
Showing posts with the label medieval artifacts

Stained Glass in Medieval Europe

Predominantly used during medieval times in cathedrals and churches, stained glass windows to evoke grandeur as well as to tell stories to the observer, usually biblical ones.  The techniques to created stained glass were described by a 12th century German monk, Theophilus, in his book On Diverse Art . The use of stained glass became prevalent between 12th and 16th centuries.

City of God

This is a book that's familiar, as this is a topic of my philosophy and social science classes in the university: Saint Augustine's City of God .  The book on display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art is one of the three volumes of the Spanish translation made by Cano de Aranda for the bishop of Toledo. The book is made of parchment, tempera and gold leaf.


A medieval bas-relief carved with the images of saints

Medieval Polearms

Medieval polearms on display in the St. Louis Art Museum.  From left to right: Italian langdebeve (ox tongue) spear, 15-16th century Italian poleaxe with the Arms of the City of Venice, early 16th century Italian brandistock , mid-17th century Western European poleaxe for foot combatants, c.1500 German halberd , 17th century