Daily Mail is a British paper which does not generally focus on American electoral politics. It is therefore rather surprising to imagine the impetus driving the expenditure of resources necessary to generate a piece entitled
A drunk and a bigot - what the US Presidential hopeful HASN'T said about his father.... What could drive a British paper to send reporters to a village in Kenya (even local stringers) to interview non English speaking relatives of Obama? How were they able to justify the expenditure for the research in Hawaii?
The story is a meticulous point by point rebuttal of lies told by Obama Jr. in his autohagiography and its intent is surely the destruction of the pathetic mythos being built for this emptiest of empty suits but still... who provided the impetus and funding for this project?
Cui bono?
The Beast of Chappaqua is rumored to have the sharpest teeth ever seen on a member of her species.
Welcome to the big leagues, Obama.