Showing posts with label superfoods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label superfoods. Show all posts

Friday, April 12, 2019

Chocolate Protein Crepes

These chocolate Crepes are divine.
Yes they are gluten free. (since that's the first thing you always ask haha).
They are PACKED full of protein. 
But did you know they were also FULL of Superfoods ?!?!
Yes, 30+ BOTANICAL superfoods!!!!

Being a cancer survivor ... this is my daily non-negotiable. 
My ONE thing that curbs my cravings, helps me stay alkaline, gives me all my vitamins, minerals, adaptagens, amino acids, and a FULL DAY's supply of fruits and veggies. 
All for less than the price of a starbucks. 
WHY people still buy sub-par vitamins and supplements is beyond me. I only take the BEST. Botanical, organic, farm to table supplements. If you would like to try them you can send me an email to ask any questions, or you can check them out here
You can make it as a shake, you can make it as ice cream, pancakes, waffles, granola, yogurt, pudding, pie.... you choose. I would LOVE to help you with this solution in your life. 

Today I chose to make crepes, and they did NOT disappoint. One thing though... I don't fry my crepes. I am crepe flipping inept. So ... I found a solution. I bake them. Problem solved. Super easy and they come out perfect every time. 

If you are in my nutrition program these are 1/2 purple and 1/2 red per crepe. If you aren't on my nutrition program you SHOULD BE! Send me an email and let's get started! 

Chocolate Protein Crepes

4 eggs
1 scoop Shakeology  (I used chocolate)
1 cup 2% Greek Yogurt
1 tsp vanilla extract
nonstick cooking spray
parchment paper

Fruit of choice
Coconut whipped cream

Preheat oven to 350.

Combine Eggs, Shakeology, Greek Yogurt, Vanilla Extract, Vanilla Sweet Drops in a blender. 
Blend until fully combined and smooth. 
Prepare a baking sheet (that has edges) with parchment paper that has been lightly coated with cooking spray.
Drop 1/4 cup of batter onto prepared baking sheet. Repeat, being careful to space out the batter into circles. I could only fit 3 per sheet. 
Bake for 10 minutes. 
Remove from oven to cool slightly. 
Add to your plate and top with fruit, and if you want you can add healthy coconut whipped cream like i did. ( canned coconut milk in the fridge over night. pour out liquid and use solids, whip together with vanilla creme sweet drops and WALA!)

Or if you would rather, just add peanut butter:

Monday, February 13, 2017

When ENOUGH is ENOUGH its time to take ACTION and change your life permanently

Hey beautiful.
Yep, I am talking to you. 
Right now I want you to STOP the negative self talk and realize how amazing you are. 
So you have dark circles under your eyes, from taking care of EVERYONE else but you. 
SO WHAT your tummy is stretched out from the LIFE you brought into this world. Maybe you haven't had time or money to make it to the hair or nail salon so a messy bun is a constant companion on your head. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! 

I realize first hand how much of our identity is given up when we decide to have children. I also know Mom's would not change a thing. We give our ALL to those we love. But... I am here to remind you.

You have those precious eyes watching. What do you want to teach them? 
Self love?
Self defeat?

It is a humbling experience to become a mom and no one quite prepares you for that. I know what it is like to have a tummy that feels like jello and NO energy to do anything about it. Which led me to just eating comfort food to console my self loathing thoughts. 

Is this you?

This is the place I was in 3 years ago. I was fat, sick and nearly dead..

Well maybe not, but I sure felt like it. I was 6 weeks POST operation for the removal of 3 cancer tumors in my body. My tummy had been sliced open 8 inches for the biggest tumor to be removed which REALLY did a number on my self esteem. I looked 6 months pregnant because of the HUGE tumor that was growing in my uterus.  Frustrated, defeated and full of tears I remember laying in bed thinking "THIS IS NOT THE WAY LIFE IS SUPPOSED TO BE!" 

