Showing posts with label Physics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Physics. Show all posts

Monday, April 12, 2010


A real Turing machine.

All by themselves, words can cause pain.

iPad lockin.

Chinese quality strikes again.

The newest Gulf war.

Are we living inside a black hole?

Why we hold onto things.

A tale of two health cares.

The art of the steal.

Neither a bull nor a bear be.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Why we dream.

The joy of mephedrone.

Vix doesn't seem to be worth much.

Electromagnetic armor.

Where's the missing oil?

Why we're fat.

Cold Fusion still coming back.

What you can do with all that data.

Statistics isn't so good. The experts should take a look at this.

The top prospects in energy stocks.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Occasional Links

Atrazine emasculates frogs.

It's raining men fish.

How to solve health care.

All your news are belong to us.

Grandma in Hubei.

Behind every great fortune....

"The only way you build an economy is through savings and investments."

Jihad Jane.

Seeing through the opaque—they do it with matrices.

The spread of goodness.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Occasional Links

Real lives in North Korea.

Quark soup at 4 trillion degrees Celsius.

Japan's Mengele experiments.

The mathematical formula for movie shots.

How to watch the Olympics live.

How to deal with the recalcitrant public-sector unions.

Don't even think about having an abortion.

Finding the lowest fares.

The scale of the universe.

Europe is made in the USA.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Crayon Physics

Crayon Physics Deluxe from Petri Purho on Vimeo.

I've played the Demo Version of this little game for months, waiting for the Delux Version to be released. What you do in it is try to roll a little ball to bump it into a star. The graphics are styled to look like a crayon drawing, and you move the little rock by drawing shapes on the screen that get the ball rolling, and provide a path for the ball to move along.

It sounds simple, but some of the little puzzles are quite maddening to try to figure out. It takes a bit of physics intuition, and to touch of Rube Goldberg imagination, to solve them. If you don't want to spring for the Delux Version, the Demo version will still provide entertainment.

Here's the website for it: Crayon Physics Delux. Below is an example of the type of silliness you can find yourself doing with it....

Crayon Physics - That Darn Pole, featuring Wall-E from Jimmy Gunawan on Vimeo.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunday Links

Does Obama scare al-Qaida?

Switching to the WSJ?

Nearly as hard as diamond, slipperier than teflon.

Russian paranoia runs rampant.

Does time exist?

The great British prostitution debate.

Movies of atoms in motion.

Free plane tickets for the Canadian obese.

We sleep to forget.

China steps up its computer espionage attacks on the US military.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Friday Links

The proud and sad history of the Detroit oligopoly.

Now we know: almost all matter is nothing but quantum fluctuations in the vacuum.

Massive glaciers have been discovered on Mars.

Chicago is on a roll.

Bad cars can live almost forever.

Google axes 3D.

Why worry about a little trillion dollar deficit?

A new Ebola virus has broken out in Africa.

China's expanding sphere of influence in Latin America.

Learning math causes massive reorganization of the brain.

Shades of Stalin: Iranian blogger "confesses" to spying for Israel.

Introducing GlassDoor.

Is the universe teeming with aliens?

Japan is itching to take on the pirates.

Limitless clean energy for the taking.

Is the US going down the tubes in the next two decades?

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sunday Links

The global electoral college.

Can Ford be saved?

Giving Caesar control over the things that are Christ's.

3M's new x-ray business.

Good news in Kashmir.

Are the orcas starving?

The facts of press bias.

A turnaround in housing?

Computing in the cloud.

The real Italian job.

Smarter smart cars.

Tens of thousands march for independence.

You've seen Google Mail, Google Maps, Google Knol,.... Introducing Google Fighter Jet.

Rebooting the immune system to cure multiple sclerosis.

Afghanistan on the edge of disaster.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Friday Links

What's causing the flyby anomalies?

Surrogate mothers are big business in India.

The madness of pundits.

Organ harvesting in Albania.

Obama's leftism.

Entire galaxy clusters are being pulled steadily outside the visible universe.

Chavez visits his friends in Russia.

Laid-off workers get revenge.

The 50-year low in the solar wind.

Cows that milk themselves.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sunday Links

Outstanding progress in Iraq.

Cunningly manipulating the press.

The two ancestors of beer.

So good it's scary.

Clinton (I) censors a movie.

Perfect vision in 5 years?

Honor vs. empathy—your choice.

5 great explanations of the Higgs Boson.

Cuil VP bails after only a month.

What drives the Taliban.

