Abies balsamea (Balsum Fir) Wood Sections
Abies lasiocarpus Pollen
Abrasive Wear
Acer saccharum (Sugar Maple) Wood Sections
Acetate Fiber, Chromspun
Acrylian Acrylic Fiber
Acrylic Fiber
Acrylic Fiber,Acrylian
Acrylic Fiber,Orlon
Actinolite Asbestos
Acoustic Ceiling Tile
Adenostoma sparsifolium Ash
Adiantum pedatum (Maidenhair Fern) Spore
Agglomerates, Cleaning
Agglomerates, HVAC
Agglomerates, Wet Road
Airborne Algae
Alder Ash
Alder Pollen
Alpaca Hair
Alpine Fir Pollen
Aluminum 356 Casting Alloy
Aluminum Corrosion Products
Aluminum, Microcrystalline Test For
Aluminum Oxide
Ambient Aerosols
Ammonium, Microcrystalline Test For
Ammonium Chloroplatinate
Ammonium Phosphate Monobasic
Amoeba, Arcella vulgaris
Amoeba, Centropyxis aculeata
Amoeba, Euglypha
Amoeba, Thecamoeba
Amosite Asbestos
Anatidae Feather Barbules
Anemone Pollen
Angora Goat Hair (Mohair)
Angora Rabbit Hair
Animal Hair
Anisotropic Fibers
Anomalous Birefringence
Anthophyllite Asbestos
Apparent Birefringence
Apple Pollen
Aramid Fiber, Kevlar and Nomex
Arc Spheres
Arfvedisonite, Fibrous Mineral
Arcella vulgaris, Testate Amoeba
Arnica Pollen
Arrowroot Starch
Asbestos Sand
Ash In Homes
Aspergillus, Fungus
Asphalt Particles
Assemblage Analysis Key
Asterionella, Diatom
ASTM D-1275B
Attic Particles
Aulacoseira, Diatom
Australian Honey Pollen
Auto Body Shop Environment
Bag Cell
Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate)
Balsamroot Pollen
Balsum Poplar Wood
Bamboo Microstructure
Bamboo Textile Fiber
Banana Starch
Barbed Particles
Barberry Pollen
Barley Starch
Barbules, Bird Feather
Bat Feces and Contents
Bat Hair
Bear Hair
Beaver Hair
Bee Frass
Bee Pollen (Macro Only)
Bee Pollen
Bee Pollen, China
Bee Pollen, Tallinn, Estonia
Bee Pollen, Palleau, France
Bee Pollen, Los Palmas, Paraguay
Bee Pollen, Florence, Oregon
Bee Pollen, Newfoundland, Canada
Bee Pollen, Snohomish, Washington, USA
Berberis Pollen
Betula papyrifera, Wood Sections
Betula Pollen
Biaxial Interference Figure
Biddulphia Diatoms
Biofilms in Water
Biomes and Fire
. . . . Chaparral
. . . . Forest
. . . . Grassland
. . . . . . . . California Grassland
. . . . . . . . Washington Grassland
Birch Pollen
Bird dander
Bird Droppings
Bird Feather Barbules
Bison Hair
Black Cherry Wood
Black Mountain Huckleberry Pollen
Black Particles, How to Identify
Blackberry Pollen
Black Particles, Key
Black Particles from Combustion
Black Particles Not from Combustion
Black Particles In Homes
Blown-in Cellulose Insulation Fiber
Blue Jay Feather Barbules
Bracken Fern (Pteridium) Spore
Brass Scuffing Wear
Brazing Alloy
Brown Bear Hair
Brush Fire Dust
Burnt Clay/Soil
Bushing Failure
Buteoninae Feather Barbules
Buttercup (Ranunculus occidentalis) Pollen
Butterfly Scales
Calcium Oxalate Phytoliths by Species
. . . Acer macrophyllum (Bigleaf Maple)
. . . Adenostoma sparsifolium (Redshanks)
. . . Amelanchier alnifolia (Service Berry)
. . . Cercocarpus intricatus (Mountain Mahogany)
. . . Chrysothamnus nauseosus (Rabbitbush)
. . . Crataegus douglasii (Hawthorn)
. . . Eucalyptus sp. (Eucalyptus)
. . . Encelia farinosa (Brittlebush)
. . . Heteromeles arbutifolia (Toyon)
. . . Holodiscus discolor (Ocean Spray)
. . . Larix occidentalis (Western Larch)
. . . Larrea tridentata (Creosote Bush)
. . . Pinus ponderosa (Ponderosa Pine)
. . . Platanus wrightii (Arizona Sycamore)
. . . Populus deltoides (Cottonwood)
. . . Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas Fir)
. . . Quercus turbinella (Shrub Live Oak)
. . . Rhamnus crocea (Spiny Redberry)
. . . Rheum rhaponticum (Rhubarb)
. . . Rhus integrifolia (Lemonade Sumac)
. . . Rosa nutkana (Wild Rose)
. . . Rumex crispus (Curled Dock)
. . . Symphoricarpus albus (Snowberry)
Calcium Oxalate Phytoliths by Morphology
. . . Bipyramidal Pinacoids
. . . Diamonds
. . . Lathes
. . . Prisms
. . . Rhomboids
. . . Rosettes or Druses
. . . Sands
. . . Squares
. . . Twins
Camas Pollen
Camel Hair
Candle Soot
Carbon Fiber
Carbon Fiber Composites
Carbon Fiber Composite Shop Environments
Carbon Fiber Composite, Thin Section
Carbonless Copy Paper Fiber
Caribou Hair
Carpet Beetle
Carpet Deodorizer
Carpet Freshener
Cat Hair
Cat Hair, Tabby
Catalpa Pollen
Ceiling Tile Glass Fiber
Cellular Particles
Celtus occidentalus (Hackberry) Wood Sections
Cement Clinker
Centrales, Diatoms
Centropyxis aculeata, Testate Amoeba
Chaparral Type Environments
. . . Chaparral in North America
. . . Mallee Environments in Australia
. . . Maquis Environments in France
Char by Plant
Charred Bark
Charred Drain Pipe
Charred Fibers
Charred Grass
Charred Hair
Charred Leaf
Charred Wooden Matchstick
Charred Paint
Charred Paper
Charred Paper Fiber
Charred Wood
. . . Charred Aspen
. . . Charred Douglas Fir
. . . Charred Oak
Chaetomium Spores and Hyphaesetae
Chelifer cancroides, Pseudoscorpion
Chemical Microscopy
. . . Aluminum Microcrystal Test
. . . Ammonium Microcrystal Test