I hated my skin, hated my hair, hated everything about me. I was angry at the world and I KNEW that I didn't want to feel that way any more. NEVER again! I made the decision to give myself the love I needed and wanted. So I could learn to love others and help others stop hating themselves. I never looked back. I didn’t feel good and I had to make a change. I was introduced to yoga, clean eating, and superfoods through my Cancer recover counseling and ended up getting more education in nutrition. I also documented the process and what I learned in my book: Nourish - The beginner's guide to eating healthy and staying fit. 

I fell in love with inversions. Headstand, handstand, pincha, but I could not hold them for long and my alignment was not awesome. I knew I needed more muscle and toning. I had lost 10 lbs just from adding superfoods and yoga into my life and I finally had more energy to add more. So I started adding a 30 minute workout to my life. What happened next...

Over the course of those next 3 months I focused on “ME” for at least 30-45 each day. I would push play for my workout session. I sweated, I cried, I thought I would never change, but then right before my eyes my body started to change. As I embraced clean eating and drank Shakeology daily my skin began to glow, my hair and nails got stronger, and I had more natural energy! I was stronger and I started to have more confidence. WHAT!!!! I was THAT girl who NEVER had EVER Stuck to a fitness program in my life. I always started our the year making a New Years Resolution to get in shape and then I was gone in 2 weeks and stuck paying a membership for the year. I was the girl who would walk into a gym, take some classes and then walk around doing the weights (COMPLETELY WRONG) acting like I knew what I was doing, then I would go make a huge italian dinner with bread and noodles and loads of wine. I had never permanently changed my diet before, but, I liked it! I mean I REALLY liked who I was transforming into, and I LOVED the way my LIFE was changing. 

This is my transformation of 2 rounds 21 day fix and 1 round 21 day fix extreme and Shakeology. Total time 3 months.

Total weight lost from start to finish -65lbs. 
I started running little groups of other women and men that wanted to change their lives too. 
That is when the miracles started rolling in!
My best friend Penny has lost OVER 100 pounds so far!

My daughter lost 35 pounds!

And that was just the beginning! As of now I personally have been able to help HUNDREDS of people reach their goals. I also started a team that is joining forces with me and we all work together to help people as much as we can. 

My inversions sure changed too!!!

I can say that because of my team, the support of the challenge groups and the other women in the group I truly have found a way to love the skin that I am in! 

We all have imperfections.  I earned my imperfections and I learned to love them! They are a part of who I am. Does this speak right to your heart??? Then maybe its time for you to trust me and finally take that leap of faith and join my next challenge group!

So now, my job as a coach is to pay it forward. I am going to be launching a specific accountability and support group that is geared towards matching you up and with a fitness program and nutrition guide to meet your needs but to walk you through the process of changing your unhealthy habits, creating a more positive mindset, embracing your imperfections and chucking the word diet to the wind. We are not dieting, we are creating a healthy lifestyle. Because we are supposed to be ABUNDANT in ALL areas of our lives. 

So STOP making excuses and make a DECISION to change instead. I promise you will work just as hard on your excuses that you will on effort towards your goals. So why not work toward the POSITIVE?

What Do I Need For This Group?
-Each participant is required to have me as their coach. You can create an account here. 

-You are required to do a fitness program, which I will help you to pick the one that best fits your needs. EMAIL ME to tell me you want in we will go over your needs, your current struggles and then decide the program for you.

-You are required to replace 1 meal a day with Shakeology for the duration of the 5 weeks because as I am teaching you how to change your eating habits and give you the tools to make this a lifestyle change we want to have at least 1 meal each day that is quick and easy but isn’t lacking in your nutritional quality. Shakeology does that! It is my saving grace because quite honestly there are days that I am so busy that I don’t have time to make a balanced meal so this is my go to!! It has EVERYTHING your body needs, and is superfoods! Plus it really does taste awesome!

–You are required to log into our closed My Challenge Tracker App daily where I am going to share tips, recipes, meal plans, tips to handle eating out, and emotional eating plus improving your body image. We will truly take your journey one day at a time! I have been through the process and I know at what point you want to throw in the towel, I know when you hit plateaus and what situations tend to trip you up. I have tools and tips for all of those. There is no more trying to navigate this change on your own. We are working at this together.

