Showing posts with label Videos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Videos. Show all posts

June 10, 2012

Christmas Eve Nativity 2011

The second Annual Olsen Grandkids Nativity was bigger and better than last year. Maddie rejoined the cast as a non-grandchild, along with several nieces and children of nieces. Several other nieces also joined Freddy O and Luke as narrators. The only downgrade this year was that baby Jesus had to be played by a baby doll—a problem which is likely to reoccur this year; unless Betsy is with child and hasn't told anyone yet, or we try to pass a 7-month-old Ashton off as a newborn.

Christian and Zach reprised their roles as lambs (although Zach was sadly too big for a lamb costume this year). The two boys combined to help bring down the backdrop at the 8:10 mark.
Sophie joined Ava and Zoe as angels this year, because you can never have too many angels in your nativity. Be sure to check out the angels' mad dance moves at the 8:50 mark.

And without any further adieu, here's this year's production uncensored and uncut.

(in order of appearance)
Joseph: Seth
Mary: Bailey
Lambs: Christian & Zach
Angels: Sophie, Ava & Zoe
Wise Men: Maddie, McKenzie, and Sarah

(in order of appearance)

May 5, 2012

August 7, 2011

Christmas Eve Nativity 2010

On Christmas Eve, the little cousins put on their first annual Nativity.
Ava was an angel...
..and Christian was a little lamb.
With so many little kids, it was a little hectic...

...but as they say in the biz, the show must go on.

Here's a video of the entire production:

(in order of appearance)
Shepherd: Maddie
Lambs: Christian & Zach
Angels: Ava & Zoe
Joseph: Seth
Mary: Sophie
Baby Jesus: Leila
Star: Annissa

April 13, 2011

Hangin' in Preston with the Cousins

This past summer we spent lots of time in Preston, Idaho, which has become one of Ava's and Christian's favorite places to go. There's always something fun to do, from going to parades to swimming in the backyard. Their favorite pastime, however, is playing with their cousins.

June 14, 2010

Our Little Fashionista

Ava definitely has an eye for fashion and the presentation thereof. For example, a few weeks ago we were packing for a weekend trip up to Preston, Idaho. Without being asked to, Ava prepared everything she thought she'd need for the trip. She then came to inform us that she had packed her things. We entered the room to find this allotment of items displayed exactly as seen here.
Lately, Ava has been spending a lot of time going through her closet and drawers pulling out all of her clothes and putting together outfits, which she then likes to showcase to us.

Here she is with a few of her favorite dresses on display.

We think she may have a future as a clothing coordinator or perhaps even a personal shopper. Watch this video and tell us what you think. (Note: she laid out these outfits completely on her own without any help from mom or dad.)

You may want to hire her—especially if you love leopard print and princess dresses.

May 31, 2010

Disneyland 2010 - Day 4

Just as on day 2 and day 3, Ava wanted to wear her Snow White dress on day 4 also. We started the morning with the obligatory pictures in front of Sleeping Beauty's Castle.

After about a dozen pictures, Ava finally decided it was time to go on some rides.

So, we spent the rest of the morning going on all of Ava's favorite rides, including her most favorite ride of all—It's a Small World. After lunch (and a quick outfit change for Ava into some street clothes) we strolled through the Downtown Disney shops and saw Granny O and Freddy O off to the airport. We then returned to Disneyland to ride on (you guessed it) It's a Small World—over and over and over again.

In the late afternoon, Ava went on some more rides with the girls in California Adventure Land while Larry pushed Christian around in the stroller so that he could take a much-needed nap.

As the evening approached, we noticed an increasing number of park patrons dressed as goths. Curious by the phenomenon, Larry asked a group of them what the occasion was. As it turned out, day four of our family vacation just so happened to fall on Bats Day in the Park. (Had we known in advance we would have brought along our black lipstick and fishnet stockings to wear!) To commemorate the occasion, we asked our new gothic friends (who were extremely friendly—in fact, several of them were Disneyland park employees!) if they would be willing to pose for a picture with Ava. They happily obliged and even offered to let Ava wear some Mickey Mouse bat ears, but she would not consent. Nor was she very happy to have her picture taken with them either. Apparently she's not ready to trade in her all of her pink outfits for a wardrobe consisting solely of black.

We said goodbye to our Goth friends (who were all congregating by the Haunted Mansion for a group photo) and headed over to the Sleeping Beauty Castle where Betsy and Owen were saving us front row seats for the evening fireworks show.

Then Krista headed back to the hotel with a very tired Christian, while Larry, Ava, Betsy, Owen, and Owen's brother and family stayed until closing time hitting up all the kiddie rides once more. (As it turns out, late night is the best time to ride the kiddie rides—no lines!)

And thus ended our Disneyland vacation. We had such a wonderful time and are so happy we got to spend it with Freddy O, Granny O, Betsy, Owen, and Lauren. We're already looking forward to our next trip there.