. . . Calcium Microcrystal Test
. . . Chlorine Microcrystal Test
. . . Copper Microcrystal Test
. . . Lead Microcrystal Test
. . . Magnesium Microcrystal Test
. . . Manganese Microcrystal Test
. . . Phosphate Microcrystal Test
. . . Potassium Microcrystal Test
. . . Sodium Microcrystal Test
. . . Sulfur (Reduced) Test
. . . Sulfate Microcrystal Test
. . . Zinc Microcrystal Test
Cherry Pollen
Chicken Feather Barbules
Chinchilla Hair
Chipmunk Hair
Chromspun Acetate Fiber
Chrysotile Asbestos
Chrysotile Asbestos, Low Refractive Index
Chrysotile Asbestos, Negative Sign of Elongation
Cirsium (Thistle) Pollen
Cigarette Ash
Civit Cat (American Ring-Tailed Cat)
Cladophoria Algae
Clay Fibers
Clay Films
Claytonia lanceolata (Spring Beauty) Pollen
Cleaning Agglomerates
Cleaning Residue
Clothing Fiber
Clover Pollen
Clover, Red (Trifolium pretense) Pollen
Clover, Yellow (Trifolium minus) Pollen
Clover, Yellow Sweet (Melilotus officinalis) Pollen
Clover, White (Trifolium repens) Pollen
Coleps, Ciliate
Coal Dust
Columbidae Feather Barbules
Composite Shop Environments
Concrete Dust
Construction Residues
Copper Arc Debris
Copper Reduction
Copper Smelter Slag
Copper "Trees"
Copy Machine Toner
Corn Starch
Corrosive Sulfur Testing
Corvidae Feather Barbules
Crocidolite Asbestos
Crow Feather Barbules
Crystals (particles that often appear as well defined crystals)
Cubicle Divider Glass Fiber
Cuticle Patterns on Hair
Cyan Dye
Cytisus scoparius (Scotch Broom) Pollen
Dampwood Termite Frass
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) Pollen
. . . Bird
. . . Cat
. . . Dog
. . . Human
Deer Bone
Deer (FAMILY: Cervidae) Hair
Degraded Paper
Dermestidae, Carpet Beetle
Demodex Mite
Density Gradient Analysis
. . . of Sands
. . . of Soils
Diatomaceous Earth
Diatoms, Lake Washington, Washington State
Diffuser Particles
Dinosuar Bone
Dispersion Staining
Dispersion Staining Colors
Dog Dander
Dog Debris
Dog Hair
Dollar Bill Ink
Douglas Fir
Douglas Fir Ash
Dry-Erase Ink Dust
Duck Feather Barbules
Echinate Pollen
Egg, Flea
Egg, Mite
Electrical Power System Particles
. . . Bushing Particles
. . . . . . Bushing Flash-Over Particles
. . . Circuit Breaker Particles
. . . Tap Changer Particles
. . . Transformer Particles
Electro-Static Discharge Failure
Elk Hair
Elm (Ulmus thomasii) Wood Sections
Equisetum spp. Pollen
Eucalyptus Pollens
False Box Pollen
False Solomon's Seal Pollen
Feather Barbules
. . . Duck (Anatidae)
. . . Red Tail Hawk (Buteoninae)
. . . Cockatiel (Cacatuidae)
. . . Dove (Columbidae)
. . . Pigeon (Columbidae)
. . . Blue Jay (Corvidae)
. . . Crow (Corvidae)
. . . Stellar Jay (Corvidae)
. . . House Finch (Fringilidae)
. . . Pheasant (Phasianidae)
. . . Parakeet (Psittacidae)
. . . Hummingbird (Trochilidae)
. . . Robin (Turdidae)
. . . Varied Thrush (Turdidae)
Feather Barbule Villi
Fecal Material in Homes
Fecal Pellets (Frass), Carpet Beetle
Fecal Pellets (Frass), Dampwood Termite
Fecal Pellets (Frass), Flea
Fecal Pellets (Frass), Fly
Fecal Pellets (Frass), Honeybee
Fecal Pellets (Frass), Insect
Fecal Pellets (Frass), Mite
Fern Sporangium
Fern Spores
Ferret Hair
Ferrocerium Alloy
Fibers, Anisotropic
Fibers, Insect, Silk
Fibers, Isotropic
Fibers, Plant
Fibers, Textile
Fibrous Clay
Fibrous Minerals
Fibrous Talc
Films, Biofilms
Films, Clay
Films in Water
Fingernail Filings
Fir (Abies balsamea) Wood Sections
Fire Debris Particles
. . . Agricultural Field Burning Particles
. . . . . . Sugarcane Field Burning Particles
. . . . . . Wheat Field Burning Particles
. . . Home Fire Debris Particles
. . . . . . Charred Paint
. . . . . . Dryer Fire
. . . . . . Fireplace Ash Debris Particles
. . . . . . Kitchen Grease Fire Debris Particles
. . . . . . Modern Log Home Fire Debris Particles
. . . Apartment Fire Debris Particles
. . . Lithium-Ion Battery Fire Debris Particles
. . . Wildfire Debris Particles
. . . . . . Ash at Distance
. . . . . . General
. . . . . . Arizona
. . . . . . . . . Goodwin Fire, 2017
. . . . . . California Chaparral Fire
. . . . . . . . . Creek/Sylmar Fire, 2017
. . . . . . . . . La Tuna Fire, 2017
. . . . . . . . . Saddle Ridge Fire, 2019
. . . . . . . . . Sand Fire, 2016
. . . . . . . . . Woolsey Fire, 2018
. . . . . . California Forest Fire
. . . . . . California Grassland Fire
. . . . . . Tennessee Forestfire
. . . . . . Washington Forestfire
. . . . . . Washington Grassland Steppe Fires
. . . Hay Fire Debris Particles
Fire Retardant Spheres
Flake Particles
Flashover Bushing Failure
Flea Egg
Flea Foot
Flea Frass (Fecal Pellets)
Flea Larva
Flea Leg
Flint Bar
Floor Resurfacing, Vinyl
Floral Foam
Fly Frass
Fly Speck
Fly Wing
Forestfire Smoke/Dust
Fox Hair
Fragaria vesca (Wild Strawberry) Pollen
Frass (Fecal Pellets), Flea
Frass (Fecal Pellets), Fly
Frass (Fecal Pellets), Honeybee
Frass (Fecal Pellets), Termite
Freshwater Sponge Spicules
Fringilidae Feather Barbules