–My goal is to get you a program that you are excited about and that you start and complete it. I do not want it to be something that sits on your shelf and collects dust!

Does this sound like something you would like to do?

If so, take the time to EMAIL ME. I will contact you within 24 hours to discuss whether this would be a good fit! I am accepting a small group of customers for this group and I would love to have some motivated women who are really ready to make a change! Let’s face it, there will never be a perfect time. The right time is now! So let’s get started!

I am NOT going to let you fail! I am giving you my word that I am going to support, guide and help you to truly make a change, live a more positive life and embrace who you are on the inside out! We live in a world full of comparison and its time to chuck that to the wind and just BE YOU!!!!!!
Cannot wait to help you achieve ALL of your hopes and dreams. LET'S TALK!

Monday, December 5, 2016

Snickerdoodle Superfood Smoothie

Before I was gifted with the knowledge of what superfoods can do, I was having to take so many vitamins, powders, extracts, etc... to get my #nutritionin, and to stay in an alkaline state to keep my cancer away. It was horrible. It was expensive. It was not a permanent solution for me. 
Now a smoothie a day keeps the cancer away. :) Proud to say I no longer need any vitamins, tablets, extracts etc.... Just a Superfood shake called Shakeology. I am saving so much money, time, and taste buds with this switch and I could not be happier. It has everything! Vitamins and minerals from whole foods enzymes for optimal health, #prebiotics and #probiotics for healthy gut function and of course all the things your body needs from a healthy balanced meal in one glass! 
Plus there are enough recipes and flavors to have a different kind every day. Hit me up when you are ready to try it!

Snickerdoodle Superfoods
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 cup ice
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 tsp. pure maple syrup
1 tsp. pure vanilla extract

1. Place almond milk, ice, Shakeology, cinnamon, maple syrup, and extract in blender; cover. Blend until smooth.

Ready to give Shakeology a shot? Get it here.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Fit for Summer starts in ONE day!

One day left to sign up for my fit for ‪#‎Summer‬ group!
I know it is Summer so I will be giving you healthy ‪#‎cocktail‬ recipes, clean‪#‎grill‬ recipes, easy healthy swaps picnic ideas, all while helping hold eachother accountable, giving each other encouragement, and reaching our goals together!
Play today, by all means enjoy! But contact me and commit for a new fresh tomorrow!

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Set a goal, commit to a plan, tell the world!

Set a goal. Commit to a plan. Tell the world. 
Today I just successfully finished a 3 day cleanse! I am feeling on top of the world and ready to conquer my next program. So here are my before pictures. I purposely chose shorts that are too snug hoping I will fit them after.  
Big reveal in 21 days!

Join me?
I host 2 groups a month & would LOVE to help you!! Today I personally start another program, and my next group starts the day after the 4th.
Curious if what is working for THOUSANDS - can work for you? Have you've been thinking about joining one of my online support groups?
Why not you? 
Why not join a positive community online that supports you as you reach your goals? You can have FUN while doing it & finally do something for you.

Let's chat!

Friday, June 10, 2016

Snickerdoodle Superfood Cake Clean and healthy

My daily shakeology is SO MUCH more than a SHAKE. 
When I first heard about BeachBody and I heard there was a " shake" I was like NO WAY!!!! if I learned anything from my cancer journey it's that a liquid lifestyle works against you in the long run. I am not a quick fix or gimmick girl.
BUT When I researched shakeology I found it was NOT a meal replacement shake, it was NOT a chemical full weight loss quick fix ... It was based on the old school mentality of good nutrition and working out.... It was a HEALTHY , GLUTEN-FREE, CLEAN, SUPERFOODS SHAKE and it was ACTUALLY CLEAN. ( something that's hard to come by) 
Wanna know what else I learned? I can make SCRUMPTIOUS cakes, cookies, pies, pancakes, waffles.. you name it.. out of it!!!!!

Guys it's not a's a SUPER HERO!!!!

