Showing posts with label signs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label signs. Show all posts

October 12, 2018

Two Boats

The news reports are telling residents to leave town. The authorities are feverishly going around the city to gather up those who don’t have the means to do it themselves and all the while Bill has decided he is going to stay in his home and wait out the storm.

Stubborn rarely wins

A few hours later the rain is coming down in sheets. Bill is forced out of his home and onto his roof where the water is now five feet deep on his street. Two police officers in a motorboat come by to rescue Bill and bring him to safety. Bill declines their offer and proclaims; “God will send me a sign!”

Several hours later, the water is now at Bill’s waist as he struggles to survive on his now submerged roof. Another police boat comes to rescue him and take him to safety. He again says “No thank-you, God will send me a sign”. A half hour later, Bill drowns.

Pondering minds wonder

Bill is shocked and says; “Why didn’t you send me a sign?”
God replies; “I sent you two boats!”

How often do we ignore the help we need in our quest for the clear path? How do we miss those signs that are there to guide us when we’re looking for guidance? How often are we quick to help others but not as swift to accept help from them in return?

The help we seek can often be right in front of us.

June 4, 2016

Missing the Signs

This came up in a conversation again this week so it's a review.

The news reports are telling residents to leave town. The authorities are feverishly going around the city to gather up those who don’t have the means to do it themselves and all the while Bill has decided he is going to stay in his home and wait out the storm.

Stubborn rarely wins

A few hours later the rain is coming down in sheets. Bill is forced out of his home and onto his roof where the water is now five feet deep on his street. Two police officers in a motorboat come by to rescue Bill and bring him to safety. Bill declines their offer and proclaims; “God will send me a sign!”

Several hours later, the water is now at Bill’s waist as he struggles to survive on his now submerged roof. Another police boat comes to rescue him and take him to safety. He again says “No thank-you, God will send me a sign”. A half hour later, Bill drowns.

Pondering minds wonder

Bill is shocked and says; “Why didn’t you send me a sign?”
God replies; “I sent you two boats!”

How often do we ignore the help we need in our quest for the clear path? How do we miss those signs that are there to guide us when we’re looking for guidance? How often are we quick to help others but not as swift to accept help from them in return?

The help we seek can often be right in front of us.

June 16, 2015

Feeding the Good Wolf

One evening a man told his grandson about a struggle that goes on inside people. He wanted to illustrate the internal conflict each of us has and the choices we make to navigate that battle. The story can help us in life, in business, and in ourselves.

He said; “The battle is between two wolves inside us all. One is evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, serenity, humility, hope, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, compassion and faith.”

The grandson then asked; “Which wolf wins?”
The man replied; “The one you feed.”

It can be money, careers, business, friendships, every aspect of our lives; you and I have both had challenges. Some we took on and won while others felt like they were going to defeat us.

When I've felt sorry for myself and done nothing about it, the results aren't too positive. When I've asked for help - as I did with some colleagues recently - it works out better. There are times when it's not easy to feed the good wolf.

But let's keep trying!
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit

May 4, 2014

Send Us a Sign

I was thinking about this again recently. It's time to review again.

The news reports are telling residents to leave town. The authorities are feverishly going around the city to gather up those who don’t have the means to do it themselves and all the while Bill has decided he is going to stay in his home and wait out the storm.

Below the Waterline

A few hours later the rain is coming down in sheets. Bill is forced out of his home and onto his roof where the water is now five feet deep on his street. Two police officers in a motorboat come by to rescue Bill and bring him to safety. Bill declines their offer and proclaims; “God will send me a sign!”

Several hours later, the water is now at Bill’s waist as he struggles to survive on his now submerged roof. Another police boat comes to rescue him and take him to safety. He again says “No thank-you, God will send me a sign”. A half hour later, Bill drowns.

Searching for Answers

Bill is shocked and says; “Why didn’t you send me a sign?”
God replies; “I sent you two boats!”

How often do we ignore the help we need in our quest for the clear path? How do we miss those signs that are there to guide us when we’re looking for guidance? How often are we quick to help others but not as swift to accept help from them in return?

