Showing posts with label North Carolina. Show all posts
Showing posts with label North Carolina. Show all posts

March 15, 2009

First Encounter with Cousin Abby

Our visit to Raleigh provided Ava the opportunity to meet her first (and thus far only) cousin on Larry's side of the family. While Ava has had plenty of experience holding various baby dolls, we were curious to see how she would react to holding a real live baby.

At first she was a little nervous and afraid to even touch Abby. As an ice breaker, we got Ava to point out different body parts on her cousin.

However, it didn't take long before Ava warmed right up to Abby and was giving her kisses...

...and hugs.

It was absolutely darling to see the two of them together.

March 12, 2009

Abigail's Baby Blessing

We flew out to Raleigh, North Carolina the end of February to visit Larry's brother Ryan, his wife Kelly, and their newborn baby girl Abigail.

The following Sunday (March 1st) was Abby's blessing. We had hoped to take some pictures in front of the Raleigh North Carolina Temple (which is right next to the chapel where Ryan and Kelly attend church), but it was pouring rain and so we had to settle for indoor pictures. Here are the proud grandparents holding their second grandchild.

The dress which Abby wore is her great-great-great-grandfather's christening dress from 1882. Abby looked gorgeous in it, as you can see in this picture of her with her Uncle Danny.

The youngest two Furr brothers were unable to make the trip (Jamie is away at college and Jordan had to stay home for his high school musical rehearsal), which resulted in the Furr women outnumbering the Furr men for the first time ever.

We are so happy that we were able to share such a special day with our adorable little niece.