The love lives of the ancient Romans.

Burmese child soldiers.

When stem cells go bad.

A girlfriend for a case of beer.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday Links

The best places to have cancer.

Socialism gone amok.

Turns out we're Cro-Magnons, not Neanderthals.

The worst inflation since 1982.

The alternative to American power.

Beware the rave-laser.

Is it an oil bubble?

Rich or funny?

A good use of Wordle. (H/T: Barry Ritholz)

Peering through the Earth to view the sky.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Sunday Links

General Relativity confirmed, again.

Exhibitionists in Turkey.

Giving his party whiplash.

Happy and not so happy countries.

An angry crowd of 50,000 people, containing priests and monks, protests....American beef(?).

Giving birth at the ripe old age of 70—to twins!

Gold to hit $2,000?

A death penalty for blogging.

Bring back the airships.

235 mpg.

Who runs the world.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wednesday Links

Can Betz's Law be broken with cleverer technology?

Hitchcock redux.

Incarceration reduces crime.

What is it doing with all that information about us?

Can the French be put back to work?

The sea of trash.

Predicting where you'll go.

The despised President.

Watering down the math standards. Again.

The secret code hidden in the Sistine Chapel.

How to see a parallel universe.

From the "let's not report this" department. 4,000 dead in drug wars in Mexico in two years.

The mystery of glass, solved at last.

Don't check the boxes.

The mystery of the Voorwerp.

Can we trust his promises?

Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday Links

17 mistakes startups makes.

The first picture of a laser pulse. Wow!

Big Brother wins in Sweden.

Curing cancer with the immune system?

The Volt cometh.

Old video games resurrected.

Is REM sleep necessary for intelligence?

Iran on its heels?

Bad boys get more girls.

How wiretapping works.

Russian justice.

The ethics of stealing WiFi.

The Taleban cleared from Kandahar.

Where are the missing Tibetan protesters?

The first hydrogen cars are here.

Canada's thought police.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Friday Links

Rebuilding from the ground up.

Phone home with neutrinos, not photons.

"The single most pernicious threat to liberty today is humanity's natural
tendency to misunderstand the statistics of rare events."

20 online language resources.

Darkness at New England noon, explained.

Teach yourself: Egyptian Hieroglyphs.

T. Boone Pickens picks wind.

Half the missing matter in the universe found.

More handouts for all the special interests.

The Big Brother database.

Climate science not quite settled after all.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wednesday Links

Goodbye space-time continuum, hello gabby black holes.

Microsoft is really desperate.

The happiest people on Earth?

Free music online.

Creatures of new habit.

How to solve your physician shortage.

Robots removing brain tumors.

Friedman day gets a little later.

Tracking you in the shopping center.

The world's most powerful laser.

It's all the fat people's fault.

Enjoy your job.

China's panopticon.

Turning off the brain's ability to speak with a magnet.

The real Iraq.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Friday Links

All the streets.

When nerds go bad.

The longest sea-spanning bridge in the world.

Software to make you smarter.

The truth about tech startups.

Software to create DIVX and XVID.

Good writers write, great ones reuse.

Seeing the magnetic field.

Get some sleep.

The man in a glacier finds his modern descendants.

Uranium is no longer the heaviest.

Enforce the law and they won't come.


From Russia, with love.

You can't kick this robot around any more.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Wednesday Links

Cocktail party physics.

Two winnable wars.

Smart bombs clothes.

The phony rape crisis.

Harnessing life to make fuel from CO2.

The Socialist Paradise as seen through lefty eyes.

Use the Vortex, Luke.

The US won't be Protestant much longer.

Diamonds in the sky.

Hurricanes in the Alps.

Sex tips for the shy young man. (NSFW!)

Nanoparticles to the rescue.

10 beautiful HDR pictures.

The gravity anomaly on space probes.

Military spending going up 18%? It must be the threat from Taiwan.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Weekly Links

The optimism spot has been found.

The statistical semiotician debunks The New Republic. (H/T chuck)

American kids are dumber than dirt.

Human beings aren't evolved for security in the modern world.

Coding the right stuff.

25 unexpectedly useful websites.

Remains of a shattered moon found in Saturn's rings.

The North Korean nuclear test confirmed.

Smile when you see your robot.

Better than mind-mapping?

Taking over the visual system for better hearing.

OS X slips past Vista.

Maxwell the poet.

Guide to the new Word.

Neanderthals had red hair, but weren't the ancestors of Vikings, contrary to rumor.

Wolfram debunked.