Showing posts with label cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cancer. Show all posts

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Why I left Beachbody


Yes, the rumors are true. I left. Yes I was a 2x Elite 1x Premiere Coach that earned 6 figures. Yes it was hard to leave, but I had to. Let me explain:

You see I am getting older, and so is my body. The shake I used to love stopped working and was causing issues in my body. They reformulated and added some preservatives my body could not handle. Then shortages started happening and they could not source everything that they used to. Key ingredients I needed, were no longer in there. I was a literal hot mess with hormones raging, mood swings, hot flashes, sleep issues, lack of sex drive, not a single bit of motivation to socialize. I was a completely different person. I did not like myself and I needed help fast. 

I started to feel like imposter syndrome. Because Shakeology wasn't working anymore. I kept begging for more help with menopause, gut health, joint pain, aging, vitamin deficiences etc...NADA. So I searched high and low and loved what I found. BUT... I wasn't allowed to share with you or anyone if I remained a coach. I refused to pretend, and therefore my account was terminated. It was a blessing though... because now I am helping people LIKE ME that NEED help!

The first thing that helped me SO much is a menopause supplement that's part of meology. They customize your regime based on your answers...You take a little health assessment and they can even hook up to your DNA test if you want (you don't have to share that) and they mix a supplement prescription that caters to YOUR body. And it's 💯 clean. Just plants backed by science 🙌 You can pick and choose what you want as part of your plan. If you want to check it out, and maybe take the health assessment here is the link: CLICK HERE or reach out to me. In addition to the menopause supplement I changed over my energize to their energy boost that gives me SUSTAINED energy, and added triple defense immunity, I switched my collagen to theirs (it is far superior), I switched my shakes too. Feels so good to finally be ALIGNED and to have the certified organic, non-gmo, vegan, gluten free, dairy free label! My mood is so much better, and my hot flashes haven't happened in over a month now. My sex drive is back, I have much more energy, and am verbal again.

If you are feeling like I was, please don't hesitate to reach out. Sometimes things work... until they don't. Let's get you feeling better! 

Monday, August 10, 2020

Combating the root of all disease with veggies

Can we talk about veggies for a minute?
While getting an education in nutrition, there was one thing I heard over and over. "the root of disease is inflammation". So when people are getting on you about sugar, or processed foods, it is because it has been proven over and over and over again... they cause inflammation ... and what is the root of all disease? Inflammation!!! So let's focus on what can help that! VEGGIES! Here are my top 6 reasons you need more veggies (I have a much longer list if you want it), and below are some tips and tricks I use to get in more veggies! When you know better you do better!
Top 6 benefits of getting in your veggies:

  1.  Decreases inflammation - Green leafy vegetables contain powerful antioxidants, flavonoids, carotenoids, and vitamin C—all of which help protect against cellular damage. 
  2. Improves gut health - Foods high in fiber, especially certain types of fiber and resistant starches called prebiotics, play a major role in keeping our gut bacteria in balance. Many vegetables are an excellent source of prebiotics. Eating healthy plant foods can alter your gut bacteria for the better in a matter of a few days!
  3. .Aids in weight management because they are
  • -Low in calories and carbs. 
  • -High in fiber and water so they keep you feeling full longer.
  • -Take up a lot of room in your stomach to keep you feeling full.
  • -The fiber contains prebiotics and feed the “good” bacteria in the gut.
        4. Decreases risk of type 2 diabetes - the more plant foods you eat, the lower your risk of type 2 diabetes. This is due to the antioxidant action which reduces insulin resistance and/or inflammation as well as they contain fiber, vitamins, & minerals. 

5. Decreases risk of heart disease and stroke -Vegetables contain a wide variety of plant compounds that play an important role in heart health, including decreased cholesterol, improved blood vessel functioning, lowered blood pressure and decreased inflammation.

6. Lowers blood pressure - this benefit comes from from fiber, vitamins and minerals such as potassium and magnesium that are in the veggies. The potassium is especially important as it balances out the negative effect of salt, which helps to lower blood pressure.

