George Will Needs to Die While Waiting for Treatment Under Obamacare

George F. Will: On Obamacare, Republicans get in their own way – The Washington Post If the ACA is, as conservatives believe, as unpleasant in potential effects as it is impossible to implement, conservatives should allow what Lincoln called “the … Continue reading

More Child Abuse from the Terrorist Sympathizing Assholes.

Way to go, ruin the child’s trip to Disney. Via Legal Insurrection and Israel Matzav From Todd Starnes via TSA News The family managed to make it through the TSA checkpoint without any problems. But as they prepared to walk … Continue reading

Our Government supports these people?

Graphic content. Not for the squeamish or reality challenged. Can we just seal the borders and shoot the victors? Via Israel Matzav This video was kicked off YouTube because it violated their policy of not posting disgusting things. But of … Continue reading

“Stupid is Stupid does”

And this is World Class STUPID. US Sending 20 F-16s to Egypt I’m sure they will never be used against US interests or US allies. Mostly because President Hussein will be throwing Israel under a steamroller. Beginning January 22, the … Continue reading

Works for me.

Abbas President Demands Palestinian State With 1967 Borders Last time I checked there was no country or state in 1967 called “Palestine”. Meaning no “Palestinian State”. Gaza belonged to Egypt and the West Bank to Jordan. They treated the Cannon … Continue reading