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Photographic gallery.  Thousands of particles under the microscope.

Plant Fiber

Plant fiber, as used here, refers to any flexible, elongated, unit of one or more cells that has sufficient tensile strength to remain as a fiber long enough to be seen as such in environmental samples. Environments both inside and out contain large numbers of these fibers. Some of these fibers are stong enough and long enough to be used comercially as textile fibers. Others may be common in environmental samples but have no comercial value at this time. Still others have significance in an environmental sample as indicators of local conditions or times of the year.

Cotton Cotton Cotton Fiber Cross-Section Cotton Cotton Cotton Fiber Cross-Section Cotton Mercerized Cotton

Flax Flax Flax Fiber Cross-Section

Hemp Fiber Hemp Fiber Hemp Fiber Cross-Section

Ramie Fiber Ramie Fiber Ramie Fiber, Cross-Section

Cottonwood Tree Seeding Cottonwood Seed Hair Plant Hair Plant Hair Plant Fibers Thistle Down Thistle Down Thistle Down Thistle Down Dandylion Akene Hair Dandylion Akene Hair Verbascum thapsus Hair Plant Hair Maple Seed Hair Maple Seed Hair Plant Hair Plant Hair Plant Hair Plant Hair Plant Hair Plant Hair Plant Hair Plant Hair Plant Hair Plant Hair Plant Hair Plant Hair Plant Hair Plant Hair Plant Hair Grass Leaf with Hair Plant Hair Plant Hair Plant Hair Plant Hair Plant Hair Plant Hair Plant Hair