So ... you don't like veggies... what to do now? 
I got you boo. 

My top 2 go-to's are right here. 
A quick fix I use to get in a full serving of veggies is Power Greens 
Power Greens contains veggies like cucumber, kale, and spinach to deliver a full serving of vegetables in each scoop. Plus, this potent Boost supports the body's natural acid/alkaline balance.  I mix mine with my pre-workout energy, but you can just mix it with water and take the shot like a frat boy, or you can mix it with your favorite smoothie. It is super easy and something I am so thankful for. Being a cancer survivor I work on staying alkaline and this is my number one quick fix to take after having something acidic (like coffee or alcohol). 

The second one is my daily non-negotiable for so many reasons, but since we are talking veggies today here is a chart showing what is in in each serving of Shakeology :

Pretty amazing right? So PLEASE stop saying you can't get them in. If you truly want to live a healthy life YOU NEED YOUR VEGGIES and I have a solution for you! You can get both your Shakeology and your Power greens HERE . Please send me a message if you do so I can send over a bunch of free recipes to help you enjoy every bit of it! 

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Paleo Pancakes

If you have been following me for a while then you know I am a recovering processed foodaholic. You also know I am at this point in time cancer free 5 years. I have been recovering from the bad food for years now and have mastered making a lot of yummy things that taste better and make me feel good vs. the crap I was making before. Eat real food. It boils down to that. Worst part is, I passed the cravings down to my kids, because in their early years I was doing what I thought made me a good mom... packing their lunch full of the trendy foods you see on commercials. Things that were popular with the kids because if the brainwashing that TV and big box marketing does... get our kids addicted to sugar, which also gets the moms addicted to sugar because we get the food ready and end up mindlessly eating whatever is available.

My advice: Get that crap OUT of your house. TEACH your kids what REAL food is. SHARE with them why the food on commercials is just a ploy to get you to purchase FAKE FOOD. Get your kids involved. I WISH I would have had the tools I have now, back when my kids were young. But I was just being prepared. Prepared to help teach other Moms WHY it is so important. Take it from this cancer survivor... don't let your battle become your kids battle. Do something now.

If you need help I have a FAMILY nutrition course to help and it comes with over 100 family friendly recipes as well as 75 Lunch ideas and recipes. Interested? Shoot me an email! This will change your life. It sure did mine!

I have you covered if your kids love pancakes. These are all whole food and SO good for you. PACKED with healthy ingredients to start your day off right. Fuel the brain before school or a busy sports day. Make them for your family, they will thank you!
If you are in my nutrition program these count as 1 purple and 1/2 yellow and 1 spoon per 2 pancakes. We make them any time our banana's start to turn.

Also my hack.... I pour them on a cookie sheet with parchment and bake them instead. I found they don't flip well, but they bake great! Tastes like yummy banana pancakes.

Paleo Pancakes

adapted from fixate 2

2/3 cup unsweetened coconut milk beverage
3 large ripe bananas cut into chunks
3 large eggs
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
1/3 cup coconut flour
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp sea salt
Parchment paper

Preheat the oven to 425
Put everything but the parchment paper into a blender. Blend until smooth and fully mixed.
Prepare 2 cookie sheets with parchment
Pour 1/4 cup batter on cookie sheet, repeating over and over to make circles  that don't touch. (if they touch, oh well... just for looks).
Bake for 10-12 minutes.
Remove and serve immediately.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Chocolate Protein Crepes

These chocolate Crepes are divine.
Yes they are gluten free. (since that's the first thing you always ask haha).
They are PACKED full of protein. 
But did you know they were also FULL of Superfoods ?!?!
Yes, 30+ BOTANICAL superfoods!!!!

Being a cancer survivor ... this is my daily non-negotiable. 
My ONE thing that curbs my cravings, helps me stay alkaline, gives me all my vitamins, minerals, adaptagens, amino acids, and a FULL DAY's supply of fruits and veggies. 
All for less than the price of a starbucks. 
WHY people still buy sub-par vitamins and supplements is beyond me. I only take the BEST. Botanical, organic, farm to table supplements. If you would like to try them you can send me an email to ask any questions, or you can check them out here
You can make it as a shake, you can make it as ice cream, pancakes, waffles, granola, yogurt, pudding, pie.... you choose. I would LOVE to help you with this solution in your life. 

