Showing posts with label News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label News. Show all posts

July 5, 2023

This is not news to us

Democrats and the media have been colluding for decades. The media is part of the left's arsenal. Big tech is also a (newer) part of the left's arsenal. So this story comes as no shock to anyone with even a modest level of true political awareness:

It's not news, it's reality.

September 1, 2021

Mark Dice breaks down recent news bites

 Mark Dice is a funny, and factual guy.

June 29, 2021

How you know the newscasts lie to you

There's nothing to see here folks, everything is fine.  Worse symptoms from the second COVID shot are nothing to worry about.  No "lasting consequences" is something they simply CANNOT know at this point. Yet they are out there saying it. Does that make you feel safer?

December 30, 2020

These are the gangsters people like Biden and Trudeau want to be partners

China in Focus delivers news on China without the gangster communist propaganda perspective that Western leaders like Biden and Trudeau swallow whole:

Anyone who deals with this Chinese government is a knowing sellout. At the level of presidents and prime ministers you can't not know these things.  And if you know and are willing to make deals with them, you are a criminal and a traitor to your country.

September 13, 2016

CBS caught editing news (again)

Via TMZ, Bill Clinton may have accidentally slipped up in an interview with Charlie Rose.  But CBS doesn't want you to know that.  They've edited Bill Clinton's response to clear up his accidental truth-telling.

Here's what CBS is showing on the interview;

And here's what he originally said;

Here's what TMZ had to say about it;
The "frequently" part was edited out of Monday's evening news. What's interesting is ... it was left in when a longer version aired Tuesday on "CBS This Morning."

It's only 3 seconds ... so, seems odd it would have been removed for time purposes.

We've got a call into CBS, but no word back yet.
This is the same network that ran a false, fabricated story about George W. Bush when Dan Rather was at the helm.

November 4, 2012

Voraciously reading the news

Over the weekend I've been reading everything I can find to see if I could find some sort of clue as to what the outcome of Tuesday's presidential election might be.  I've seen a lot but not enough to definitively say what to expect on election night.

Meanwhile I looked at my blog stats today and I noticed a run-up of readership that start about 6 months ago has continued - up to November 1st when there was a sudden, dramatic drop off in readership.  It's hard to explain.  I don't think I've said anything to offend my readership.  I can only conclude that given the proximity to the election either (1) readers of political content are focusing on the big sites right now (2) internet readership is down the last few days or (3) Google is skewing searches away from conservative websites, or at least mine.

I think it may be a combination of factors, but just like the election, chalk it up to something I can't quite figure out with certainty right now.

December 13, 2009

Senate Arranging Deck Chairs as the Titanic Sinks in Debt

From AP News:

The Senate on Sunday passed a $1.1 trillion spending bill with increased budgets for vast areas of the federal government, including health, education, law enforcement and veterans' programs.

The more-than-1,000-page package, one of the last essential chores of Congress this year, passed 57-35 and now goes to President Barack Obama for his signature.

The weekend action underlined the legislative crush faced by Congress as it tries to wind up the year. After the vote, the Senate immediately returned to the debate on health care legislation that has consumed its time and energy for weeks. Senate Democrats hope to reach a consensus in the coming days on Obama's chief domestic priority.
The world is running out of superlatives to describe the spending addiction in Democrat Washington. It's getting to the point that some people might just be starting to think "well, whatever" and just becoming willing to let it go. Hopefully not though.

June 16, 2009


hu*bris –noun ; excessive pride or self-confidence; arrogance.
Also, hybris.
Compare sophrosyne.
1880–85; hýbris insolence
On the same day I've accused the President of cowardice, I'm accusing him of hubris. If it weren't so linear in it's illogical madness, it would seem to be impossible. But the same President Obama who

June 5, 2009

Catching up on some news items

I've been a bit light on the posting lately - I'm fighting off a bad cold and busy at the day job to boot. Unfortunately I've missed out on some of the news of the day items. I'll be getting back into my regular posting routine very soon, but here's some one line reactions to news events over the last week or so.

Obama's speech in Egypt - yeah, so? Okay, it deserves a bit more. No surprises, but let's wait and see how this plays out in 6-12 months. Then 'yeah, so' will be completely apropos.

Israel - apparently you're on your own now. Good luck.

Sotomayor as a possible racist - Rush got it right. You probably can't defeat her but you can ask the questions that paint her and Obama for their real agendas.

Christive vs. Corzine, McDonnell vs. All comers - 2 polls putting Republicans ahead of Democrats in NJ and Virginia. Good news, but it's way to early to celebrate.

Czars - car czar, cyber czar, and now a pay czar. Did I miss any? Weren't the czars a precursor to the Bolshevik Revolution leading to Soviet communism in Russia? Are we headed towards Obama as the Supreme Soviet? Just pondering...

Rush interviewed on Hannnity this week - These conversations should be a 6 hour daily show on Fox.

Air France crash in the Atlantic - Sad. Not to be untimely, but I'd rather ride on a Boeing than an Airbus any day. It's not a buy American thing (although, why not?), it's just a feeling that Boeing seems to have a better safety image - to me at least.

January 8, 2009

New Sarah Palin interview

John Zeigler has a couple of great videos on Youtube, about how Obama got elected, and now a great interview with Sarah Palin.

I urge you to check out his site, he's doing some great work and interesting work. Below is the video from Youtube.

He's also posted some interesting commentary along with the video here.
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