their values and caving to the social justice mob. 

It's not over, but as I said, we are on borrowed time thanks to president Trump. We need to make the most of it.  We need a conservative network of support and promotion.  We need one that grows not only in political action committee efforts but to include all of the areas mentioned above.  We need an allegiance to conservative principles and a support system across every area of life.  Yes it sounds like Big Brother, but it's a fight-fire-with-fire situation.  We need to fight back and we need to do it no.  Short of cheating with vote-by-mail schemes like Democrats, we need to coalesce. We need to harden and we need to fight back a lot harder than we are doing.  The reason we aren't is because we can't. We are millions of voices but we are not in unison.  We won't always need to be so homogenous, but the only way to fight the ongoing onslaught by the Democratic hoard is to be an organized, coordinated  hoard on our side. Failing that we probably are doomed.

July 29, 2020

July 28, 2020

Big Tech censorship run amok

Tim Pool is irate, and he's completely justified.

UPDATE:  Maybe someone in Washington D.C. is listening.

July 2, 2020

We need more of this and less of that

Via Tim Pool's YouTube channel:
In last week's fired-up conversation, Tim got a good rant in, but Adam did, too, and Adam's monologue went viral on Facebook, where the video eventually became unavailable. Adam goes into more detail about his journey from passive, disengaged default liberal to alert, optimistic Trump voter.
We need more liberals talking about common sense and less of the Facebook, Big Tech censorship of conservative or even just no-longer-liberal opinion:

December 3, 2019

The Big Tech bias continues, ramps up

Tim Pool, a self-described centrist (and former progressive Bernie Sanders supporter) outs more big tech bias against president Trump - in this case at Google and it's subsidiary YouTube.  And it's not just happening in the U.S.A.

October 14, 2019

Liz Warren falsely attacks Facebook

...and I wouldn't be surprised if Facebook knew about this ahead of time.  After all Zuckerberg has begged to be regulated.

July 25, 2019

Let courage be contagious

Project Veritas reveals more Google leakers and the truth about what is going on inside Big Tech. In their preamble they have a powerful message about courage that is equally worth absorbing.

June 17, 2019

Conservatives should want tech monopolies busted

Bill Whittle makes the case that anti-monopoly moves by government are pro free market. More specifically, he argues why we should break up YouTube, Google and Facebook.

June 14, 2019

Project Veritas is fighting back - this time it's Pinterest

Project Veritas reveals that Pinterest is also anti-free speech:

Then the guy who came forward, sadly, got placed on administrative leave.

And then Project Veritas also got hit:

This is a coordinated big tech exercise to silence dissent, nothing less.
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