Today I chose to make crepes, and they did NOT disappoint. One thing though... I don't fry my crepes. I am crepe flipping inept. So ... I found a solution. I bake them. Problem solved. Super easy and they come out perfect every time. 

If you are in my nutrition program these are 1/2 purple and 1/2 red per crepe. If you aren't on my nutrition program you SHOULD BE! Send me an email and let's get started! 

Chocolate Protein Crepes

4 eggs
1 scoop Shakeology  (I used chocolate)
1 cup 2% Greek Yogurt
1 tsp vanilla extract
nonstick cooking spray
parchment paper

Fruit of choice
Coconut whipped cream

Preheat oven to 350.

Combine Eggs, Shakeology, Greek Yogurt, Vanilla Extract, Vanilla Sweet Drops in a blender. 
Blend until fully combined and smooth. 
Prepare a baking sheet (that has edges) with parchment paper that has been lightly coated with cooking spray.
Drop 1/4 cup of batter onto prepared baking sheet. Repeat, being careful to space out the batter into circles. I could only fit 3 per sheet. 
Bake for 10 minutes. 
Remove from oven to cool slightly. 
Add to your plate and top with fruit, and if you want you can add healthy coconut whipped cream like i did. ( canned coconut milk in the fridge over night. pour out liquid and use solids, whip together with vanilla creme sweet drops and WALA!)

Or if you would rather, just add peanut butter:

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

HEALTHY Spaghetti Squash Fritters

Happy 2nd day of April! Spring has arrived and that means so many are starting to finally work on their summer body. Even though I believe EVERY body is a Summer body, I LOVE to help people get HEALTHY. So that is the focus for me.

This dish goes out to all of those people that struggle to get in all their veggies. Also for people like me that LOVE to have their eggs on top of hashbrowns or toast... or if I am being honest ... BOTH!
Nothing wrong with that from time to time, or every day if you want to carb load in the morning and need a nap after. I am all about FUEL and getting ENERGY. So these bad boys go perfectly under eggs, or on their own on the side and yep... they are veggies! Kids like them too. My daughter has gobbled 4 of these since I made them yesterday and her VERY finicky husband likes them too! Even though they are adults, they eat like kids lol!

Give them a try then come back here and tell me what you think!

Healthy Spaghetti Squash Fritters
(yes of course gluten free too)
adapted from fixate 2

2 cups cooked spaghetti squash - well drained
1/2 cup onion finely chopped
2 cloves garlic finely chopped
2 TBSP chives finely chopped
2 eggs lightly beaten
1/2 cup almond flour
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 cup grated parmesan

Preheat oven to 425 F
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and lightly spray with olive oil.
Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and mix/stir well.
Form Mixture into 12 1/4 cup patties. Place patties on prepared pan.
Bake for 10 minutes and then turn the pan and bake for another 10 minutes.

If you are following my nutrition plan 2 Fritters have:
1 Green
1/2 blue
1/2 orange

If you WANT to get in on my nutrition plan... send me an email!

Thursday, May 31, 2018

The best NON-GMO Organic supplement on the market... period.

I was sitting in the dentist chair last night and my dentist was all absorbed in hearing about my cancer battle.  I was surprised at how hungry he was to hear my story. Turns out his wife is just this year, a 5 year survivor of breast Cancer. Tears welled up in his eyes as he listened to me speak about the process and how we found out and what the year long battle was like. He then looked at me in the eyes and said:

"Why is it that we as people have to wait for our lives to be at risk before we do something about what we are putting into our bodies?"