Fuel Line Failure, Metal Braid with Teflon Liner
Fuchsin Films
Fungal Debris
Fungal Spores
. . . Etched Garnet from the Morrison Formation
Geranium Pollen
Glass Fiber
Glass Fiber, Acoustic Ceiling Tile
Glass Fiber, Blanket Insulation
Glass Fiber, Blown-in Insulation
Glass Fiber, Cubicle Divider
Glass Fiber, HVAC System
Glass Fiber, Identifying
Glass Fiber, Thermally Modified
Glass Fiber, Space Shuttle Tile Insulation
Glass Fiber, Workstation Partition
Glospan, Spandex
Goat Hair
Golden Web Spider Silk
Grand Turk Beach Sand
Graphite Dust
Grass Pollen
Guide to Particle Identification
Guide to Transformer Oil Particle Identification
Guinea Pig Hair
Hackberry (Celtus occidentalus) Wood Sections
Hair, Cuticle Patterns
Hair (Insect)
Hair (Mammal)
. . . Alpaca
. . . Angora Rabbit
. . . Bat
. . . Bison
. . . Brown Bear
. . . Camel
. . . Caribou Family (FAMILY: Cervidae)
. . . Cat
. . . Chinchilla
. . . Cow
. . . Cuticle Patterns
. . . Deer Family (FAMILY: Cervidae)
. . . Dog
. . . Elk Family (FAMILY: Cervidae)
. . . Ferret
. . . Goat
. . . Guinea Pig
. . . Horse
. . . Human
. . . Llama
. . . Mammoth
. . . Mink
. . . Moose Family (FAMILY: Cervidae)
. . . Mouse
. . . Muskrat
. . . Opossum
. . . Otter
. . . Pet
. . . Rabbit
. . . Raccoon
. . . Rat
. . . Seal
. . . Squirrel
Hair, Mite
Hair (Plant)
Hair, Plant
Hawaiian Pollen
Heat-Treat Scale
Hematite Colored Particles
Hemlock, Eastern
Hemp Fiber
Holly, American (Ilex opaca) Wood Sections
Honey Pollens, Swedish
Honey Pollens, Australia
Honey Pollens, Brazil
Honey Pollens, California Cactus
Honey Pollens, Canada
Honey Pollens, Hawaii
. . . Coconut Honey Pollens, Hawaii
. . . Macadamia Honey Pollens, Hawaii
. . . Ohia Lehua Honey Pollens, Hawaii
. . . Wililaiki Honey Pollens, Hawaii
Honey Pollens, New Mexico
. . . New Mexico Cat's Claw Acacia Honey Pollen
. . . New Mexico Desert Wildflower Honey Pollen
. . . New Mexico Gamble Oak Honey Pollen
Honey Pollens, Swedish
Honey Pollens, Traider Joe's Rainbow Honey
Honey Pollens, Washington State, USA
. . . Washington State Blackberry Honey Pollen
. . . Washington State Blueberry Honey Pollen
. . . Washington State Clover Honey Pollen
. . . Washington State Knotweed Honey Pollen
. . . Washington State Sage Honey Pollen
Wax Crystals from Honey
Honeybee Frass
Honeysuckle Pollen
Horse Hair
Horsetail Pollen
House Dust
House Finch Feather Barbules
House Fire Particles
House Pseudoscorpion
House Scorpion
HSE/NPL Phase Contrast Standard Slide
Human Dander (Skin Flakes)
Human Hair
Hummingbird Feather Barbules
HVAC Agglomerates
Hydralic Line Contaminants
Hyphaesetae, Chaetomium
Identification of Particles
Identifying Glass Fiber
IES 62535
Ilex opaca (Holly, American) Wood Sections
Indian Celery Pollen
Industrial Fire Particles
Industrial Shop Environments
Ink Jet, Black
Insect Egg, Flea
Insect Damage, Carpet Beetle
Insect Fibers, Silks
Insect Fecal Pellets
. . . Codding Moth Larva Fecal Pellets
. . . Honeybee Fecal Pellets
Insect Fragments
Insect Frass
Insect Frass, Termite
Insect Hair
Insect Hair, Carpet Beetle
Insect Larva, Carpet Beetle
Insect Larva, Flea
Insect Mandible
Insect Parts
Insect Scales
Insect Wing
Interference Colors
. . . Anomalous Interference Colors
Interference Figures
Interference Figure,Biaxial
Interference Figure,Uniaxial
Iron Loving Bacteria
Iron Oxides
Iron Scale (Mill Scale)
Ion Exchange Resin
Isoetes macrospora Spore
Isotropic Particles
Itching Powder
Juniperus Virginiana
Kauai Salt
Kellicottia bostoniensis
Keratella quadrata
Kerr Effect
Kevlar, para-Aramid Fiber
Key to Particle Identification
Larva, Insect, Carpet Beetle
Larva, Mite
Laurel Pollen
Larva, Insect, Flea
Leaf Epithelium
Leaf Structures
Leg, Flea
Leg, Mite
Leopard Hair
Lilac Pollen
Lily Pollen
Lima Bean Starch
Liriodendron tulipifera (Poplar) Wood Sections
Lithodora Pollen
Llama Hair
Lodgepole Pine Pollen
Lonicera Genus Pollen
Lube Wear
Lyocell, Tencel
Machine Shop Environment
Magnesium Microcrystal Test
Magnetite Spheres
Mahonia aquifolium Pollen
Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum pedatum) Spore
Mammoth Hair
Man Made Vitreous Fiber (MMVF)
Maple Seed Hair Fibers
Maple (Acer saccharum) Wood Sections
Marijuana Ash
Marine Aerosol
Melilotus officinalis (Sweet Yellow Clover) Pollen
Melosira (Aulacoseira) Diatom
Mesquet Ash
Metal Braid Fuel Line Failure
Metamict Crystals
Microscope for Environmental Studies
Microscopy Topics
. . . Anomalous Birefringence
. . . Apparent Birefringence
. . . . . . Diffraction Patterns
. . . Edge Effects Birefringence
. . . Percent Obscuration
. . . Resolution vs Visibility
Midge Parts
Mill Scale
Mineral Wool
Mink Hair
Mite, Indoor
Mite, Outdoor
Mite, Egg
Mite Fecal Pellets
Mite Foot
Mite Frass
Mite, Indoor
Mite, Larva
Mite, Legs
Mite, Setae
Mite, Tarsonemus
Mite, Tyrophagus
MMVF (Man Made Vitreous Fiber)
Mono-Ammonium Phosphate
Mortar Dust
Moose Hair
