Showing posts with label Baths. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baths. Show all posts

September 29, 2009


We recently gave Christian his first bath since arriving home from the hospital. At first, he didn't look at all enthused about having a bath.

However, that didn't stop us from taking pictures of his cute little baby body. Those are some cute feet if we say so ourselves.

For the most part, he was pretty good during his bath. After it was over, we wrapped him up in a warm towel and made him pose for some more pictures.

He was very cute and cuddly in his warm, cozy blanket.

We think he looks pretty similar to Ava in her bath pictures, although with much less hair.

October 23, 2007

Ed Grimley Junior

Ava had a bath the other day and decided to style her hair.

She went for an Ed Grimley hairdo.

But soon it fell over.

She tried again.

And then gave up.

January 14, 2007

Curly Locks

As promised in yesterday's post, here are some more post-bath pictures of Ava.

We've noticed that when we wash Ava's hair it gets a little curly. If you comb it out while it's still wet it will go straight; otherwise the curls stay in.

After getting dried off, we dressed her in her pajamas (no she doesn't wear the headband to bed, but it makes for a cute picture).

We have found that she likes to relax with her arms raised to either side of her head. In fact, she typically falls asleep in this position.

January 13, 2007

Bath Time

We gave Ava her first "real" bath the other day. She's had several sponge baths already, but now that her umbilical cord has fallen completely off (leaving her with a belly button that appears to be an outty), we were able to give her a bath in her tub.

We thought she might cry when placing her in the water, but she quite enjoyed sitting in her bathtub. I guess we shouldn't have been surprised considering that she did live in liquid for nine months.

Even when we washed her hair she stayed calm and collected. Getting a little water in her eyes didn't even phase her; although she did flail her arms a bit. So it's probably just a matter of time before she discovers how to make splasheswe'll enjoy staying dry until then.

After the bath we wrapped her up in her towel and snapped a few more pictures. We'll post some more pictures tomorrow.