Showing posts with label random thought. Show all posts
Showing posts with label random thought. Show all posts

Thursday, June 2, 2011

I Thank God

For every thing, opportunity, disappointment and person that has been a blessing to me.

I do not do this enough. I'm learning.


Ps: comments have been disabled for this post

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Skin Deep

Race is just a social construct set for discrimination. 
Why can't we use nose sizes to categorise people?
Why must we use skin color to fit people into check-boxes?
I'm black and I have no problem with that.

Black pride at its best. 
Nodding at the random dark-skinned fellow seated across me on the tube.
Using the darkest shade of MAC Studio Fix, NC 55. 
I have no inferiority complex for being closer to the darker end of the spectrum.
That is not only because black don't crack. 
But because racial distinctions are only skin deep.

Did I hear someone claim that we live in a post-race society.
Oh yeah? I beg to differ. Mind the Gap. 
Why do we have affirmative action? 
Positive discrimination is about equality between people of different ethnicities.
This is not a ploy to boycott the regular procedure to favor the less privileged. 
What do I know?

Like always,
Je t'embrasse.

PS: My two-year blogaversary is coming up in June. I appreciate the support from my blog followers thus far. Passively reading or actively commenting on my posts means a lot. I'm just a bad writer trying to pen down my opinions and a few happenings in my life. For the two-year hall mark, I will be accepting 20 questions. So feel free to leave the question in the comment box or email me at

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Thoughts running through my mind while I was running through the park

Hey readers lovers,

I’m typing this post from the kitchen that I share with eight other flatmates, as I watch my drumsticks and white rice boil to edibility. Eight other people? It is very possible because not everyone cooks and the kitchen is actually big. We have sufficient utensils and cooking equipment for days. London is very sunny today; it reminds me of my 2010 spring break in Los Angeles.

In January, I went through a phase of drinking lots of SmirnOff Ice. Then, I stopped but I kept the evidence of my abstinence.

I'm addicted to fruits. I love the 1-pound fruit bowls in Whitechapel Road market kiosks.

The books that I planned to study during my semester abroad. I'm yet to turn a page of any :(
French dictionary. Random book by Daniel Schacter. Complimentary Cosmo Sex Guide (I didn't buy it, it came with the mag), GRE workbooks.

While I was running through Mile End Park earlier, I noticed many people jogging or riding their bicycles with dogs. Like the typical Nigeria-bred person that I am, dogs scare me. No joke! Even puppies can make shivers run down my spine. My mum is scared of dogs too. I guess that is whom I learned my fear from. I remember when I visited a friend in Paris for five days. When I got there, I met a dog and cat unexpectedly. I considered taking a flight back home immediately or checking into a hotel. But I didn’t. You don’t want to know how I survived in a two-bedroom apartment with those pets bullies. It was a struggle. In the park, there was a man playing with his dogs. He would throw a golf ball into the canal and the dog had to go get it. For some reason, I never knew that dogs could swim, until this afternoon. It was very interesting to see this particular dog swim gracefully.

While I was running earlier, I didn’t want my 34 GGs flying from Mexico to Kazakhstan. (ps: Bravissimo claims my babies are 34GGs. Before this year, I thought I was a 36DDD. So much for measuring boobs mehn). Back to my story, I was jogging slowly. I’m way too conscious of my boobs flying up and down, so I don’t go on the treadmill in the gym. But I got this really firm sports bra from Bravissimo (A British lingerie store for plus size). So, everything is in place, when need be.

While I was running earlier, I decided that I don’t want to be a UK size 10 or US size 6. I just want to be fit and toned. I have never been obsessively conscious of my physique but I get the satisfaction from seeing the reflection of a banging bod, when I stand in front of the mirror. Jennifer Hudson recently dropped a lot of weight, I don’t want that. I’m content with being as thick as I am, not thicker though. All I desire is more contouring, toned gams, abs and guns.

*insert imaginary awkward ending to the post here*

New fave song of the week: I'm a star by Chrisette Michele. I love this song. It's on the borderline of slow and fast RnB songs.

Linguistic discovery of the week: Most America-bred folks don't know what a 'lorry' is.

Je t'embrasse

PS: My debit card finally came in the mail. It took two weeks longer than expected because they initially posted it to my US address. I'm fine though :)
PPS: I'm embarking on a multi-city euro trip, for the first half of April. Sh*t is about to go crazy. Watch this space for the report.
PPPS: I'm putting the main body of this post from my drafts. It was written a week ago.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

That Underwear game

When it all comes down to it, you attract folks with your outerwear but nothing gets me like an A+ underwear game. I'm not talking about those who consciously match their bras and panties, it ain't all that maybe cos I don't do it.

