My Latest Recipes 13
  • Great ! Goodness from erisgrrrl in Bloomington, IN.
    My son decided to name this dish and demanded that I "put it on the computer." It's something I just threw together bec...
  • Sushi Mac from erisgrrrl in Bloomington, IN.
    This sounds strange but I love coming up with crazy ways to blend foods I love! Not only did my husband and I like it but our 3yo...
  • Tempura Chicken With Quadruple Saucey Goodness from erisgrrrl in Bloomington, IN.
    I ran out of panko to make chicken katsu so I made this instead! My usual disclaimer applies -I don't really measure much (but I'...
  • Honey Crunch Seitan from erisgrrrl in Bloomington, IN.
    I use homemade seitan for this recipe and during the cooking it smells like fried mushrooms my gramma used to make! They're nice ...
  • Chili Strawberry Sauce from erisgrrrl in Bloomington, IN.
    I found a base recipe for this on and made my own little twist. It's amazing and you can put it o...
  • Superfast Cheese Breadsticks from erisgrrrl in Bloomington, IN.
    Fast and easy side to go with pasta, salad or to serve as appetizers!...
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  • chefmal 14 years ago
    Hahahaha, yes way! I love PvZ, I was introduced to it at work and now I'm addicted. I even bought it for my laptop so I could play it at home. (That and Insaniquarium) Is that sick? Thanks for the comments! I'm off to troll your recipes now. lol
  • grumblebee 15 years ago about Sushi Mac
    This is my type of recipe! (i love fusion recipes) Had this last night. I used white cheddar macaroni cheese. I flaked the fake crab and mixed it in and then also saved some to put on top. Minced scallion/green onion topped each bowl when I served it. It was FANTASTIC! :) HIGH FIVE!
  • growl111 15 years ago about Deconstructed Sushi Salad
    I made a similar salad about a year ago and used prawns instead of the crab meat as they are plentiful and not to expensive. It was brilliant. With lovely clean flavours like this you can't miss in the good tasting food stakes. (yes I do spell my words differently, I live in Australia.)
  • ylokos 15 years ago about Sushi Mac
    hey this looks like something my dad would make when we were younger- this is great! thanks for posting it.
  • omaizzy 16 years ago
    Thanks for your comments on the 'sticky thai thighs'. And you're right about the cilantro. Even though I love it, I dropped it from this recipe ages ago :)
    What I've been doing lately is increasing the sauce cos everyone loves it smothering their rice and there never seems to be enough.
    Take care!
  • keni 16 years ago
    Thank you so much for the comment on my B L and Fried Green T sammiches! :) I hope you try them with end of the season maters, and please, let me know!
  • imhungry 16 years ago about Like-A-Popsicle-But-Better-Sicles
    My kids love it when I make popsicles!!! I made these but used mango chunks instead of berries huge hit thanks!!
  • boofie 16 years ago
    I so prefer making my own seitan over buying it. It's just too easy and you can control the taste and texture. If you try the kebabs, please let me know how they turn out! Feel free to sub in jalepenos or something milder if habaneros aren't available or are too hot. Best wishes!
  • tromba 16 years ago about Cap-n-Crunch Chicken
    I have been experimenting with making single and multi-stage chicken coatings using breakfast cereals and different grain products for years. This one NEVER made it on the radar scope. My wife is a Cap'n Crunch addict and I'm going to surprise her with this.
  • httpmom 16 years ago
    Thank you so much for the glowing review of the Mr. Yoshidas sauce! It's pretty much magic as far as I'm concerned....especially considering there is no oil in it! I buy it by the half gallon if you can believe it!
  • rosemaryblue 16 years ago
    Hello eris, thanks for commenting on the Almost A Meal In A Muffin! I think you could use brown sugar instead of the molasses, or even applebutter. Hope you enjoy them! :)
  • genna_gp 17 years ago
    Hey Erisgrrrl. That weren't a dumb question! Castor sugar is superfine sugar and it dissolves better when baking. Enjoy the ice-cream.
  • gardener61 17 years ago
    Thanks for your interest in my Sesame Coconut Cookies. You can use any type of coconut, they all work. Just remember sweetened will make the cookies sweeter (but still delicious!).... and you can most certainly cut the recipe in half, although I just freeze what I don't cook and can haul them out whenever I need them.They also slice better when you take them from the freezer and thaw for 1/2 hour or so.
  • krumkake 17 years ago
    Hey eris, yeah, the burgers are definitely a rare "treat"'s a guy thing, I think - but I can wolf one down if I really try! I enjoyed these more when I was it tends to sit like a brick in my belly (while it sends the fat to my arteries) gotta try it at least once in your lifetime! Thanks for your comments...
  • chefmal 17 years ago
    Just leaving a note to say goodbye for a while. Take care of yourself, my dear, and thanks for all your comments. I hope to see you on h ere again soon.