Morus rubra (Red Mulberry), Wood Sections
Moss Leaf
Moss Spores
Moth and Moth Debris
Mouse Hair
Mulberry (Red), Wood Sections
Muskrat Hair
Natural Minerals
. . . Actinolite Asbestos
. . . Amosite Asbestos
. . . Anthophyllite Asbestos
. . . Arfvedisonite, Fibrous Mineral
. . . Azurite
. . . Boulangerite
. . . Calcite
. . . Chrysotile Asbestos
. . . Covellite
. . . Enstatite
. . . Epidote
. . . Erionite
. . . Feldspar
. . . . . . Labradorite
. . . . . . Orthoclase
. . . Fluorite
. . . Garnet
. . . Halotrichite
. . . Hausmannite
. . . Hematite
. . . Hornblende
. . . Jamsonite
. . . Limonite
. . . Magnetite
. . . Malachite
. . . Mica
. . . Nicolite
. . . Obsidian
. . . Olivine
. . . Palygorskite
. . . Pyrargyrite
. . . Quartz
. . . Rammelsbergite
. . . Realgar
. . . Rhodochrosite
. . . Rutile
. . . Scheelite
. . . Sphalerite
. . . Tourmaline
. . . Vesuvianite
. . . Wollastonite
. . . Zircon
Newspaper Ink and Fiber
Newtons Rings
Nigraspora Spores
NIOSH 7400 Asbestos Fiber Counting
Nomex, meta-Aramid Fiber
Oblique Illumination
Ocean Spray Pollen
Ocelot Hair
Open Cell Foam
Opossum Hair
Optical Properties of Particles in Fixed Medium
. . . Morphological Properties of Particles in Fixed Medium
. . . . . . Projected Shape
. . . . . . Transmitted Shape
. . . . . . Reflected Shape
. . . . . . Size
. . . . . . Aspect Ratio
. . . . . . Crystal Angles
. . . . . . Angularity
. . . . . . Roundness
. . . . . . Terminations
. . . . . . Fracture Type
. . . . . . Fracture Surfaces
. . . . . . Surface Texture
. . . . . . Internal Texture
. . . . . . Surface Features
. . . . . . Internal Feature
. . . . . . Reflected Scatter
. . . . . . Transmitted Scatter
. . . . . . Cross-Section
. . . . . . Mixed Phase Structures
. . . . . . Agglomerates
. . . . . . Symmetry
. . . . . . Resolution vs Visibility
. . . Physiochemical Properties of Particles in Fixed Medium
. . . . . . Refractive Index
. . . . . . Color Types
. . . . . . . . . Interference Colors
. . . . . . . . . Monochromatic Colors
. . . . . . . . . Complimentary Colors
. . . . . . . . . Idiochromatic and Heterochromatic Colors
. . . . . . . . . . . . Transition Metals Colors
. . . . . . Transmission
. . . . . . Absorption
. . . . . . Reflectivity
. . . . . . Transmission Color
. . . . . . Reflected Color
. . . . . . Pleochroism
. . . . . . Birefringence
. . . . . . Anomalous Birefringence
. . . . . . Bireflection
. . . . . . Diffraction Patterns
. . . . . . Interference Figures
. . . . . . Optical Sign
. . . . . . Sign of Elongation
. . . . . . Interference Colors
. . . . . . Extinction Types
. . . . . . Twinning
. . . . . . Substitutional Phases
. . . Interface Properties of Particles in Fixed Medium
. . . . . . Relief
. . . . . . Relative Refractive Index
. . . . . . Dispersion Staining
. . . . . . Rotation of Polarization by Reflection
. . . . . . Rotation of Polarization, Kerr Effect
. . . . . . Polarization Due to Curing Stress
. . . . . . Diffraction Effects
. . . . . . Z Resolution
. . . . . . Contrast Enhancement
Orb Mites
Oregon Grape Pollen
Organic Films
Otter Hair
Pachystima myrsinites Pollen
Paint Spheres
Paper Debris
Paper Fiber and Debris in the Home
Paper Fiber by Species of Tree
Paper Degree of Polymerization (DP)
Paper Fiber, Charred
Parakeet Feather Barbules
Parrot Feather Barbules
Particle Identification
Particles from Transformer Oil
Particles with Attached Hairs or Spines
Particles by Color
Particles with Pointed Terminations
Pea Starch
Peacock Feather Barbules
Pencil Debris
Pennales Diatoms
Periporate Pollen
Pet Debris
Petrified Wood
Pet Hair
Phase Contrast Standard Slide
Phase Contrast Test Slide
Phasianidae Feather Barbules
Pheasant Feather Barbules
Phoca vitulina Hair
Phlox Pollen
Phytoliths, Calcium Oxalate
Phytoliths, Silica
Picea glauca Wood
Pieris Pollen
Pine, Ponderosa
Pine Pollen
Pink Pearl Erasure
Pinus albicaulis Pollen
Pinus contorta latifolia Pollen
Pinus monticola Pollen
Pipe Char
Plant Fibers
Plant Hair (Trichomes)
Plant Parts
PM2.5 Particles
Pointed Particles
Pollen (Click here for a general guide)
. Pollen By Common Name
. . . Acacia
. . . Akia
. . . Alder
. . . Alpine Fir
. . . American Sweetgum
. . . Anemone
. . . Apple
. . . Arnica
. . . Avocado
. . . Awikiwiki
. . . Balsamroot, Deltoid
. . . Barberry
. . . Basswood (American)
. . . Beavertail Cactus
. . . Bigleaf Maple
. . . Big-Spore Quillwort
. . . Birch
. . . Bittercress
. . . Black Mountain Huckleberry
. . . Blackberry
. . . Bleeding Heart
. . . Blueberry sp.
. . . Blue Gum Tree
. . . Blue Sailors
. . . Blue Violet
. . . Bouganvillea sp.
. . . Bracken Fern
. . . Brazilian Peppertree
. . . Brittlebush
. . . Bush Poppy
. . . Buttercup, Western
. . . Butterfly Bush
. . . California Lilac
. . . Canterbury Bells
. . . Camas
. . . Cat's Claw (Catclaw) Acacia
. . . Cat's Ear
. . . Cattail Pollen
. . . Cherry Group
. . . Chia
. . . Chicory
. . . Cholla Cactus sp.
