Speaking of a battle of wits with an unarmed man.

Dershowitz challenges Carter to debate at Cardozo “The way human rights should be addressed is based on ‘worst, first,’ you deal with the most egregious wrongs, the worst kind of abuses committed by governments first,” Dershowitz explained. “He’s turned everything … Continue reading

Poor baby.

Terrorist sympathizer and enabler (up)Chuck Hagel is soowey he called Jews names. Boo. Hoo. Schumer says Hagel almost cried Schumer said he spent 90 minutes asking Hagel questions — including about a “nuclear Iran” — and “he answered them very … Continue reading

“Stupid is Stupid does”

And this is World Class STUPID. US Sending 20 F-16s to Egypt I’m sure they will never be used against US interests or US allies. Mostly because President Hussein will be throwing Israel under a steamroller. Beginning January 22, the … Continue reading

Who’s doing “Ethnic Cleansing”?

a quote from Abbas speech to the UN on Thursday in which he said that the creation of Israel represented “one of the most dreadful campaigns of ethnic cleansing and dispossession in modern history.” Really? Via Israel Matzav … Continue reading