My Christmas 2012: Baking Gingerbread Men Cookies for my friend and Friends' (second family) Christmas Dinner
I am finally succumbing to my repressed need to bake and also have satisfied my dessert craving. I cannot look at icing sugar any more, I cannot hold another spatula, I cannot knead any more dough. Well until next year at least.
I spent my Christmas day baking Gingerbread Men Cookies and personalising it with Writing Icing. Me and my sister found we had more than enough to do trial and error, so we experimented with skeleton shapes, 'Cabramatta' logos and bikinis on our cookies (my friend loved them).
At night I then headed off to my friends house for a (Second) Family Christmas Dinner. Every year me and my closest friends gather around the table with our eggnog, plate full of ham and chicken and bon bons. We laugh, drink and reminisce.
Of course the highlight is always my friend's hand-made desserts. Usually creamy Tiramisu and Triple chocolate macedamia nut brownies are on offer but my friend added a delicious Pumpkin pie to the menu this year (with my cookies too) and I quickly surrendered to my annual Christmas Sugar Coma and soon-to-come Christmas Hangover.