My mother spends a great deal on underwear and that has made me to invest in my underwear collection too. Funny thing, 80% of the time, my mum gives underwear as presents. She must be the highest retail customer of Marks&Spencer Intimates.

Simple tips for the ladies, I may be biased.
  • Go for panties that don't show panty lines or pantyhem depressions, when you wear tight bottoms. Thongs are a safe bet. Sidenote: My friend told me that I should stop wearing thongs so often like a stripper, story!
  • Also, go for cotton underwear that will air to pass thru to your intimate skin. Silk may be sexy but the heat eh.
  • Please and please, sanitize/wash your bras. It is easy to neglect the bras and pay attn to only the underbottoms.
  • For the well-endowed sister, if your straps are gonna show in a sundress, pls watch that bra-strap size. Nothing gets me like seeing a 3cm bra-strap. I know it's a challange if u got 36DDs like me but there are some good bras with not-so-wide straps. They may come pricey, but I call it an investment.
  • If you're gonna wear that short freakum dress, pls make sure your panties/under-bottoms are close to your skin color. I don't appreciate being flashed pink panties on some ebony skin. Better still, wear some short tights underneath. I love/use my shapers to death.
  • Big-boobied sisters again. Don't wear undersized bras. No matter the size, e go dey for market.

As for the gents, just one rule.
Pls, have sparkly clean briefs underneath. Nothing turns me off as much has seeing a discoloured and possibly sweat-smelling boxers
  • Preferably white. ok, I lied. I loooovvvveee white briefs on bros.

Over to you guys, what makes an Underwear game A+? what are your undewear pet peeves?

Keep your Underwer game 100%, and what is under the underwear lol.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

There is so much freedom in nudity

I didn't forget that I had a blog, I only forgot that it was mine. There fore, I have the freedom to write whatever I wish.

  • I love myself best when Im naked. Matter of fact, I sleep only in my panties except when I have some company over. Don't ask me what type of company
  • I dance best in the shower, naked.
  • I take the best pictures of myself, naked.
Love is made best naked. Fuck kinky.

I know that one of social norms in most parts of the world is that one should be clothed. Yet, acquiring clothes has become a huge part of our lives. what if I lived in a nudist society, where I everyone can see my love handles and perked 36DDs? Where I could see the stretch marks of the neighbor? The scars of the best actress? The tattoos on the lower back? The piercing in God-knows where?

Lemme live in a nudist society for a day?
Well, I already do when I sleep.

There is so much freedom in nudity.

PS: If anyone has or knows any medium-large sized e-stores, like big cartels and ish. Leave your links. ok and goodbye

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Talking swagger, talking fashion...

So, I was going thru the archive of, one of my fave blogs, and I came across this. Unfortunately, according to my own judgement, this was not discussed

"I'm curious to hear what you and others think about those without the attitude or those without "swagger" since there is a distinction being made between the two. A lot of people these days are using the concept of swagger as an ideal to be achieved--something that makes you cool. In other words, if you don't have swagger then you're not cool. A lot of times, this is based on how a person looks or what a person wears. I guess what I'm trying to get people to think about is: what is REALLY cool? Is it really about wearing the "right" accessories and wearing clean shoes?"

I have found myself thinking along the same lines too.

One thing I know is that not everyone can be innovative fashion-wise. At least, I know I am not, at the mo. Almost everything I wear is an idea from someone. If I see someone with my body type or poise, I look for something admirable on them and try that style. Seeing that I can easily identify with the Beyonce-type body shape. I have been told so cos Bey is curvaceous. Lol, one of my girlfriends was like my bootay can work anything. haha. OK, check my twitter background on Na dem sabi

Although, I can be labeled fashion conscious. I like to know what's hip in so-so season. but I follow so many fashion blogs and call admire an Alexander Wang's or Balmain's. You will not see me in those though. Denims are my staple.

I went shopping last wkend, and I actually spent about 80% of my time in the Males' section, shopping for shirts. No, that's not a lesbo move. I am just feeling the shirt with leggings/tights movement lately.

What does swagger mean to you?
wearing what's cool? knowing how to dress?
adding 'swag' to ur screen name on any portal doesn't, for sure.

