This week's pick:

Showing posts with label Nick Fury. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nick Fury. Show all posts

Monday, March 14, 2011

Nick Fury b/w of Black Widow by Rev. Dave Johnson

Well, I never got to draw a twart for Nick Fury. So maybe this makes up for it. And it is Ketch-up week after all. I'm not sure what's more dangerous, Black Widow's knife or her hips. It's probably a good thing that ol' Nick Fury has already lost that eye. Anyways. Enjoy.

Monday, July 19, 2010

1960's Nick Fury by Mr. Hawthorne

Been feeling kinda "cartoony" lately. So here you go.

Pencil sketch over on my blog.


NICK FURY by Andy Kuhn

I don't know what comics these guys have been reading.
In the Nick Fury comics I read, he wore a rubber suit,
carried a big gun, and shot the shit out of anything that moved!
And he did it all while standing in front of a bunch of crazy patterns.
Now THAT'S Nick Fury......Ya feel me!

PS - If you're coming to San Diego Comic-Con this week
stop by booth #2729 and say howdy.
I'll have sketchbooks, prints, and art for sale.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Nick Fury by Mitch Breitweiser

This would be the funnest book to draw ever! I think I may even toss around some story ideas. Excellent pick, Mitch!

Friday, July 16, 2010

NICK FURY by Chris Samnee

I couldn't possibly have been more jazzed when I heard that Mitch's pick for this week was sixties era Nick Fury. No offense to any of Fury's other incarnations over the years but the sixties stuff is what really speaks to me. I dare you to find a cooler comic. Great pick, Mr. Gerads! :D

Nick Fury by Urban Barbarian

Man, it's been awhile! Sorry about that Twartists! I've been swamped with work but I've been loving these art posts! Simply amazing and inspiring! That said, I must issue an apology for this illustration. It hardly compares to those below. Still.... How can a man NOT draw Nick Fury? I blame all of you.

NICK FURY by Evan Shaner

Much like Mitch, a 1960's Nick Fury book is a dream project for me (and at least a couple of other guys in the group). I had a blast working on this one, great pick Mitch!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

60's NICK FURY by Ron Salas

I'm going to be painting this but I wanted to post this version for this week's twart because I think there's something there that I might not be able to translate in a more finished version.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

1960s NICK FURY by Francesco Francavilla

Nick Fury Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.Nick Fury Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Ok, as promised, here's my 2 strip story: THE DEATH LASER!
Hope you guys enjoy it :)
(click on the strip for a better reading experience :))

Nick Fury Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
(highly suggested to click on the above image for a really bigger view :))

Great pick, M!tch :D

I usually don't like to post "old" stuff in here, but since it's allowed to have place holders - and since I am having quite a busy week with work and the GIANT ROBOTS thing over my blogs - I thought to share one of the most fun (and elaborated) commission I have done.
This was for Michael Finn's "One Minute Later" series, where he commissions artists to draw what happens to the action on famous covers, well, one minute later ;)
I had the privilege to choose my own cover to tribute, and I decided to go with (my good friend and mentor and comics modern master) Jim Steranko's cover for Nick Fury #7

Above is what I thought it would happen a minute later ;) (in the order, rough sketch, pencils, inks, washes, and colors)

Again, this is a place holder: I am working on an actual 2 strip story for this week jam, so stay tuned for it.
Hope you guys enjoy it :)


Artwork © Francesco Francavilla 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010

1960's NICK FURY by Mitch Gerads

So this week at ComicTWART was my pick and you might notice I got kind of specific with it. The reason for that is I used my week here to live out my ultimate dream book/project.

A 1960's set, period spy book, starring Nick Fury has been that "Ultimate Dream Gig" for a good long while now. A Nick Fury story set in the sixties where Fury is a field agent working in this world of super heroes all in the background, all kinds of James Bond-ian awesome.

I picked Jim McCann as my dream gig writer for two reasons. 1. His books are so clean, clear, fun, and they read like a good character TV program (Seriously, pick up "Hawkeye and Mockingbird" if you haven't already) and 2. He's a huge Burn Notice fan, which as far as mood goes is exactly what I picture.

I honestly could go on about this for pages and you guys just want to see everyone's pretty art. If you ever need to kill time at a convention, find me and ask about this, ha!


NICK FURY by Declan Shalvey

I think I got a bit ahead of myself. I've been neglecting my Twart duties of late, so I jumped right on this week's pick; Nick Fury. Although, it was actually 60s Nick Fury, which i didn't *really* do. Sorry. I got confused about the rules!
