In Pictures: Hundred Islands

For this week's In Pictures , we leave Boracay for a bit and go to another island. Or rather a group of islands. All one hundred twenty-four in total (123 in high tide). That group of islands is called Hundred Islands, and it is located in Alaminos, Pangasinan. It is about 5 hours away north of Manila. I visited Hundred Islands a few years ago. The mushroom-shaped islands of Hundred Islands The islands were actually corals that used to be in the seabed of an ancient sea, said to be around 2 million years old. The receding sea exposed the corals, and were gradually eroded by the ocean, forming the mushroom-shaped islands [ 1 ]. The islands are now part of a protected marine park. A kid huddles in a bamboo raft You can rent boats that would take you around the marine park; the colorful boats will stop in several major ones where you can do several activities, such as snorkeling, kayaking, and beach combing. There is also an area in the marine par...