. . . Christmas Cactus
. . . Clover Group
. . . Clover, Red
. . . Clover, White
. . . Clover, Yellow
. . . Coconut
. . . Coffee
. . . Creosote Bush
. . . Crocus
. . . Dandelion
. . . Date Palm, Pigmy
. . . Desert Chicory
. . . Desert Dandelion
. . . Douglas Fir
. . . Elm
. . . English Laurel
. . . Eucalyptus Family
. . . False Box
. . . False Solomon’s Seal
. . . Fireweed
. . . For-Get-Me-Not
. . . Foxglove
. . . Gardenia
. . . Geranium
. . . Geyer’s Onion
. . . Globemallow
. . . Gourd
. . . Groundsel
. . . Hala
. . . Hawaiian Mallow
. . . Hawksbeard, Narrowleaf
. . . Hazelnut
. . . Heather
. . . Hibiscus
. . . Honeysuckle Group
. . . Honeysuckle, Mexican
. . . Horse Chestnut
. . . Horsetail
. . . Hummingbird Vine
. . . Indian Celery
. . . Indian Paintbrush
. . . Indian Plum
. . . Jimson-weed
. . . Juniper
. . . Knapweed
. . . Kou
. . . Larch
. . . Laurel, English
. . . Leatherwood
. . . Lesquerella
. . . Lilac
. . . Lily Family (Liliaceae)
. . . Linden (American)
. . . Lithodora
. . . Lodgepole Pine
. . . Lupine
. . . Maidenhair Fern
. . . Manzanita, Green Leaf
. . . Mao
. . . Mariposa Lily
. . . Mesquite
. . . Mexican Fan Palm
. . . Mexican Honeysuckle
. . . Mock Orange
. . . Mojave Mound Cactus
. . . Mojave Prickle Pear Cactus
. . . Mojave Yucca
. . . Mormon-tea
. . . Mule's Ear
. . . Mullein, Common (Great)
. . . Narrowleaf Hawksbeard
. . . Naupaka
. . . New Mexico Thistle
. . . Noni
. . . Ocean Spray
. . . Ocotillo
. . . Orange Honeysuckle
. . . Oregon Grape
. . . Palm, Mexican Fan
. . . Palo Verde
. . . Pandanus
. . . Peruvian Peppertree
. . . Petunia
. . . Phlox
. . . Pieris
. . . Pine Family (Pinaceae)
. . . Pinedrops
. . . Plantain, Narrow Leaf
. . . Ponderosa Pine
. . . Prickly Sow Thistle
. . . Primrose
. . . Purple deadnettle
. . . Quillwort, Big-Spore
. . . Quince
. . . Racemosa pussytoes
. . . Red Barrel Cactus
. . . Red Clover
. . . Red Elderberry
. . . Rose Family (Rosaceae)
. . . salal
. . . Scotch Broom
. . . Scrub Oak
. . . Serviceberry
. . . Snow Lily
. . . Solomon’s Plume
. . . Spider Lillie
. . . Spring Beauty
. . . Stick Mouse-ear Chickweed
. . . Strawberry Group
. . . Sweetbush
. . . Sweetgum
. . . Tahitian Gardenia
. . . Tamarack
. . . Thimbleberry
. . . Thistles
. . . . . . New Mexico Thistle
. . . Tiger Lily
. . . Trefoil
. . . Trumpet vine
. . . Trumpetbush
. . . Twinberry, Black
. . . Violet
. . . Weeping Willow
. . . Western White Pine
. . . White Clover
. . . Whitebark Pine
. . . Wild Rose
. . . Wililaiki
. . . Wireweed
. . . Woolly Daisy
. . . Yarrow
. . . Yellow Clover
. . . Yellow Monkeyflower
. . . Yellow Sweet Clover
. . . Zygocactus
. Pollen By Scientific Name
. . . Abis lasiocarpus
. . . Acacia spp.
. . . Acer macrophyllum
. . . Achillea millefolium
. . . Adiantum pedantum
. . . Aesculus hippocstanum
. . . Allium geyeri
. . . Alnus rubra
. . . Amelanchier sp.
. . . Anemone oregana
. . . Antennaria racemosa
. . . Antheropeas wallacei
. . . Arctostaphylos glandulosa/a>
. . . Arnica cordifolia
. . . Balsamorhiza deltoidea
. . . Bebbia juncea var. aspera
. . . Berberis thunbergii
. . . Betula papyrifera
. . . Bouganvillea sp.
. . . Buddleja davidii
. . . Calluna vulgaris
. . . Calochortus elegans
. . . Camassia quamash
. . . Campsis radicans
. . . Canavalia
. . . Cardamine hirsuta
. . . Castilleja miniata
. . . Ceanothus tomentosus
. . . Cerastium glomeratum
. . . Cichorium intybus
. . . Cirsium neomexicana
. . . Cirsium sp.
. . . Claytonia lanceolata
. . . Cocos nucifera
. . . Coffea arabica
. . . Cordia subcordata
. . . Corylus
. . . Crepis tectorum
. . . Crinum sp.
. . . Crocus sp.
. . . Cucurbita maxima
. . . Cydonia oblonga
. . . Cylindropuntia sp.
. . . Cytisus scoparius
. . . Datura wrightii
. . . Dendromecon rigida
. . . Digitalis purpurea
. . . Diplacus (Mimulus) brevipes
. . . Echinocereus triglochidiatus
. . . Encelia farinosa
. . . Ephedra fasciculata
. . . Epilobium angustifolium
. . . Equisetum sp.
. . . Eriophyllum (now Antheropeas) wallacei
. . . Erythronium grandiflorum
. . . Eucalyptus globulus
. . . Eucryphia lucida
. . . Ferocactus cylindraceus
. . . Fouquieria splendens
. . . Fragaria Genus
. . . Gardenia taitensis
. . . Gaultheria shallon
. . . Ginkgo biloba
. . . Geranium sp.
. . . Gossypium tomentosum
. . . Grevillea aspleniifolia
. . . Hibiscus
. . . Holodiscus discolor
. . . Hypochaeris radicata
. . . Isoetes macrospora
. . . Juniperus sp.
. . . Justicia spicigera
. . . Lamium purpureum
. . . Lamprocapnos spectabilis
. . . Larix laricina
. . . Larrea tridentata
. . . Lesquerella tenella
. . . Liliaceae Family
. . . Lilium columbianum
. . . Liquidambar styraciflua
. . . Lithodora diffusa
. . . Lomatium nudicaule
. . . Lonicera ciliosa
. . . Lonicera Genus
. . . Lonicera involucrate
. . . Lupinus sp.
. . . Mahonia [Berberis] aquifolium
. . . Malacothrix glabrata
. . . Malus domestica
. . . Melilotus officinalis
. . . Mimulus brevipes
. . . Morinda citrifolia
. . . Myosotis scorpioides
. . . Myrtaceae Family
. . . Oemleria cerasiformis
. . . Opuntia basilaris
. . . Opuntia phaeacantha
. . . Pachystima myrsinites
. . . Pandanus tectorius
. . . Parkinsonia florida
. . . Persea americana
. . . Petunia hybrida
. . . Phacelia campanularia
. . . Philadelphus lewisii
. . . Phlox diffusa
. . . Phoenix dactylifera
. . . Physaria (Lesquerella) tenella
. . . Pieris sp.