May 28, 2010

Disneyland 2010 - Day 3

We started day three of our Disneyland vacation at Pixie Hollow where you can meet Tinker Bell and her fairy friends. Ava decided she wanted to wear her Snow White dress just as she had on day two, but it was a little cold in the morning so she kept her hoodie on while we waited in line.

It was a long wait in line, but well worth it. Tinker Bell was very fun and showed Ava how be pixie-like.

Christian also thought Tinker Bell was a lot of fun.

Next we went on Alice in Wonderland (one of Ava's favorite rides). However, Ava's favorite ride of all probably ended up being It's a Small World. As you can see here, Christian was quite enthralled by it as well.

Next we went over to the Disneyland Princess Fantasy Faire to see some more Disney princesses, but the line was very long. So while Larry waited in line (with Christian napping on his shoulder), Krista and Ava headed over to Mickey's Toontown. Minnie was very happy they came by for a visit.

Ava really enjoyed driving Minnie's mini...

...and cooking in her kitchen.

By the time Krista finally drug Ava away from Toontown, Larry had made it to the front of the line at the Fantasy Faire and Christian was feeling quite refreshed from his nap. Here we are with Jasmine.

We also got to meet Snow White and Sleeping Beauty. Ava's time at Disneyland made her a true believer in all of the Disney princesses.

After an exciting morning, we relaxed back at the hotel that afternoon and Ava took a little swim in the hot tub with Larry and Uncle Owen.

Betsy, Owen, and Granny O were kind enough to watch the kids for us during the evening so we could go on some rides together the night before our final day at Disneyland.

May 23, 2010

Disneyland 2010 - Day 2

After having spent all of our first day at Disneyland in Disneyland proper, we decided to spend our second day in California Adventure Land. We started out in A Bug's Land on Heimlich's Chew Chew Train. Christian was feeling a little groggy and Ava was somewhat bored... Larry took Ava on the bumper cars next to get her a bit more invigorated.

After the bumper cars, our little thrill-seeker was ready to up the ante. So we next went on Francis's Ladybug Boogie, which quickly became one of Ava's favorites... we went on it again...

...and again.

We then decided to calm things down a little on Flik's Flyers, which had left Ava mesmerized the last time she went on it. This time, however, she had her aunts Betsy and Lauren along for the ride to make things more fun.

Afterward, we got our 3D bug eyes on for It's Tough to be a Bug!, which is one of Larry's favorites, but absolutely terrified Ava. (What kid doesn't like giant animatronic spiders dropping down from the ceiling?)

As we exited the show, Pluto arrived on the scene.

Christian thought Pluto was pretty fun (or perhaps he was just happy to be out of his stroller).

We did and saw many other fun things throughout the day, but the main event was later that evening when Freddy O and Granny O joined us for dinner at Ariel's Grotto where we got to see Ariel in person (and with legs).

To say Ava was completely and absolutely excited would be an understatement.

And if meeting the Little Mermaid was not already a delightful treat, Cinderella was there too...

...along with Belle and many other Disney princesses.
Stay tuned for a video of all the Disney princesses Ava met when we highlight day 3.

May 16, 2010

Disneyland 2010 - Day 1

It's been two years since our last visit to Disneyland. Ava didn't really remember the trip and was super excited when we told her we were going back again. Our first day there started out perfect. We had just walked in through the front gates when Goofy and Mickey Mouse appeared out of nowhere.

We knew that Ava would enjoy seeing the Disney characters, but didn't expect Christian to get so excited too. Mickey really took a liking to our little guy.

Here's the whole family with Mickey. Guess we were under-dressed for the occasion.

The last time we visited we did not get a chance to go on the Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage ride. So this time we headed there first. It ended up being one of Ava's favorite rides of the entire trip.

After terrifying Ava on Snow White's Scary Adventures (guess it's called scary for a reason), we decided to go on the much more kid-friendly Dumbo the Flying Elephant. Christian had fallen asleep while we were in line, but Ava had a blast.

After that we went on the Mad Tea Party ride. It was especially fun for Ava because she was joined by Betsy, Owen, and their nieces Lily and Sophie. (As a side note, Ava was so happy to have some kids her own age to play with during our trip and keeps asking us when we can go play with "Owen's friends" again.)

Here's Ava on King Arthur's Carrousel.

And here's Krista and the kids exploring Tarzan's Treehouse. Ava was a little nervous about posing for a picture on the rickety and swaying rope bridge. Christian, however, thought it was exhilarating.

Of course we had to take the obligatory picture of the kids sitting among Pooh's honey pots.

We ended the day with the Olsens making our own pizzas at PCH Grill. Ava took her pizza-making very seriously.

Stay tuned for pictures of day 2...

February 11, 2010

Jumping Jellybean

Turn up the volume to hear him laughing near the end.

October 4, 2009

Sweet Sis Sings of Star

As we've mentioned before, Ava is head over heals for her new baby brother. She even sings him songs. Here is Ava's rendition of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (which apparently includes a verse about a puppy).

