Showing posts with label Riders by Lee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Riders by Lee. Show all posts

New Jelly beans for 2013!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Girls in Red Glasses Sneaking Duck Red Comet
Limecrime Velveteen Suedeberry Lipstick Beauty Blog
Girls in Red Glasses Sneaking Duck Red Comet
Jellybeans Shoes Pastel Heels 2013
Jellybeans Shoes Pastel Heels 2013
Jellybeans Shoes Pastel Heels 2013
Jellybeans Shoes Leopard Print 2013
Girls in Red Glasses Sneaking Duck Red Comet
Jellybeans Shoes Leopard Print 2013

Wearing: Leopard Print Jelly bean sandals thanks to Jelly Beans; Riders by Lee denim jeans thanks to Riders by Lee Australia; Sportsgirl top; Asos Boyfriend denim jacket; Sneaking Duck 'Red Comet' frames thanks to Sneaking Duck; Limecrime Velveteen Lipstick in Suedeberry

Even though I am all health and radiating smiles in these photos, the reality is that I am sitting under a blanket with a clogged nose nursing my lemon honey tea. I recently have come down with the common cold so I have to nurse myself to good health. What I really am annoyed the most is that in my last gym session I worked out triceps and back - meaning that with my cold I have aches in pains in my body with the added pain of my worked out muscles. I really can't tell what is causing more pain then others.

I am kind of grateful for the distractions though, this Monday I had some really immature arguments with old friends and it has been playing on my mind. Mean words and frustrations were let out and it wasted a good couple of hours with not much accomplished. But then again last night I managed to catch up with older friends over good dinner and red wine and it was laughs all around.

So all in all, an up and down week - let's hope it gets better from tomorrow and my sickness goes away soon.

Right now though- I am excited to announce that Jelly beans now come in pretty pastel colours and a new heel shape. They are cute and retro and I enjoy my printed leopard shoes  on my feet. They make me happy and cover as a good distraction from my cold.

There are always Second Chances

Thursday, November 21, 2013
Riders By Lee Australia Slouch Roll Up Shorts 2013
Riders By Lee Australia Slouch Roll Up Shorts 2013
Riders By Lee Australia Slouch Roll Up Shorts 2013
Riders By Lee Australia Slouch Roll Up Shorts 2013
Brunette Messy High Top Bun with Bangs Hair
Riders By Lee Australia Slouch Roll Up Shorts 2013
Riders By Lee Australia Slouch Roll Up Shorts 2013

Wearing: Riders by Lee Australia Slouch Roll Up Shorts thanks to Riders by Lee; Cali & Cale Shelly Sandals thanks to Cali & Cale; H&M Pink Parka; Chiciabooti Lace top; May 28th 12.40PM Watch thanks to Surfdome; Sportsgirl's 'Spring Fling' Lipstick

Oh dear, my body hurts so much these days. I've been attending gym and doing weight exercises for my legs, arms, back, shoulders and chest. And I'm doing a whole lot of abwork and that painful exercise called 'planking' which makes me scream in my head so many stupid swear words.
It's also a whole lotta ugly when I leave the gym, red faced, sweaty chest and matted hair. Panting like a dog. I wouldn't want to bump into myself at the gym. But hey, I've been making up excuses for a whole year not to go to gym and take care of my body. I'm forever complaining that I lose my breath walking up a small flight of stairs and about my non-existent thigh gap.

But, that's why we're allowed second chances, when you cannot keep making up excuses any more (work, fatigue, heart-ache). Like my broken relationship right now, I feel I need a fresh start or at least to take care of myself first before opening up my heart to someone new or to cherished loves ones. First, I start with my health which brings about them natural endorphins and non-jiggly body parts which makes me feel good about myself and then that will reflect my mood, my mental health and the enthusiasm I have for blogging (self-conciousness out the door when taking photos). It's like a ripple of positive energy in my life.

Second chances. I don't want to screw up Life this time (well mainly, my relationships with men), I just want to move forward with commitment, courage and most importantly, honesty.

Thanking Riders by Lee (Australia and NZ) for providing me these beautiful slouch shorts that hug my hips nicely but allow for a slouchy loose fit for my relaxed and casual Aussie style.

The Riders by Lee Attitude

Saturday, October 26, 2013
Riders By Lee Mid Rise Vegas 2013 Denim Front Row Shop Khaki Jacket
Riders By Lee 2013 Sistaco Cloudy Skies Necklace
Riders By Lee Mid Rise Vegas 2013 Denim Front Row Shop Khaki Jacket
Riders By Lee Mid Rise Vegas 2013 Denim Front Row Shop Khaki Jacket
Riders By Lee 2013 Sistaco Cloudy Skies Necklace
Riders By Lee 2013 Sistaco Cloudy Skies Necklace
Riders By Lee Mid Rise Vegas 2013 Denim

Wearing: Mid Rise Vegas Jeans (similar here) thanks to Riders by Lee; Velvet Top thanks to Riders by Lee; Front Row Shop Khaki Jacket thanks to Front Row Shop; Vintage Felt Hat (from Terrigal); Jeffrey Campbell's Oil Slick 'Solitaire' Heels; May 28th 12.40PM Watch thanks to Surfdome; Sistaco Cloudy Skies necklace thanks to Sistaco

I've been cooped up in my room lately, determined to clock POKEMON X on my 3DS and beat my boyfriend and all my other friends that were smart enough to get the game... it means that I've tried to squeeze every free minute I have in between blogging, emailing, work, parties, social outings, fashion events and baking to play.

I know there are more pressing issues in the world to think about like washing my hair or feeding the dogs (or feeding myself in that matter) but playing Pokemon at the age of 26, still transports me back to me to that giddy 10 year old kid playing Pokemon red, blue, yellow, gold and silver. I finished all games but since the Pokemon went beyond the original 150... I stopped (and I guess I grew older...).

Playing games is fun but it seriously is different when you're an adult. I have to schedule 2 hours here and there in my diary for play, I make decisions like taking a train over driving to get play-time. Doing this has seriously put my work/life balance into perspective. Pokemon is pure play-time for me, not like social obligations or fashion events and I've found that my play-time is slipping away.

And my leisurely strolls have gone out the window too. This is one of my rare walks I've taken recently, the type I take for a good escape or breather. As I've been mentioning lately, I've been happier so there is rarely anything bad to escape from these days.
All I can look forward to is pure play-time and my now fun-loving life.

Riders by Lee adopts a care-free, life loving and relaxed attitude. So today I wear some wicked Riders by Lee mid-rise Vegas denim with slashed knees and a velvet/chiffon top from their 2013 collection in the hopes that I can adopt this Riders by Lee attitude forever and ever.
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