Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts

March 11, 2012

Easter 2011

Now that it is almost Easter, I wanted to put up some pictures from last Easter. (Someday, my blog may be updated). We started the Easter festivities at Betsy's birthday/Easter egg dying party. It was so much fun! Thanks Betsy and Owen for the fabulous party! Ava was very excited to use her Disney Princess stickers.
Christian was elated to use the Cars stickers to decorate his eggs.

Easter morning the kids got dressed in their Easter outfits for church. (We were running a little late for church after Ava and Christian were playing with their Easter baskets and Christian's hair is still wet for the pictures. After it dries, it is not quite so slicked back.)
After church we headed up to the Olsens for our annual Easter egg hunt and Easter dinner. Here are Ava and Christian searching for their baskets from Granny O and Freddy O.

We had a wonderful Easter and are looking forward to Easter 2012!

April 18, 2010

Baby Easter Bunny

Christian was very excited to celebrate his first Easter. So excited that he wore these bunny ears for the entire week leading up to Easter (not really, but it sounded good).

The Saturday morning before Easter we took the kids to a neighborhood egg hunt. It was extremely cold this year, so Christian watched from the sidelines. We told Ava to run fast and pick up as many eggs as she could. She did great on the running fast part; not so much on the picking up eggs part. Had it been a race she would have won, as she ran past all the eggs to the other end of the field before stopping to pick up a single egg. Luckily, Ava did much better at our family egg hunt the following day.

As per tradition, we went to Granny O's on Saturday afternoon for some egg painting. Ava was an egg painting virtuoso and literally painted over a dozen eggs (and has been asking to paint more eggs ever since).

Here are Ava and Christian looking darling in their Easter Sunday outfits.

Oh yeah, and there was lots of candy, a delicious Sunday dinner, and Easter baskets too, but we know you all only come here to see pictures of the kids.

May 7, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt 2009

This is a video of the Easter egg hunt we had at Granny and Grandpa O's house on Easter Sunday. Each time we watch it we notice something we hadn't noticed before. Here's a cheat sheet of a few of our favorite things that happen throughout the video (try to see if you can spot them all):
  1. Seth asking anyone who will listen "What does 5 mean?" (It was actually an 'S' for service; meaning that rather than containing candy, the egg contained a slip of paper with an act of service written on it.)
  2. Ava screaming as she reaches to pick up an egg that happens to have a slug on it.
  3. Ava's apprehension toward picking up the next egg (for which she says "thank you" when Larry hands it to her).
  4. Sophie's little squeal as she finds an egg, to which Liz says "Sophie, let me see!"
  5. Ava exclaiming "Where are you eggs? You're hiding!"
  6. How we all mistake the blue ball for an Easter egg.
  7. Ava wanting to make sure that Sophie and Annissa are getting eggs too.
  8. Of all the things in Ava's Easter basket, she prattles on about the "mermaid band-aids" which she says are "cool".
  9. Betsy saying in reference to the eggs, "Owen has a bunch" as several of the children struggle to fill their own baskets with eggs. (We're just giving you a hard time Owen!)
  10. Ava's pants falling down as she waddles over to snag a yellow Easter egg (alas, Luke was too fast for her).
  11. Ava telling Maddie and Betsy about the ball.
Thanks to Granny and Grandpa O for hosting a wonderful Easter egg hunt. We are already anticipating next year's hunt.

Be sure to push the "HQ" button to watch the video at a higher quality.

April 30, 2009

Easter Eggstravaganza 2009

Our Easter festivities this year began Saturday afternoon with an Easter egg hunt hosted at our church. This was Ava's first Easter egg hunt and it took her a bit to figure things out. When the whistle blew, she began running past all the eggs while the other kids began filling their baskets.

Eventually she figured out what she was supposed to do.

Despite her slow start, she managed to at least cover the bottom of her basket. As far as she was concerned, she did great.

Next we went over to Granny O's house for Easter egg painting.

Despite having a large assortment of dyes, stickers, and other decorative adornments, Ava just wanted to dunk all of her eggs in the blue dye.

The next morning we went to church and Ava wore a lovely Easter dress from Granny O.

She also got to wear her new shoes, which she was quite fond of. In Ava's nursery class, they made paper cut-outs of the resurrected Jesus, the tomb, and the stone which was rolled away from in front of the tomb. Ava is still carrying it around and telling us about the resurrection story.

That afternoon we went back to Granny O's house for another Easter egg hunt. This time Ava knew exactly what to do, although she still seemed to end up with the least number of eggs. Apparently she just wasn't much of a match for newlyweds Betsy and Owen.

Ava was most excited when she spotted her Easter basket.

Easter 2009 was very fun and we look forward to celebrating next year with the addition of baby Jellybean.

March 23, 2008

Easter Festivities

For Ava's second Easter, she participated in her first egg hunt. The quest for candy-filled plastic eggs took place in Granny O's backyard. As you can see, Larry was having as much fun as Ava (if not more).

On Easter morning, Ava awoke to find an Easter basket for her on the kitchen table. It was filled with a lot of fun things, including a singing frog and a DVD of Disney's 101 Dalmatians.

Ava was determined to count all 101 dalmatians.

Her favorite Easter basket surprise was a book about animals.

Then we got Ava into her Easter dress and sat her on the stairs for some pictures.

She was a little camera shy at first, so we had to jump around like fools trying to get her to smile for the camera.

Although instead of smiling, she just looked at us like we were crazy.

However, she finally perked up and even made the sign for "more". (Guess those signing videos are starting to sink in.) We assumed this meant that she wanted us to take more pictures.

Apparently we were wrong.

So we took her outside to continue the photo shoot, which made her happy again.

April 9, 2007

Easter in Pennsylvania

Easter with the Furrs started out the night before with the traditional egg painting. Although she needed a little help from daddy, it can be clearly seen that Ava was intent on doing a good job.

She even held the cotton swab on her own for a bit (long enough to snap a picture that is).
She seemed to really enjoy painting her egg. Perhaps we have an artist in the making.

We attended church on Easter Sunday, during which Larry's dad was called as first counselor in the bishopric. Ava was there to support her grandpa; looking lovely in her Easter dress, which we photographed her in after church.

Here is Ava with her Grandma Furr and Larry. She was quite adept at getting her little fingers caught in the knitting of her dress.

We finished the day off with a delicious ham, homemade apple pie, and a game of Pictionary.

April 8, 2007

Easter in Utah

Christmas may only come once a year, but Easter came twice for the Furrs this year.

Since we knew we would be in Pennsylvania for Easter, we had a pre-Easter celebration in Utah. Of course, this meant dressing up Ava like a bunny.

Which bunny is cutest?

Granny O, Freddy O, and Maddie visited and delivered to Ava a fun Easter basket that was bigger than her.

And we of course had to take a picture (that's Fred in the background being camera shy).

Next up is Easter in Pennsylvania...stay tuned.