Let's get in the boat
Kneale Mann | Leadership Strategist, consultant, writer, speaker, executive coach facilitating performance growth with leaders, management, and teams.

fineart america

June 22, 2013


One evening a man told his grandson about a struggle that goes on inside people. He wanted to illustrate the internal conflict each of us has and the choices we make to navigate that battle. The story can help us in life, in business, and in ourselves.

He said; “The battle is between two wolves inside us all. One is evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, serenity, humility, hope, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, compassion and faith.”

The grandson then asked; “Which wolf wins?”
The man replied; “The one you feed.”

In our lives, careers, or businesses, the choice is up to us. 
Kneale Mann | Leadership and Culture strategist, writer, speaker, executive coach engaging leaders, collaborative teams, and strong business results.


February 4, 2013

Tale of Two Boats

The news reports are telling residents to leave town. The authorities are feverishly going around the city to gather up those who don’t have the means to do it themselves and all the while Bill has decided he is going to stay in his home and wait out the storm.

Below the Waterline

A few hours later the rain is coming down in sheets. Bill is forced out of his home and onto his roof where the water is now five feet deep on his street. Two police officers in a motorboat come by to rescue Bill and bring him to safety. Bill declines their offer and proclaims; “God will send me a sign!”

Several hours later, the water is now at Bill’s waist as he struggles to survive on his now submerged roof. Another police boat comes to rescue him and take him to safety. He again says “No thank-you, God will send me a sign”. A half hour later, Bill drowns.

Searching for Answers

Bill is shocked and says; “Why didn’t you send me a sign?”
God replies; “I sent you two boats!”

How often do we ignore what may not appear on the surface to be the help we need in our quest for the clear path? How do we miss those signs that are there to guide us when we’re looking for guidance? How often are we quick to help others but not as swift to accept help from them in return?

Let's get in the boat

Kneale Mann


October 9, 2011

Two Boats

The news reports are telling residents to leave town. The authorities are feverishly going around the city to gather up those who don’t have the means to do it themselves and all the while Bill has decided he is going to stay in his home and wait out the storm.

Below the Waterline

A few hours later the rain is coming down in sheets. Bill is forced out of his home and onto his roof where the water is now five feet deep on his street. Two police officers in a motorboat come by to rescue Bill and bring him to safety. Bill declines their offer and proclaims; “God will send me a sign!”

Several hours later, the water is now at Bill’s waist as he struggles to survive on his now submerged roof. Another police boat comes to rescue him and take him to safety. He again says “No thank-you, God will send me a sign”. A half hour later, Bill drowns.

Searching for Answers

In front of God, Bill is shocked and says; “Why didn’t you send me a sign?” and God replies; “I sent you two boats!”

How often do we ignore what may not appear on the surface to be the help we need in our quest for the clear path? How do we miss those signs that are there to guide us when we’re looking for guidance? How often are we quick to help others but not as swift to accept help from them in return?

Have you seen the boats?

Kneale Mann

image credit: sutherlandpartnership

December 10, 2009

Strategy | Everywhere A Sign

Long haired freaky people need not apply.

Do you read the signs?

Do you do anything about the signs that can lead you to the answers?

What about the signs when you meet someone you shouldn't trust?

La La La I Can't Hear Me.

We all need those people in our lives who will kick our butts. But why do we ignore those internal signs that we know will help us?

Where Do We Stumble?

Is it fear of failure? Fear of inaction? Fear of success? Or perhaps some other type of self-sabotage? What will people think, I could never do that, the excuses are piled higher than the signs. Now add that to an organization and you can see how companies can get stuck.

Let's Go For A Ride.

This week Sir Richard Branson announced his new adventure. For a paltry $200,000 (USD) you can be placed on a waiting list to potentially get a ride on his Virgin Galactic flight to the edge of the atmosphere where you will experience weightlessness for four full minutes.

The waiting list is growing daily.

Why is Sir Richard doing this?

Because he put his mind to it and yet again ignored the naysayers and critics. I’d like to think we admire people like Branson.

What would happen if you added even a dash of his guts into your organization?

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign.

Do you see them? Hear them? Pay attention to them?

marketing and social media strategy

image credits: san francisco sentinel | flickr

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