Some (Relatively) Good News, For A Change –

Another “political prisoner” gets to go home:

Marine Released From Mexican Jail

“A jailed U.S. Marine veteran who spent eight months behind bars for crossing the border with loaded guns was released Friday and returned home to Florida.

The judge called for retired Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi to be freed because of his mental state and did not make a determination on the illegal arms charges against the Afghanistan veteran diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder…”

Why do I refer to him as a “political prisoner”? – ah, well…this was the nature of the “offense” for which he was held in a Mexican slammer for eight months – and for which he has yet to come to trial:

“Tahmooressi has said he took a wrong turn on a California freeway that funneled him into a Tijuana port of entry with no way to turn back… …His attorney, Fernando Benitez…had argued that Tahmooressi carries loaded guns with him because his weapons, which were bought legally in the U.S., make him feel safer. He added that the veteran is often distracted, which could have contributed to him becoming lost… …Tahmooressi was carrying in his truck a rifle, shotgun, pistol and hundreds of rounds of ammunition…”

Obviously, a thoroughly dangerous man!!

Some kind of clear-cut “gun-runner”, right?

His biggest problem, though, was a) he didn’t desert his military post while he was over there in Afghanistan, and b) his name wasn’t Bowe Bergdahl…

So – he sat in a Mexican lockup for 214 days, while his mental condition worsened (he’d been driving out to San Diego, CA from his home in FL to get V.A. treatment for his PTSD when he took that wrong turn), he endured threats of rape, torture and death from guards and other inmates, and made at least one suicide attempt.

At least – now – he’s finally back home, and it looks like he’ll finally be getting the medical help he needs.

So…there’s that.

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