This scrumptious Snickerdoodle cake takes less than 5 minutes to make. It is full of 5 salads, all your adaptagens, polynutrients, greens, and superfoods... all in one yummy dessert that makes me feel like I am cheating it is so good. 21 day fix approved (hello red container), ‪#‎clean‬ , ‪#‎glutenfree‬, Refined sugar free, and no guilt!

Snickerdoodle Superfood Cake

1 scoop vanilla shakeology
1 TBSP almond butter
1 egg
1/4 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1 TBSP maple syrup
2 tsp almond milk

Mix together and pour in a prepped custard cup ( i just spread in coconut oil with my fingers).

If you want a fully cooked cake like this it is 90 seconds on high in the microwave.

If you want a lava type cake it is 60 seconds.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Healthy Clean Superfood Chocolate Lava Cake

If I told you this scrumptious to die for chocolate lava cake has 5 salads and all the superfoods you need to sustain you. It is 240 calories, it is CLEAN, and program approved (hello 21 day fix red container). It is gluten free.

It also has:

- All your daily protein that helps build lean muscles, and curb cravings.

- Exotic superfoods and vitamins that provide antioxidants that help fight free radical damage and help support a healthy immune system.

- Phytonutrients and Super-Greens like Moringa, Spirulina, Chlorella, Spinach, Kale that help support health and vitality.

- Adaptogen Herbs like Ashwagandha, Astragalus, Cordyceps, Ginkgo, Maca, Maitake, Reishi, Schisandra that are adaptagens that have been traditionally used to help the body adapt and respond to the effects of stress.

- #Prebiotics and #Probiotics like Yacon Root, Chicory Root, Lactobacillus Sporogenes, and fiber that help support regularity and healthy digestion.

- Digestive Enzymes like Amylase, Cellulase, Lactase, Glucoamylase, Alpha Galactosidase, Invertase Enzymes help nutrient absorption and healthy digestion.

You can get your monthly supply of this amazing goodness HERE
You CAN have your cake and eat it too!!!

Healthy Superfood Chocolate Lava Cake

1 scoop chocolate shakeology
1 egg
1/4 tsp baking powder
1 TBSP maple syrup
3 TBSP almond milk

mix together and pour in a prepped custard cup ( i just spread in coconut oil with my fingers).

If you want a fully cooked cake it is 90 seconds on high in the microwave.

If you want a lava type cake it is 60 seconds.

You do NOT need to deprive yourself. Let me help you rethink your food! Hit me up when you are ready!

Monday, May 30, 2016

now hiring teachers! lets get you healthy and wealthy

Happy Holiday MONDAY day to Y O U! 
School's out and I know many teachers out there look for income opportunities during the summer months.

I am accepting applications for my a new online training that starts June 6th.
I am ready to personally train 10 
go-getters and add them to my team of lifechangers, and I want to reach out and extend this opportunity to ‪#‎TEACHERS‬ in the United States and Canada. Let's get you abundant in ALL areas of your life!

If you would like to:
*Work on your own personal health and fitness goals.
*Help others get the courage to change their lives. 
*Be surrounded by some of the most INCREDIBLE people, and be a part of a family, gain some of the best friendships you will ever have. 
*Wake up each morning with a purpose.
*Help your friends and family get healthy
*Have the opportunity to work for YOURSELF and work into a full time income and more.
*Be trained and mentored personally by ME and be a part of an Elite team.. 
*Earn FREE trips and vacations and prizes. 
*Work with some of the top fitness apparel (free leggings 

Like, comment below or send me a private message for more info! is my private email.  

**Must live in the U.S. or Canada
**You cannot already be a coach
**You DO NOT have to be in great shape, you can be on your journey or ready to begin it!!

Spots fill up fast, don't miss out on this opportunity, contact me today!!!!! 
Training starts ONLINE June 6th and will take approximately one our per day for 10 days. 

Personalized TARGETED Nutrition saved me!

Personalized TARGETED Nutrition saved me!
It can save you too! Take the free health assessment (it can even hook up to your DNA test results) to see what your body REALLy needs.