. . . Pinaceae Family
. . . Pinus albicaulis
. . . Pinus contorta latifolia
. . . Pinus monticola
. . . Plantago lanceloata
. . . Primula stricta
. . . Prosopis glandulosa
. . . Prunus Genus
. . . Prunus laurocerasus
. . . Pseudotsuga menziesii
. . . Pteridium sp.
. . . Pterospora andromedea
. . . Quercus berberidifolia
. . . Rafinesquia neomexicana
. . . Ranunculus occidentalis
. . . Rosa nutkana
. . . Rosaceae Family
. . . Rubus fruticosus
. . . Rubus parviflorus
. . . Salvia columbariae
. . . Sambucus racemosa
. . . Scaevola taccada
. . . Schinus molle
. . . Schinus terebinthifolius
. . . Schlumbergera Truncata Group
. . . Senecio vulgaris
. . . Senegalia greggii
. . . Sida acuta
. . . Smilacina racemosa
. . . Smilacina stellata
. . . Sonchus asper
. . . Sphaeralcea ambigua
. . . Syringa vulgaris
. . . Taraxacum officinale
. . . Tecoma stans
. . . Tilia americana
. . . Typha latifolia Pollen
. . . Trifolium Genus
. . . Trifolium minus
. . . Trifolium pretense
. . . Trifolium repens
. . . Trigonella caerulea
. . . Ulmus sp.
. . . Vaccinium sp.
. . . Vaccinium membranaceum
. . . Verbascum thapsus
. . . Viola adunca
. . . Washingtonia robusta
. . . Wikstroemia uva-ursi
. . . Wyethia amplexicaulis
. . . Yucca schidigera
. Pollen By Family
. . . Acanthaceae Pollen
. . . Adiantaceae Spores
. . . Adoxaceae Pollen
. . . Altingiaceae
. . . Amaryllidaceae Pollen
. . . Anacardiaceae Pollen
. . . Apiaceae Pollen
. . . Arecaceae Pollen
. . . Asparagaceae Pollen
. . . Asteraceae (Compositae)Pollen
. . . . . . TRIBE: Cichorieae/Lactuceae (Dandelions) Pollen
. . . . . . TRIBE: Cynarieae (Thistles) Pollen
. . . . . . TRIBE: Heliantheae (Sunflowers) Pollen
. . . . . . TRIBE: Senecioneae (Groundsels) Pollen
. . . Berberidaceae Pollen
. . . Betulaceae Pollen
. . . Bignoniaceae Pollen
. . . Boraginaceae Pollen
. . . Brassicaceae Pollen
. . . Cactaceae Pollen
. . . Caprifoliaceae Pollen
. . . Caryophyllaceae Pollen
. . . Compositae (see Asteraceae)Pollen
. . . Cucurbitaceae
. . . Cunoniaceae
. . . Cupressaceae
. . . Dennstaedtiaceae
. . . Ephedraceae
. . . Ericaceae
. . . Fabaceae Pollen
. . . Fagaceae Pollen
. . . Fouquieriaceae Pollen
. . . Geraniaceae Pollen
. . . Ginkgoaceae Pollen
. . . Goodeniaceae
. . . Hydrangeaceae Pollen
. . . Iridaceae Pollen
. . . Isoetaceae Spores
. . . Lactuceae
. . . Lamiaceae
. . . Lauraceae
. . . Liliaceae Pollen
. . . Linaceae
. . . Malvaceae Pollen
. . . Myrtaceae Pollen
. . . Nyctaginaceae Pollen
. . . Oleaceae Pollen
. . . Onagraceae Pollen
. . . Orobanchaceae Pollen
. . . Pandanaceae
. . . Papaveraceae Pollen
. . . Phrymaceae Pollen
. . . Pinaceae Pollen
. . . Plantaginaceae
. . . Polemoniaceae Pollen
. . . Portulacaceae Pollen
. . . Primulaceae Pollen
. . . Proteaceae Pollen
. . . Ranunculaceae Pollen
. . . Rhamnaceae Pollen
. . . Rosaceae Family Pollen
. . . Rubiaceae
. . . Sapindaceae Family Pollen
. . . Scrophulariaceae Family Pollen
. . . Solanaceae
. . . Thymelaeaceae
. . . Tiliaceae Pollen
. . . Typhaceae Pollen
. . . Violaceae
. . . Zygophyllaceae Pollen
. Pollen and Spores by Morphology
. . . Vesiculate Pollen
 . Attached Air Sacks
. . . Inaperturate Pollen
 . No Opening or Skin Rupture Only
. . . Trilete Pollen
 . 3-Armed Scar at one Pole
. . . Monolete Pollen
 . Kidney Shaped with 1 Furrow
. . . Monocolpate Pollen
 . Ellipse with 1 Furrow
. . . Stephanocolpate Pollen
 . More than 3 Furrows, All Meridinal
. . . Syncolpate Pollen
 . Furrows Meet at Poles
. . . Echinolophate (Fenestrate) Pollen
 . Large Geometric Openings, Some with Pores, Surrounded by Spiny Ridges
. . . Tricolporate Pollen
 . 3 Pores, Each in a Furrow
. . . . . . Quadricolporate Pollen
 . 4 Pores, Each in a Furrow, Common
as a subtype of Tricolporate but persistent in some plants such as Buddlija davidii.
