Showing posts with label Pet Photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pet Photography. Show all posts

The pirate Captain

LOL I love that movie. It is [almost] totally unrelated to this post, however :)

Every now and then the person we bought Captain from back in January very nicely asks for a recent picture of Captain, and today it was a particularly good reminder to snap some new photos. Cue five minutes on the side of the road when we were walking home from school this afternoon! 

This is one reason I totally love my Fuji X100. A compact camera to carry around (as opposed to the big DSLRs), wide angle lens, complete manual control over everything. For these shots I set it at 1/250 second and aperture of 4.0, leaving the rest to Lightroom. I had it on auto ISO, and it varied from 640 to 2400.

Captain has continued to be a total mischief lately, finding new and creative ways to escape the (almost 1/4 acre) back yard, including climbing and jumping. 5 foot high seems to be a sweet spot that he can't quite get over without some kind of ledge or foothold to help him along, lol. He will eat pretty much anything, so we are still reminding the kids every day to put their stuff up high or behind closed doors! A few weeks ago he rummaged in my bag and found a triple pack of ferrero rocher chocolates that I'd been given. He'd eaten a full one before I could stop him, and yes the gold wrapper went all the way through ;)

On Sundays we have a 'no-technology entertainment' rule, at least until late afternoon, and last Sunday we spent a few hours painting pickets and railing on Sunday for a new picket fence we will have across the front of our house. All the kids helped out. We're really looking forward to having it finished, plus a few extra bits of fencing, so that he will be able to get down into the yard from the verandah without needing us to take him. We're still time-sharing the very back part of the yard between Captain and the chooks, but will be building them their own corner within the next few months or so.