Showing posts with label mutant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mutant. Show all posts

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Weird Wally


It does a body good.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Meat Man

Chuck Tucker was an ordinary butcher working in a chain grocery store, when his store received a shipment of beef tainted by the Fukushima nuclear meltdown. A very tasty meat cassorole later and Chuck awoke to find himself mutated beyond all recognition. He now uses his super meat powers to fight for truth, justice, and the rights of meatlovers everywhere.

Saturday, September 2, 2017


Strange mutations from another galaxy. Occulapoids are a sub-race to the Xarxirix. Eons ago a population of the creatures became isolated in a deep, flooded cavern. As the years passed they diverged physically due to inbreeding and random mutation. When they emerged centuries later the two species had diverged too much and could no longer interbreed.

Sunday, June 18, 2017


Terry Gonzales was a high school drop out who still lived with his parents at twenty five and didn't have much of a future ahead of him. He managed to find work as a cashier at the El Pollo Chistoso taco stand in downtown Los Angeles. One day a strange glowing meteor collided with the stand, fusing his molecules with a stray taco. Terry vowed to use his super taco powers to protect the weak and innocent, but mostly works as the mascot for the El Pollo Chistoso corporation.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Squigilius are strange, squid-like creatures that emerged from a deep sea fissure in the middle of the Atlantic ocean. They have been spotted in many different sizes, some large enough to capsize passing fishing trawlers.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Who you gonna call?

Monday, September 7, 2015

The Bread Man

Larry Bukowski worked in a bakery. An experiment with a rare imported formula resulted molecular fusion of his body with a loaf of sourdough bread. The Bread Man now spreads fear, and sells his super bread powers to the highest bidder.

Sunday, August 16, 2015


Demilizards are strange, mutated lizard creatures, spawned from the toxic mix of industrial waste and raw human sewage. The creatures are an ecological disaster, pushing out native frog and lizard species.

Saturday, May 30, 2015


Gustuarto is a strange mutant, the result of an experiment fusing alien and dinosaur DNA. The resulting monstrosity rampaged through the city and resulted in massive loss of lives and millions of dollars in property damage.

Sunday, March 15, 2015


The Mermouse is a strange mutant, the result of a bizarre experiment combining fish and rodent DNA to create an alternative food source. The resulting monstrosity quickly escaped from the lab, and has been pushing out local wild life. The creatures breed at an alarming rate, and should be killed on sight.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Moo Lord

Bubba McDonald was a cattle rancher who doted on his prize winning steer, Betsy. A freak accident with an experimental feed and a milking machine left them bonded at a molecular level. Driven horribly insane, the Moo Lord now roams the country side, causing terror in his wake.

Friday, November 28, 2014


Strange hyperactive mutants from a highly radioactive planet. Foogoblah are so aptly named as it's a very common sound from their native language, which apparently includes elements of dance, gesture, smell, and taste in addition to sound. Most offworlders find this language very difficult to learn.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Moon Squid

Moon Squids are appropriately named because of their bizarre crescent shape. They inhabit deep caves and canyons, and breed in the dank moisture of underground aquifers.

Saturday, November 8, 2014


A strange, mutant squid-like alien from another world, the terrible Octobeak travels from planet to planet, and lays waste to all in it's path.

Sunday, October 26, 2014


Scorned and humiliated as a child for his extreme birth deformity, the young Charlie Cronch developed a psychopathic disdain for the wellbeing of other people. He eventually found his place in the criminal underworld, as a highly paid strong arm henchman. He comes well prepared.

Friday, August 1, 2014


A strange type of mutant that suddenly started appearing in the trash dumps and sewer systems around major cities all over the world. Their sudden appearance and bizarre physiology has lead some conspiracy theorists to believe they are extraterrestrial in origin.

Friday, July 25, 2014


Murry P. Peterson was the lead singer of a popular rock band "The Flip-Flops." A freak occurrence with a strange, glowing meteorite changed him and his entire band into hideous mutated freaks with strange powers. Renaming themselves "Murry and the Mutants," they play five nights a week to sold out crowds.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Glalagalarchs are strange mutants which have recently begun appearing in the sewer systems of major American cities on the east coast. They seem to have features of several different unrelated animals.

Monday, May 26, 2014

"Big Ugly" Jackson

Jermia Jackson was a lonely child. Shunned by family and hidden away from the community at large, he stayed indoors mostly, cultivating the few friends brave enough to see past his genetic malformities. It wasn't until high school that he found he had a talent, that a defensive lineman and unstoppable wide receiver for his local football team. 

Jermia is now considered a local hero,makes regular TV appearances, and gives motivational speeches about how to overcome adversity.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Drakewalkers are a small, mutated, subspecies of dragon. They start out as immature dragons that never progress past their infant stage, but will eventually live for hundreds of years.