He hit the nail on the head. I am sure many of you reading this are just thinking; "well I am fine, I will cross that bridge if I get to it." You will get to it. I promise you. I am just hoping and praying your outcome is as good as mine was. It is rare to live through. Many do, but for the rest of our lives we are "high risk" and we don't have a choice regarding what we put in our bodies after that. We are stuck with high doctor bills and going in for a full work up every 3 months. Being poked and prodded and put in various machines. We are faced every 3 months with our battle and we wait for the phone call that will tell us yay or nay. I hate it. 

I agreed with my dentist and we kept on chatting. He is an older wiser man, who was born and raised in the United States, but his family is from Mexico. He spoke of how hard it is for them to find real food in America. He spoke of the processed foods and all the chemicals they learned about during his wife's battle. Again, I agreed with him and proceeded to give him tips on how to avoid produce from U.S.A and Canada. I also started giving him cancer fighting superfood information that he quickly wrote down. 

I am one of those people that needs facts. I need to educate myself in order to make proper choices for me and my health. With so many supplements and shakes out there I got overwhelmed and turned off to all things smoothie and supplement for a while. That is until Cancer hit. You get an education, and FAST!

One of my first questions to my doctor, when told about the diet I needed to be on because cancer thrives off of "American Food", was "Why isn't everyone told this? Why is it allowed." The answer was simple. "Freedom." Yep, we are in the land of the free. That means you are free to choose to educate yourself, and you are free not to. The FDA is not approving things they think are great for you. They are simply allowing so many thousands of chemicals in items.... in other words... they have determined what wont kill you now, in that one item. They don't tell you what happens when you continue to eat non-food items day in and day out. Where do those items go? Systs, Tumors, Growths... I have said it all before, but you are still here, so that means you are still interested in learning. That my friend is your first step.

So I set forth to educate myself day in and day out. I spent hundreds of dollars a month buying imported peruvian superfoods, concentrate powders, extracts etc.. It broke the bank, but it was what my body needed. I started to really bounce back and get healthy. Today, one year later I am cancer free. 

So what did I learn along the way? I was doing it the hard way.  Enter Shakeology. Thanks to some awesome advice from my doctor, who couldn't sell it to me because it is a conflict of interest, but she pointed me to it. You see it has EVERYTHING, and I mean everything and then some, I need to keep my body cancer free and help me shed off all the extra pounds that came with Cancer. For those who have had cancer, they know what I mean. Bloating, water weight, pounds from having to lay around for a year. All of it made me feel awful. 

THIS is what taking this has done for me!!
- 65 pounds
cancer free

I now feel like it is my job to educate those that have not had the cancer battle, or the education that I have had. So sit back and here is why there is not a single other product on the market that compares. 

First of all let's talk about cost. Do you have 2 minutes? Please watch to see how there is over $700 in organic superfoods in ONE bag of Shakeology. Get your Shakeology HERE!

Next, let's break down those ingredients. 



You guys! 
It makes the BEST SoftServe around. ðŸ˜‹
I eat it all Summer long.
Best part is ... One serving has
7 raw carrots 
6 cups raw broccoli
3 raw onions
4 cups raw mushrooms
3 cups romaine
10 cups raw cauliflower
1 cup peas
4 cups radishes
1 bowl of exotic fruit
6 cups nonfat yogurt
1 shot of wheatgrass

💥 100%(or more) of:
•Vitamin A
•Vitamin C
•Vitamin B1
•Vitamin B6
•Vitamin B12

It gives you 50% or more of
•Vitamin D
•Vitamin E
•Vitamin K1
•Vitamin B2
•Folic Acid

And SO many MORE cancer fighting superfoods!!! 
It helps me stay Cancer  Free It is my NUMBER ONE solution in my life and I LOVE helping others feel this good. I was able to throw out ALL other subpar vitamins, minerals, probiotics, adaptagens, prebiotics etc... so I SAVE a ton. If you are ready for this solution in your life get yours HERE or EMAIL me.

Do I have your attention yet? Can I show you how much it is for some of these ingredients? Now remember there are 70 of them? 

I personally took those pics with my cell phone at my grocery store this week. 
Yikes huh? 

