
Showing posts with the label white water rafting

River Wild: Whitewater Rafting in Cagayan de Oro

It was during the 2010 summer outing of the UP Astronomical Society to Cagayan de Oro and Camiguin that I was able to experience whitewater rafting.  From the airport we checked in to our hostel and then went to the site, in the sleepy village of Makahambus. After outfitting us with helmets and life jackets and a brief intro on paddling and safety guidelines, the guides then started us on a 12 kilometer Class II and III course. There are 16 rapids along the way, and a few of them involve getting spilled from the raft. The whole course will take about 3-4 hours. You may request the guides if you want more challenging rapids, and if you want spills or if you want to float down the river in some parts of the course. Usually there are about 3-4 groups of rafters that set out at a time.

White-Water Rafting

Me and my friends white-water rafting in Cagayan de Oro