Showing posts with label kaiju. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kaiju. Show all posts

Saturday, November 23, 2019


A giant autonomous war machine created by German scientists as a weapon of last resort during WWII. For decades it remained inactive, gathering dust in a secret hidden facility, until it was reactivated by a madman hell bent on world domination.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Hiroto Yamaguchi was a typical Japanese salary man. Middle aged, unmarried, overworked, and underpaid, Hiroto found his life turned upside down after he discovered a strange artifact created by a race of sentient cockroaches. Hiroto gained the ability to turn into an armored superhero by waving a magic cypher in the air and repeating the sacred words. Taking the mantle UltraRoach, he fights for truth, justice, and for the rights of insects everwhere.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

El Gigante

The wrestling superhero and champion of justice known as El Gigante began his career as Jose Carcia, an undocumented immigrant who came to the United States in search of a better life. An encounter in a dark alley with an old man left him with the ancient mask of Itztlacoliuhqui-Ixquimilli, the Aztec god of blind justice. Jose now fights for truth, justice, and the rights of the downtrodden.

Saturday, May 30, 2015


Gustuarto is a strange mutant, the result of an experiment fusing alien and dinosaur DNA. The resulting monstrosity rampaged through the city and resulted in massive loss of lives and millions of dollars in property damage.

Friday, January 9, 2015


Mokira a the titan vulture kaiju spawned in the deep jungles of Indonesia. He occasionally makes raids into Japan to clash with other giant creatures.

Saturday, November 8, 2014


A strange, mutant squid-like alien from another world, the terrible Octobeak travels from planet to planet, and lays waste to all in it's path.

Friday, August 29, 2014


Eyeguy is a monster from the Power Rangers. He had a number of different beam attacks that he could shoot from his various eyes.

Monday, February 10, 2014

King of the Monsters - Eifflelyte

Eifflelyte is a monster from the SNK video game, King of the Monsters. He appears to be a mutated human, infected by some kind of alien creature.

(c) SNK Playmore

Monday, November 4, 2013

Rocky - King of the Monsters

Rocky is a character from the SNK video game, King of the Monsters. He was a giant rock golem, and didn't make it into the sequel.

Rocky is (c) SNK Playmore

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


A giant cycloptic simian discovered on a far away tropical island, Kongclops was captured by an opportunistic film crew. He toured the world doing three shows a week, until finally escaping and wreaking havoc through a large American city on the eastern seaboard.

His lack of depth perception prevented him from scaling any large skyscrapers.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Poison Ghost

Poison Ghost is a blob-type monster from the SNK video game, King of the Monsters. Apparently this character is supposed to be female.

Poison Ghost is (c) SNK Playmore

Monday, July 15, 2013

Laser Shark

Massive, towering cyborg creatures created by a mad scientist from deep beneath the seas, Laser Sharks terrorize the shipping lanes of the world.

The sharks have to be cloned as they are endangered. They are ill tempered.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Woo - King of the Monsters

Woo is the resident giant ape, in the SNK video game King of the Monsters. He seems to be based on the Toho version of King Kong, as he has the ability to throw electric fireballs and such.

Woo is (c) SNK Playmore

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Geon - King of the Monsters

Geon is a character from the Neo Geo video game King of the Monsters. He is the resident giant fire breathing dinosaur, and returns in a more mutated form in the sequel.

Geon is (c) SNK playmore

Friday, January 25, 2013

Beetle Mania - King of the Monsters

Beetle Mania is a character from the SNK video game King of the Monsters. He is a giant, mutated insect which has taken on human-like proportions.

He was the character I always liked to play as, unfortunately he didn't return for the sequel.

Beetle Mania is (C) SNK playmore

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Lavicus - King of the Monsters

Lavicus is a character from the Neo-Geo game King of the Monsters 2, and is the last boss before the final boss King Farmady. He seems to be a vampire type-creature, with a mouth so huge it splits his body in half with an eyeball in-between. In the game he also spits smaller creatures through the strange trunk/mouth on his head.

Lavicus is (c) SNK Playmore

Monday, January 21, 2013

Claw head - King of the Monsters

Claw Head is a boss from the SNK video game, King of the Monsters 2. He's a large, reptilian alien creature with two heads and a giant tooth-filled mouth in his lower abdomen.

Claw Head is (c) SNK playmore

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Atomic Guy - King of the Monsters

Atom Guy is a character from the Neo Geo video game, King of the monsters. He's the resident super hero, defending humanity from the evil kaiju menace. In the second game he seems to be more "monsterous," perhaps a bit mutated, with spikes on his elbows and legs. This is a depiction of his costume in the second game.

Atomic Guy is (c) SNK Playmore

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Aqua Slug - King of the Monsters

Aqua Slug is a boss monster from the SNK video game King of the Monsters 2. He appears to be some sort of large, jelly-like creature with a shell like a snail. Various organs can be seen within the fluid sac that makes up his body, along with the dissolved skeletons of his enemies.

Aqua Slug is (c) SNK Playmore.

Sunday, January 13, 2013


Oysteraah is a giant thorny oyster, mutated by radioactive waste dumped by the British nuclear power industry in the 1960s. The creature periodically raids coastal towns in search of food. Thus far all conventional weaponry has been unable to penetrate the mollusk's tough outer shell, although his softer inner parts have been shown to be vulnerable.