. . . Triporate Pollen
 . 3 Pores, No Furrows
. . . Stephanoporate Pollen
 . More than 3 or 4 Pores, All Meridinal,
. . . Periporate Pollen
 . More than 3 Pores, Not All Meridinal
. . . Polyad Pollen
 . More Than One Grain Bound Together
. . Skin Texture
. . . Echinate Pollen
 . Skin Texture with Spikes
. . . Rugulate Pollen
. . . Scabrate Pollen
 . Skin Texture Scab-like
. . . Striate Pollen
 . Skin Texture Aligned Streaks
. . . Reticulate Pollen
 . Upper Skin Texture Lace-like
Pollen Starch
Polyad Pollen
Ponderosa Pine
Ponderosa Pine Ash
Poplar, Yellow (Liriodendron tulipifera) Wood Sections
Populus balsamifera Wood
Portland Cement
Potassium, Test For
Potassium Uranyl Acetate
Potato Starch
Powderpost Beetle
Primrose Pollen
Print Shop Environment
Prunus sp. Pollen
Prunus serotina Wood
Pseudotsuga Menziesii
Psittacidae Feather Barbules
Pteridium (Bracken Fern) Spore
Pyrolyzed Calcium Oxalate Phytoliths
Quince Pollen
Rabbit Hair
Raccoon Hair
Ramie Fiber
Ranunculus occidentalis (Western Buttercup) Pollen
Rat Hair
Red Clover (Trifolium pretense) Pollen
Red Mulberry (Morus rubra), Wood Sections
Red Particles
Red Tailed Hawk Feather Barbules
Reflected Darkfield Analysis
Reticulate Pollen
Resin Impregnated Wood
Resolution vs Visibility
Rhubarb Pytoliths
Rice Starch
Ring Necked Pidgon Feather Barbules
Road Agglomerates
Road Dust
Robin Feather Barbules
Rock Wool
Rodent (Rodentia) Hair
Rosaceae Family Pollen
Rosehip Fiber
Rosehip Pith
Round Particle Key
Rubber Wear
Russian Thistle Char
Sacred Dove Feather Barbules
Sago Starch
Salix Pollen
Salt, Sodium Chloride
. . . Africa
. . . Australia
. . . Ecuador
. . . Caribean
. . . Estonia
. . . France
. . . Germany
. . . Mexico
. . . . . . Copper Canyon Adventure Park
. . . . . . Guaymas Pearl Farm, Mexico
. . . . . . San Carlos, Mexico
. . . Spain
. . . United Kingdom
. . . United States
. . . . . . Arizona
. . . . . . . . . Long Canyon (Sedona)
. . . . . . California
. . . . . . Florida
. . . . . . Hawaii
. . . . . . . . . Hawaii (Big Island)
. . . . . . . . . . . . Kalapana Beach
. . . . . . . . . . . . Kauhola Beach
. . . . . . . . . . . . Keokea Beach
. . . . . . . . . . . . Kona Reef Beach
. . . . . . . . . . . . Laaloa Beach
. . . . . . . . . . . . Mahaiula Beach
. . . . . . . . . . . . Makolea Beach
. . . . . . . . . . . . Old Airport Beach
. . . . . . . . . . . . Puako Beach
. . . . . . . . . . . . South Point Beach
. . . . . . . . . . . . Waipio Beach
. . . . . . . . . Kauai
. . . . . . . . . . . . Fossil Dune
. . . . . . . . . . . . Hanalei Beach
. . . . . . . . . . . . Kekahua Beach
. . . . . . . . . . . . Keoneloa (Shipwreck) Beach
. . . . . . . . . . . . Makauwahi Cave Beach
. . . . . . . . . . . . McArthur Beach
. . . . . . . . . . . . Pohihale Beach
. . . . . . . . . . . . Popui Beach
. . . . . . . . . . . . Salt Pond Sand
. . . . . . . . . . . . Wiamai River Beach
. . . . . . . . . Maui
. . . . . . . . . . . . D. T. Fleming Beach
. . . . . . . . . . . . Hamoa Bay Beach
. . . . . . . . . . . . Hanahua Bay Beach
. . . . . . . . . . . . Honokohau Beach
. . . . . . . . . . . . Kaanapali Beach
. . . . . . . . . . . . Kehei Beach
. . . . . . . . . . . . Oluwalu Beach
. . . . . . . . . . . . Wahikuli Beach
. . . . . . New Mexico
. . . . . . Oregon
. . . . . . South Carolina
. . . . . . Texas
. . . . . . Virginia
. . . . . . Washington State
. . . . . . . . . Ocean Shores, Washington State
Sand Kit
San Francisco 1906 Earthquake and Fire Debris
Scale Patterns on Hair
Scales, Butterfly and Moth
Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) Pollen
Seaport Particles
Sea Salt
Scabrate Pollen
Seal Hair
Setae, Mite
Sheep Hair
Shoe Wear
Shot-Blast Debris
Siderophilic Bacteria
Silicon Carbide
Silk, Insect
Silk, Spider
Silk Textile Fiber
Silver, Native
Skin Flakes
Skunk Hair
Slag Abrasive
Slime Mold
Smoke, Forest Fire
Sodium, Test For
Sodium Bicarbonate
Sodium Chloride Ambient Aerosol
Sodium Chloride, Salt
Sodium Nitrate Ambient Aerosol
Sodium Nitrate Interference Figure
Sodium Uranyl Acetate
Solomon's Plume Pollen
. . . Dry Soot
. . . High Hydrocarbon Content Soot
. . . Wet Soot
Space Shuttle Bay Liner Glass Fiber
Space Shuttle Tile Glass Fiber
Spandex, Glospan
Spherical Particle Key
Spider Debris
Spider Fang
Spider Foot
Spider Frass
Spider Hair
Spider Web
Sponge Spicules
Sponge Spicules, Freshwater
Sponge Spicules from Lake Washington, Washington State
Sporangium, Fern
Spores, Fern
Spores, Fungal
Spores, Moss
Spring Beauty Pollen
Spruce, White, Wood
Spruce Ash
Squirrel Hair
Stachybotrys Spores
. . . Colored Starch
. . . Arrowroot Starch
. . . Banana Starch
. . . Barley Starch
. . . Corn Starch
. . . Lima Bean Starch
. . . Pea Starch
. . . Pollen Starch
. . . Potato Starch
. . . Rice Starch
. . . Sago Starch
. . . Tapioca Starch
. . . Wheat Starch
Stellar Jay Feather Barbules
Straw Fiber
Strawberry Pollen
Stress Birefringence in Particles
Striate Pollen
Sugar, Granulated
Supracoxal Seta of Tyrophagus p
Swedish Honey Pollen
Swedish Honey Pollen, June
Swedish Honey Pollen, August
Sweet Yellow Clover (Melilotus officinalis) Pollen
SVF(Synthetic Vitreous Fiber)
Syncolpate Pollen
Synthetic Clothing Fiber
Synthetic Clothing Fiber, Dynel
Synthetic Clothing Fiber, Nylon
Synthetic Clothing Fiber, Orlon
Synthetic Clothing Fiber, Polyester
Synthetic Clothing Fiber, Rayon
Synthetic Clothing Fiber, Synera
Synthetic Vitreous Fiber (SVF)
Tailpipe Emissions
