So, I was going
thru the archive of, one of my fave blogs, and I came across this. Unfortunately, according to my own judgement, this was not discussed
"I'm curious to hear what you and others think about those without the attitude or those without "swagger" since there is a distinction being made between the two. A lot of people these days are using the concept of swagger as an ideal to be achieved--something that makes you cool. In other words, if you don't have swagger then you're not cool. A lot of times, this is based on how a person looks or what a person wears. I guess what I'm trying to get people to think about is: what is REALLY cool? Is it really about wearing the "right" accessories and wearing clean shoes?"
I have found myself thinking along the same lines too.
One thing I know is that not everyone can be innovative fashion-wise. At least, I know I am not, at the mo. Almost everything I wear is an idea from someone. If I see someone with my body type or poise, I look for something admirable on them and try that style. Seeing that I can easily identify with the
Beyonce-type body shape. I have been told so cos Bey is
Lol, one of my girlfriends was like my bootay can work anything. haha. OK, check my twitter background on
Na dem sabiAlthough, I can be labeled fashion conscious. I like to know what's hip in so-so season. but I follow so many fashion blogs and call admire an Alexander Wang's or
Balmain's. You will not see me in those though. Denims are my staple.
I went shopping last
wkend, and I actually spent about 80% of my time in the Males' section, shopping for shirts.
No, that's not a lesbo move. I am just feeling the shirt with leggings/tights movement lately.
What does swagger mean to you? wearing what's cool? knowing how to dress?
adding 'swag' to ur screen name on any portal doesn't, for sure.
Orientation ends Monday,
orisirisi planning ends Monday. Yay!
Classes start Tuesday,
work starts Tuesday. Nay!
I want the transition to last forever.
I am not ready for a semester,
promised to be stricken with all-nighter-s.