So now you are probably thinking... well what about other shakes? 
Take a second to look at this so you can KNOW WHAT IS IN YOUR SHAKE! 
A lot of shakes cause more harm than good. Ours is ALLLLL good! 

Get your Shakeology HERE!
Choose home direct and save $10 on shipping!

So what about Isogenix? You have heard such great things about it right? Well... let's compare. 

The positives of Isagenix is that it contains 23 grams of protein per serving (compared to Shakeology’s18 grams of protein per serving). Isagenix, like Shakeology, also contains many naturally occurring ingredients which set them apart from other meal replacements. However, I have not found other components that set Isagenix apart from Shakeology.

On the negative side, Isagenix contains 1100% more fat than Shakeology (6 grams compared to less than half a gram). It also contains more cholesterol and sodium than is found in Shakeology and contains 240 calories per serving when Shakeology only has 150 calories per serving.

Isagenix lacks to potency of the vitamins and minerals that Shakeology contains. Isagenix has only 40% of the daily recommended allowance of Vitamin C versus 300% inShakeology. It lacks significance of other vitamins contained in every Shakeology drink such as Vitamin B1, B2, and B3. You would actually have to drink 2-4 Isagneix shakes to get the same concentration of vitamins and minerals found in just 1 Shakeology shake.

I do feel that Isagenix is one of the better meal replacement shakes, but it just does not compare to Shakeology. Shakeology is a step above the rest.

Get your Shakeology HERE!

The only other shake that even comes close to Shakeology is Vega One.. however close but no cigar. Why? Well let me tell you....

Vega One vs Shakeology: 

Beachbody’s Shakeology has more than seventy elements, taken from all over the globe, which no other supplemental drinks have.

Shakeology ingredients are the secret behind this nutrient dense shake. The basic nutrient groups, which are inclusive of a number of ultra high quality benefits, include the following:

Protein and Essential Amino Acids:
These ingredients help in building lean muscles and improve body mass while reducing the food cravings.

Digestive Enzymes and Prebiotics:
These ingredients aid in improving digestion, bring regularity, and help in the absorption of nutrients.

Antioxidants and Phytonutrients:
Antioxidants are very effective in counteracting free radical damages in the body that can lead to degenerative diseases

Vitamins and Minerals:
The building blocks of the body, vitamins, and minerals are essential for optimal health and functional body.

Himalayan Salt:
With more than 70 trace minerals, Himalayan salt helps in fighting tooth decay and acne.
Coconut Flower Nectar:

With the addition of coconut flower nectar, you will get plentiful nutrients including amino acids, minerals, vitamins B and C, Zinc, Iron, Magnesium and Prebiotic fiber for strengthening the digestive and the immune system.

The anti-inflammatory property of Moringa and its richness in Vitamin C and A, Calcium, potassium and Iron make your body strong against diseases.

Luo Han Guo:
A product that is 300 times sweeter in taste than sugar but offers many health benefits in comparison, including solution to respiratory ailments, cough control and other health problems.

Vega One Ingredients:

Vega One is plant-based, alkaline-forming and includes the following key macro and micro nutrients, and supplements:
Vega One’s Complete Protein Blend includes: 
Pea protein 
SaviSeed™ (sacha inchi) protein 
Hemp seed protein 
Sprouted whole grain brown rice protein 
Fiber in Vega One is primarily sourced from flax, inulin (fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS)), and pea.
Vega One sources its plant-based Omega profile from white chia, whole flax seed and hemp.
Maqui, goji and berries 
Pomegranate seed 
Grape seed extract 
Chlorella (cracked cell, high CGF), Alfalfa grass, Spinach leaf, Broccoli and Kale 
Vitamins and Minerals:
Vega One give you 50% of your daily intake of vitamins and minerals.
Vega One helps maintain healthy intestinal flora with the Probiotics.
Digestive Enzymes:
With Probiotics like (lactobacillus acidopholus and Bifidobacterium bifidum), Vega One helps maintain healthy intestinal flora.

The Winner: Shakeology!