June 3, 2009

A Wild And Crazy Girl

Ava's latest quirk is that she likes to dress herself. She is extremely adamant about doing it completely on her own and gets quite angry if anyone so much as attempts to help her. What's worse is that she also likes to choose her own outfits. Every morning she selects from her wardrobe something to wear that is even odder than what she wore the day before. Often changing outfits several times a day, she will rummage through her closet and drawers picking out articles of clothing (both old and new) until she concocts the strangest ensemble you've ever seen. Here she is wearing one of her 6-month dresses as a shirt over top of some pajama pants and her favorite Little Mermaid socks. She has accessorized with a baby bib, sunglasses, and an infant hat.

Sometimes she even refuses to change into something more presentable before leaving the house, forcing us to take her out in public looking like Drop Dead Fred's kid sister. On the bright side, her zany outfits tend to bring out her wild and crazy side. Just take this video for example.

May 31, 2009

The Purple-Hatted Girl

Despite the summer temperatures, Ava likes to wear this purple snow hat while riding around the neighborhood in her car.

May 7, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt 2009

This is a video of the Easter egg hunt we had at Granny and Grandpa O's house on Easter Sunday. Each time we watch it we notice something we hadn't noticed before. Here's a cheat sheet of a few of our favorite things that happen throughout the video (try to see if you can spot them all):
  1. Seth asking anyone who will listen "What does 5 mean?" (It was actually an 'S' for service; meaning that rather than containing candy, the egg contained a slip of paper with an act of service written on it.)
  2. Ava screaming as she reaches to pick up an egg that happens to have a slug on it.
  3. Ava's apprehension toward picking up the next egg (for which she says "thank you" when Larry hands it to her).
  4. Sophie's little squeal as she finds an egg, to which Liz says "Sophie, let me see!"
  5. Ava exclaiming "Where are you eggs? You're hiding!"
  6. How we all mistake the blue ball for an Easter egg.
  7. Ava wanting to make sure that Sophie and Annissa are getting eggs too.
  8. Of all the things in Ava's Easter basket, she prattles on about the "mermaid band-aids" which she says are "cool".
  9. Betsy saying in reference to the eggs, "Owen has a bunch" as several of the children struggle to fill their own baskets with eggs. (We're just giving you a hard time Owen!)
  10. Ava's pants falling down as she waddles over to snag a yellow Easter egg (alas, Luke was too fast for her).
  11. Ava telling Maddie and Betsy about the ball.
Thanks to Granny and Grandpa O for hosting a wonderful Easter egg hunt. We are already anticipating next year's hunt.

Be sure to push the "HQ" button to watch the video at a higher quality.

May 2, 2009

Jellybean's Ultrasound

As you all already know, we had the ultrasound for Jellybean on April 21st and found at that we're having a boy. However, we thought you might all enjoy seeing the ultrasound for yourselves. For Ava (whose pre-birth name was Peanut), we got a VHS cassette of the ultrasound. However, with Jellybean we got a DVD, making it much easier to share online. So without further ado, here's Jellybean (who will likely end up being named Christian).

February 26, 2009


Give me an "A"
Give me a "VA"
What's that spell?

November 29, 2008

November 21, 2008

Spaghetti O's and Z's

This is what happens when somebody skips nap time...

August 24, 2008

An Ode to Pizza

If there's one thing that marks a Furr, it's their love for pizza. Growing up in the Furr household, Friday night was always pizza night. When I got to college, pretty much every night was pizza night. Then I went on my mission to Brazil, or as I like to call it, the start of the Great Pizza Depression. The Brazilians have made an abomination out of Italy's favorite pie—replacing the tomato sauce with ketchup and mayonnaise; and the cheese with corn, peas, and other vegetables which don't belong on a pizza.

Alas, after two years, I returned home from my mission and fell in with some excellent college roommates whose zeal for pizza nearly rivaled my own. One of our friends, who was a manager at the local Papa John's, was able to get us 50% off pizza (so long as he ordered it and picked it up). Needless to say, he made a lot of trips to Papa John's on our behalf. (Ben, if you're reading, thanks and sorry for abusing your friendship—I am forever in your debt. Sure I introduced you to your wife, but that doesn't even begin to repay what you've done for me).

Then I got married to Krista, who appreciated pizza, but wasn't yet fanatical about it. However, by the end of the honeymoon her new found passion for pizza gave me little cause for worry. My brother Ryan has not been so lucky. (Sorry Kelly, I love you, but your enthusiasm for pizza is weak by Furr standards, i.e. it's not okay to refrain from eating pizza just because you had it the day before).

Then along comes Ava... a child whose culinary likes and dislikes are peculiar to say the least. Ice cream, chocolate, and cookies... these are things Ava will eat on occasion, if she's really hungry, and not feeling very finicky that particular moment. Pickles, pepperoni, and beef jerky on the other hand are always a welcome treat for my daughter. So the question was, would she like pizza? Well, if you've ever had any doubt that Ava is a Furr, look no further for evidence and simply watch this video.