Orientation ends Monday,
orisirisi planning ends Monday. Yay!
Classes start Tuesday,
work starts Tuesday. Nay!
I want the transition to last forever.
I am not ready for a semester,
promised to be stricken with all-nighter-s.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Feminism, sometimes an escape route

Obviously, I have the X-X chromosome.

I am a feminist by expectation but a mere passive supporter of feminism by decision. Just to add a lil sum'in, I support masculism too. Well, to be clearer, I dont give a damn about Hilary Clinton being the first US president or Lady Gaga's right to discuss a pun-intended disco stick.

When everyone is tryna prove why men shud take up culinary duties, not only in Top Chef, I think of the way women use feminism as a form of armor. In order to make a simple presentation about breast implants, you have think about not triggering some feminism-induced nerve. Eff political correctness!Whenever person A tells me something along the lines of 'Girls! and petty things.' Yeah right, I am meant to put on my feminism armor and tell person A that that statement is sexist. Oh well, some ladies use that feminism response to make person A guilty. Well, I am sometimes person A. As a girl, I sometimes tell girls that we worry about petty things. Two generic online examples, facebook and blogger. Check your homepage, most facebook updates are often by females. And blogger! most posts, I am in position to declare them unwarranted for or ingenious, are authored by females. That's it, on the average, we females talk more. Thus, we tend to talk gibberish more. So, use the feminism armor for the right sexist defense. I don't appreciate using feminism as a coat of armor, when someone criticizes a girl about her benching 100lbs.

To be honest, I think feminism is the outcome of some women liberation. Feminism is important, especially in regions, where gender inequality has not been fully regarded.

PS: Just to reiterate, I am a passive feminist but I actively enjoy feminism's benefits. If I am given preference frats'-entry wise employment-wise, because I identify as a female, thank you. Yo, that's called affirmative action, right. hahaha.

Friday, August 28, 2009

No one claims to be fake

I don't dislike fake people. If I know you are fake, I can totally be cool with it. You know what I dislike? The lack of your pride to uphold what you truly have. More importantly, the fact the world may not appreciate you for who you really are. Most times, it is that fact that leads fake people to the alter[/fake] egos that they create for themselves. On the other hand, I hail fake people. Like for real yo! (I'm gonna parahrase Rayo's words). It is somewhat difficult to be yourself, why make it harder by being someone else?
Juggling two facades of ur personality isn't the easiest thing. The only aspect of fakeness that I loathe is faking what you think. For example, knowing that A is wrong and telling someone that A is right.

Just to be clear,

  • I don't mind ladies wearing that so-called Brazilian weave. haha, everyone is entitled to being omni-beautiful.
  • I don't mind you going to the swimming pool for the sake of FaceBook
  • I don't mind ladies breathing in, so hard, cos of the much-coveted flat tummies in photos.
  • I don't mind guys taking pictures with random white chicks. yo! it's all good, if you think that is how to be diverse/exotic.
  • I don't mind your texting unnecessarily on the iPhone. Baby ko easy to acquire that gadget.
  • I don't mind your barely audible fake accent. It is your voice box and nostrils that you're straining.
  • I don't mind your carrying the faux leather bag imprinted with 'D&G' on it. yo! we all know the way to Chinatown.
  • I don't mind your being plastic. Almost everyone has got some sort of plastic, silicone, metal, silk, natural hair on/in their body.
  • Hell can freeze over and I would not care about your batting fake eyelashes like Tiny's.
  • I may not subscribe to your form of 'fakeness' but I know being fake is a lot of work.Don't just fake your opinion, that doesn't do it for me. If you want something, front moderately. Don't go out of your way to feel stupidly tech by ignoring that chat msg. If you think Sarah Palin is hot, believe it. Don't diss her cos almost everyone is. If you think Rita should have really won Koko Mansion, believe it. Some people, who talk shit about her, may not be able to form coherent msgs.
Next time, you say some one is fake or think you are soooooo real, we've all got some fakeness going on.

Just believe in what your 'brain' thinks, to say the least. That doesn't mean I would not rock a waist-high Spanx under that freakum dress.

Where do you draw the line between being fake and real?
Greasing that ashy knee?
Wearing gray non-recommended contacts?

PS: I recently quit blogsville gist 'co-authorship'. =/ It was fun digging out newbies tho. This next week will be hella busy cos it is Orientation period in my school and I am an Orientation Intern. oh well! This morning, I had to go to pick up some international kids from the airport. Time is just a bitchy constraint. I guess Ms.Dufa offered to take my place. Thanks miss. I'm glad! On that note, I do hope everyone is doing alright.