Showing posts with label mutation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mutation. Show all posts

Saturday, September 2, 2017


Strange mutations from another galaxy. Occulapoids are a sub-race to the Xarxirix. Eons ago a population of the creatures became isolated in a deep, flooded cavern. As the years passed they diverged physically due to inbreeding and random mutation. When they emerged centuries later the two species had diverged too much and could no longer interbreed.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Carrothead McJackson

Frederick McJackson was a lowly office worker at the Ace vegetable company. During a routine inspection of an experimental hydroponic carrot farm he came into contact with a highly volatile chemical fertilizer. The resulting explosion fused his DNA with that of a carrot, which also granted him superhuman strength and resistance to injury. Carrothead McJackson vowed to use his super carrot powers to protect the innocent and fight evil.

Sunday, June 24, 2012


The Magriquik is a strange mutation spotted in the Amazon jungle, which seems to be half primate and half crustacean. The creature has been observed lurking round the outskirts of various farms in the area, and has been blamed for a number of mysterious cattle deaths. The pattern of sightings indicate some sort of migratory pattern, and that there are more than one creature.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Crab Monkey

Crab Monkeys are strange mutations which began appearing after the first nuclear power plant was built in central Africa. The creatures are hatched from eggs and spend the first part of their lives living in water, only taking to the trees when they reach breeding age. Several populations have been identified, all of which are now under threat from poachers.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Mouthtraps are large carnivorous plants which exhibit a full range of movement. They are generally rooted to one spot but have been observed exhibiting limited locomotion. The creatures are notorious for devouring any small enough creature that comes within distance. Some farmers have been illegally cultivating the creatures as a method of organic pest control.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Anglersaurs are the result of a weird mutation combining both anglerlfish and plesiosaur DNA. The creatures are believed to have been spawned in the toxic radioactive soup due to years of illegal dumping off the coast of Somalia.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


GlubWarts are miserable, misshapen rejects from a series of scientific experiments designed to give participants superhuman abilities. Many retain the abilities - enhanced strength, speed, vision, hearing, and so on, but with crippling mutations and side-effects. Many have become recluse hermits, and some have even gone insane.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Raptor Fish

The Raptor Fish is a land-dwelling anglerfish mutation which recently appeared in several different areas among the Eastern coast of the United States. It is believed offshore dumping of radioactive waste has mutated local anglerfish to this new form. The creature is actually amphibious, spending the first part of it's life in a tadpole stage before developing legs and adapting to land. So far Raptor fish have been a scourge among local wildlife, pet owners, and small farms, but have not yet been responsible for any human fatalities.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Oculums are strange, giant, cycloptic, primitive worms which have recently sprung up in the deep forested areas of America's Pacific Northwest. They tend to live in damp areas near water. Several hunts have recently been organized as hiker and livestock fatalities are on the rise.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Spider Cow

A strange hybrid of Bovine and Arachnid, created by farmers using advanced gene splicing techniques to create a stronger breed of cattle. The resulting mutation gave poisonous milk, but also produces a very strong webbing material in massive quantities, which is now being used to create high-durability super materials for military applications.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Titan Wasp

Titan Wasps are gigantic wasp mutations with massive 40 foot wingspans. It is believed they are mutations which resulted from over pollution. The first nests sprang up in isolated jungle areas in Southeast Asia, but quickly spread to other continents. A concerted effort by world governments has thus far not been able to wipe them out.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Foot Monkey

Freakish mutations seen around an isolated field laboratory in Ghana. It is believed the creatures are the result of a bizarre accident. The foot monkeys however have survived and have established a stable population, although it is not apparent what biological adaptation the large "foot" serves, if any.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Kittahdactyls are bizarre mutations that just appeared one day around a city waste dump. There are allegations of improper waste disposal from several bio-genetic companies at the site which may have mutated local alley cats into the new species. Kittahactyls immediately became very popular to keep as pets, although most professional trainers find the creatures far too dangerous to domesticate.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Pachuliwurms are overlarge mutations made from human and several species of deep sea worm genes. The experiment began as a way of creating genetically engineered human beings capable of surviving in extremely harsh environments. the Pachuliwurms began as small larvae, but soon matured into 12 foot adults and quickly escaped from confinement. Several made their way into the sea, and have been found forming primitive communities around deep sea vents in the Pacific.

Friday, August 20, 2010


Mudeaters were originally artificially created creatures made by splicing together canine, caterpillar, baboon, and earthworm DNA. The creature has the ability to rapidly tunnel through the Earth, and took to living in large warrens of several dozen individuals. Despite their fierce appearance they are quite harmless, and subsist on a diet of small insects, rodents, and other assorted organic matter which litters the forest floor.