Tapered Cylinder Particle Key
Tapioca Starch
Taraxacum officinale (Dandelion) Pollen
Tarsonemus Mite
Taxus brevifolia (Pacific Yew) Wood Sections
Teflon Liner Failure, Metal Braid Fuel Line
Tencel, Lyocell Fiber
Tent Caterpillar Hair
Termite Foot
Termite Frass
Termite Leg Muscles
Termite Mandible
Termite Parts
Testate Amoeba
Tetraploa Fungal Spore
Textile Fibers
Thermally Modified Glass Fiber
Thimbleberry (Rubus parviflorus) Pollen
Thin Film Interference Colors, Classic Explanation
Thin Film Interference Colors on Copper
Thistle (Cirsium) Pollen
Thin Film Interference Colors
Tilia americana, American Basswood
Tire Wear
Tissue Paper Fiber
Track Wear
Transformer Fire Debris
Transformer Particles
. . . Particles From Oil
. . . Black on Transformer Paper
Tremolite Asbestos
Trichomes (Plant Hair)
Trifolium minus (Yellow Clover) Pollen
Trifolium pretense (Red Clover) Pollen
Trifolium repens (White Clover) Pollen
Trilete Pollen or Spore
Triporate Pollen
Trochilidae Feather Barbules
Truck Maintenance Shop Environments
Tsuga Canadensis
Tulip Tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) Wood Sections
Turdidae Feather Barbules
Twinberry Pollen
Tyrophagus putrescentiae
Ulmus Pollen
Ulmus thomasii (Hard Elm) Wood Sections
Urine, Detection of
Urine Stain
Uniaxial Interference Figure
Vaccinium membranaceum Pollen
Varied Thrush Feather Barbules
Ventilation System Particles
Vesiculate Pollen
Vessel Wall, Woody Plants
Viscin Threads
Villi (Feather Barbule)
Vinegar Mother
Vinyl Flooring
Vinyon Fiber
Viscose Rayon
Visibility vs Resolution
Wear Metal
Wear Polymers
Weeping Willow Pollen
Weld Debris
Weld Particles
Weld Scale
Weld Spheres
Western Buttercup (Ranunculus occidentalis) Pollen
Western White Pine Pollen
Wheat Starch
White Clover (Trifolium repens) Pollen
White Rain, Washington State, USA
Whitebark Pine Pollen
Wild Strawberry (Fragaria vesca) Pollen
Wildfire Environments
Wildfire Particles
. . . . . . . Arizona Chaparral Fire Particles
. . . . . . . Arizona Forestfire Particles
. . . . . . . California Chaparral Wildfire Particles
. . . . . . . California Forestfire Particles
. . . . . . . California Steppe Wildfire Particles
. . . . . . . Colorado Montane Chaparral Wildfire Particles
. . . . . . . Washington Forestfire Particles
Wood Fibers
Wood Sections (All)
. Wood Microstructure
. . . Biseriate Alternate Pitting (Pores)
. . . Biseriate Opposite Pitting (Pores)
. . . Cross-field Pitting (Pores)
. . . Helical Thickening
. . . Multiseriate Alternate Pitting
. . . Multiseriate Opposite Pitting
. . . Scalariform Perforations
. . . Uniseriate Pitting (Pores)
. Wood Sections By Common Name
. . . Alder
. . . Aspen, Quaking
. . . Basswood, American
. . . Beech
. . . Birch, Paper
. . . Birch, Yellow
. . . Black Locust
. . . Boxelder Maple
. . . Buckeye, Ohio
. . . Cedar, Eastern
. . . Cedar, Port Orford
. . . Cedar, White
. . . Cherry, Black
. . . Chestnut, American
. . . Dogwood, Flowering
. . . Douglas Fir
. . . Elm, Hard
. . . Fir, Balsum
. . . Hackberry
. . . Hemlock, Eastern
. . . Hickory, Shagbark
. . . Holly, American
. . . Honey Locust
. . . Larch
. . . Maple
. . . . . . Boxelder Maple
. . . . . . Silver Maple
. . . . . . Sugar Maple
. . . Mulberry (Red)
. . . Oak
. . . . . . Red Oak
. . . . . . White Oak
. . . Osage Orange
. . . Persimmon
. . . Pine
. . . . . . Eastern White Pine
. . . . . . Jack Pine
. . . . . . Ponderosa Pine
. . . . . . Red Pine
. . . . . . Sugar Pine
. . . Poplar (1)
. . . Tulip Tree
. . . Red Oak
. . . Sequoia
. . . Spruce
. . . Sugar Pine
. . . Sycamore
. . . Tamarack
. . . White Oak
. . . White Spruce
. . . Yew, Pacific
. Wood Sections By Scientific Name
. . . Abies balsamea
. . . Acer negundo
. . . Acer saccharum
. . . Acer saccharinum
. . . Aesculus glabra
. . . Alnus rubra
. . . Betula alleghaniensis
. . . Betula papyrifera
. . . Carya ovata
. . . Castanea dentata
. . . Catalpa speciosa
. . . Celtus occidentalus
. . . Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
. . . Cornus florida
. . . Diospyros virginiana
. . . Fagus grandifolia
. . . Fraxinus americana
. . . Fraxinus nigra
. . . Ilex opaca
. . . Gleditsia triacanthos
. . . Juniperus virginiana
. . . Larix laricina
. . . Liriodendron tulipifera
. . . Maclura pomifera
. . . Morus rubra
. . . Picea glauca
. . . Pinus banksiana
. . . Pinus lambertiana
. . . Pinus ponderosa
. . . Pinus resinosa
. . . Pinus strobus
. . . Platanus occidentalis
. . . Populus balsamifera
. . . Populus tremuloides
. . . Prunus serotina
. . . Pseudotsuga menziesii
. . . Quercus alba
. . . Quercus rubra
. . . Robinia pseudoacacia
. . . Sequoia sempervirens
. . . Taxus brevifolia
. . . Thuja occidentalis
. . . Tilia americana
. . . Tsuga canadensis
. . . Ulmus thomasii
. Wood Sections By Family
. . . Aceraceae
. . . Aquifoliaceae
. . . Betulaceae
. . . Cornaceae
. . . Cupressiaceae
. . . Fabaceae
. . . Fagaceae
. . . Magnoliaceae
. . . Moraceae
. . . Oleaceae
. . . Pinaceae
. . . Rosaceae
. . . Salicaceae
. . . Sapindaceae
. . . Taxaceace
. . . Tiliaceae (Malvaceae)
. . . Ulmaceae
Wood, Resin Impregnated
Wood Micro-Sections
Wood, Petrified
Wood Rot Fungus
Woodstove Ash
Wood Vessel Wall
Wool, Specialty Hair
Wool, Alpaca
Wool, Angora
Wool, Camel
Wool, Goat
Wool, Mohair
Wool, Sheep
Wool, Yak
Xenocryst Zircon
Yak Hair
Yellow Clover (Trifolium minus) Pollen
Yellow Sweet Clover (Melilotus officinalis) Pollen
Yew (Taxus brevifolia) Wood Sections
Zantrel, Rayon