With almost everything that is needed for your body, stands out to be the best replacement shake with greater health benefits than the Shakeology alternatives.
Vega One vs. Shakeology: Results and Reviews:
Shakeology Results and Reviews:

In a 90-day study, participants replaced one meal per day with Shakeology, ate a balanced diet, and exercised moderately three times per week. Total cholesterol was reduced on average by 30% and LDL cholesterol was reduced on average by 38%.

Participants followed the Shakeology Program, which included replacing one meal per day with Shakeology, exercising three times a week, and eating a balanced diet.

“You Get What You Pay For”.
Although you can find a number of cheaper alternatives to Shakeology in the stores, THEY DON'T WORK and they are missing the KEY botanical ingredients!!! The benefits can never be compromised.

Get your Shakeology HERE!

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Stop wasting your money

Yep...this was my counter just 4 years ago. ðŸ˜± 4 years ago I was buying every kind of supplement I could find to try to stay alkaline and keep my cancer from growing. 

If I could turn back time I would have saved thousands of dollars and countless tears and pain if I would have found the solution I have now...just a little earlier. So this is my battle cry every day. To help save others from going down the rabbit hole of subpar products that never even make it through the digestion process. Stay away from the costco vitamins, proteins, may look cheaper, but it is just money down the toilet. I have what you need in ONE item.

When you know better, you do better. I also think if you know better it's your duty to share. Countless hours of nutrition education led me to this. I can help you if you are ready! Drop me an email at and let's change your life too! 

Friday, January 5, 2018

One simple change in your life that can be the SOLUTION to so many things.

💥Who is ready to take one simple step in their life to start feeling better?

Let’s just IGNORE the fact that this superfood shake will CURB your appetite, help your hair and nails GROW, help LOWER your cholesterol, EASE YOUR STRESS levels, can CLEAR your skin, TASTES great, and has the equivalent to..... 

7 raw carrots 
6 cups raw broccoli
3 raw onions
4 cups raw mushrooms
3 cups romaine
10 cups raw cauliflower
1 cup peas
4 cups radishes
1 bowl of exotic fruit
6 cups nonfat yogurt
1 shot of wheatgrass

💥Just ONE yummy shake a day will give you 100%(or more) of:

•Vitamin A
•Vitamin C
•Vitamin B1
•Vitamin B6
•Vitamin B12

It gives you 50% or more of
•Vitamin D
•Vitamin E
•Vitamin K1
•Vitamin B2
•Folic Acid

And SO MUCH MORE!!! Drinking this every day helps me stay #CancerFree It is my NUMBER ONE solution in my life and I LOVE helping others feel this good. I was able to throw out ALL other vitamins, minerals, probiotics, adaptagens, prebiotics etc... so I SAVE a ton. If you are ready for this solution in your life, reach out! All my clients also get a weekly meal plan, recipes, shopping lists and more to help them make healthy choices.

Let's all get BETTER in 2018!! 

Message me NOW at and let's get you started!

Friday, November 24, 2017

Top 5 reasons you need to do a full body cleanse to detox.

Ready for a full body detox?  Get yours NOW while it is on sale and be ready for the New Year!

I'll shout from the roof tops that this is my most impactful // life changing // health restoring PRODUCT!

I could go on and on and on about why EVERYONE should do this at LEAST once a year. Tony Robbins recommends cleansing twice a year! But here are the top 5 reasons:

1. Remove toxins from the body.
Long-term exposure to toxins (environmental pollutants, cancer-causing chemicals, preservatives, pesticides, heavy metals, and industrial waste) affects our metabolism, behavior, immune system, and leads to disease. They are stored in tissues and cells throughout the body, including the brain, often for years – yikes!

2. Prevent chronic disease.
Environmental toxins are responsible for many cancers, neurological diseases, heart disease, name it. Our bodies do have a built-in detox function to deal with these dangers, but those systems are constantly overloaded! Detoxing assists and improves what our bodies are trying to do naturally.

3. Enhance immune system function.
A compromised immune system makes us vulnerable to colds and flus, affecting our quality of life and productivity. Regular detoxing helps strengthen immune system functioning and fights off infection.

