Showing posts with label supervillian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label supervillian. Show all posts

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Cold Guy

A cold themed super villain. Willy Chillson was originally an air conditioner repair man who, after having quite possibly the worst day ever, re-purposes his equipment and begins a life of crime.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Murry "MeatHead" Marconi

A two bit thug with a record and a bad attitude, Murry "MeatHead" Marconi acted as hired muscle for various supervillians. An accident with a strange matter displacement ray replaced his head with a slab of beef, making his appearance match his namesake. He now sells his super-meat powers to the highest bidder.

Monday, September 7, 2015

The Bread Man

Larry Bukowski worked in a bakery. An experiment with a rare imported formula resulted molecular fusion of his body with a loaf of sourdough bread. The Bread Man now spreads fear, and sells his super bread powers to the highest bidder.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Mower

Javier Garcia was a hard working gardener who owned his own landscaping business. However a strange accident involving a bolt of lightning and an experimental fertilizing chemical permanently fused him to his lawnmower. The trauma of the accident shattered Javier's mind, turning him into a crazed supervillan for hire.

Thursday, November 13, 2014


Lenna Morrisson was the screwed-up kid sister of a promising young scientist. Armed with an experimental growth suit stolen from her older sister's laboratory, she hires herself out as rented muscle to gangs, syndicates, and supervillans of all kinds.

Sunday, October 26, 2014


Scorned and humiliated as a child for his extreme birth deformity, the young Charlie Cronch developed a psychopathic disdain for the wellbeing of other people. He eventually found his place in the criminal underworld, as a highly paid strong arm henchman. He comes well prepared.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Professor Cuttlefish

Professor Carl Cultavious was a mild mannered college professor of marine biology at an obscure junior college. All of that changed after an accident with a strange alien substance combined his DNA with one of his cuttlefish lab animals. The splicing of human and cephlapod DNA drove him inexorably insane. He has since vowed to use his vast intellect and incredible cuttlefish powers to conquer the world.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Spring Heeled Jack

Spring Heeled Jack seems to be an early prototype for a supervillain. He's described in reports from the 1840s onward as a man wearing a suit made of oil skin with some kind of armor or metal corset, depicted in artwork of the time as resembling a rib-cage. The reports give him various supervillian powers, such as leaping over tall walls and buildings, breathing fire, possessing glowing red eyes, or disappearing into thin air. Yet despite his horrid appearance and supernatural abilities, and his multiple attacks on dozens of people over sixty years, Spring Heeled Jack has never actually killed anyone.