4. Lose weight.
Toxins affect the body's natural ability to burn fat, leading to weight gain. Diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure are directly linked to weight issues. Detoxing rids the body of toxins stored in fat cells and increases metabolism.

5. Slow premature aging.
Detoxing rids the body of free radicals and heavy metals partially responsible for aging. Detoxing helps to increase nutrient absorption, including antioxidants and vitamins that help fight oxidative stress.

So I have a kit that has the worlds BEST botanical ingredients (gluten-free, organic, PLANT BASED) that will help reduce inflammation in your body. Inflammation causes disease and illness. They also fight free radicals which cause cancer and mutates our cells. Will heal and improve our GI health. AND it pulls toxins from our bodies and FAT CELLS!  This cleanse is safe, healthy and will IMPROVE your health vs. hurting it with starvation or breaking down your digestive system which is what most detoxes do. I DO NOT recommend juice cleanses for that very reason. This RESTORES your body to a clean slate.  You EAT! you do NOT starve. 

If you have questions HIT ME UP! You can email me, text me, call me.... whatever you need to feel comfortable that I WILL help lead you through this 21 day detox. 

You will have a step by step meal plan, even a video with each meal showing you how to make it. Shopping lists so you know what to buy and it is all super simple. You can get the kit HERE:

Here are my husband and my results. I lost 12 lbs. He lost 15 and his cholesterol dropped 160 points!!!! 

Don't wait, your life is worth it

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Antibiotics... how they help and how they harm, and how to be proactive

GOOD MORNING! It is my last day of antibiotics and I could not be happier. Antibiotics are extremely helpful—they kill bad bacteria, stopping them from multiplying and allowing the body to fight back. But because they kill good bacteria, too, they can also do some pretty significant damage.

You know how antibiotics can sometimes get things moving down there a little faster than you'd like? That's because they're going to town on all kinds of bacteria—good and bad—totally disrupting the order of command in your intestines. Some people never recover. Researchers found that participants who took more than three antibiotics within a 5-year period were 1.5 times more likely to develop irritable bowel disease #IBS —specifically, ulcerative colitis or #Crohns disease.

Then there is the damage to your waistline... You're probably aware by now that there are antibiotics in your meat—but do you know why they're there? They're used to fatten up cows and chickens before they're slaughtered. A study published in the International Journal of Obesity found that antibiotic use in childhood not only influences childhood weight gain, but weight gain for years to come as well.

Then there is the affects to your brain...When antibiotics annihilate the bacteria in your gut—good and bad—they're affecting your mind, too. According to a new study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, just a single course of antibiotics may be associated with a higher risk of #depression and #anxiety .

So this is why I am doing a 21 day detox after Thanksgiving. Because I feel like a plumped up chicken, My mind is definitely hazy, and I sure don't like running to the toity.

ONE of the awesome supplements I will be taking on the detox has an ABUNDANCE off Bacillus coagula which is the most most impactful probiotic out there! It REALLY helps people who struggle with gut health/ tummy issues.

The detox also comes with an anti-inflammatory that soothes your digestive system, Fights #Cancer cells and also boosts BRAIN FUNCTION!! HOLLA!!!

That is just a few things it does. Its safe, botanical, organic healthy and will IMPROVE your health vs. hurting it with starvation or breaking down your digestive system which is what most detoxes do.

If you are wanting to do a post holiday DETOX or CLEANSE hit me up! 

I help people get healthy naturally. Being a cancer survivor I learned how necessary it is to detox after indulging. I have got your back! My passion is to help others stay cancer free. I have searched the world high and low and have found the BEST highest QUALITY natural products to help get the gunk out naturally, They are SAFE, healthy and will IMPROVE your health vs. hurting it with starvation or breaking down your digestive system which is what most detoxes do. So EMAIL ME and let's get started! 

Personalized TARGETED Nutrition saved me!

Personalized TARGETED Nutrition saved me!
It can save you too! Take the free health assessment (it can even hook up to your DNA test results) to see what your body REALLy needs.