Showing posts with label challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label challenge. Show all posts

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

some sneaky peaks

Just a little teaser of how my first Dr Who Along piece is going.....

and how my quilting machine is Finally going....

After perservering with a machine that is temperamental and tantrum-inducing, I may just have it behaving nicely....just very cautious to not jinx it ...I think I do a little meditation before I even look its deep breathing, thinking good thoughts, and trying to be all zen about it.
Hasn't bloody worked in the long past, but...I am surprising myself  by not throwing out the top storey window :)

A little bit of tension tweaking is still needed..sigh...

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

My mosaic of favourites for DUDQ3! Join up now!

1. Spring 2012 Market Brochure_1, 2. Queen Anne's Lace, 3. QuiltCon block 2, 4. Bee block Mai for Floh, 5. Flocking1, 6. 11-Flower Mystery, 7. hello sweetie, 8. fall quilt market recap. {art gallery.}, 9. Quilt Top for J, 10. Aqua Green Lime, 11. Buggy Barn Outdoor Quilt Show, 12. [3x6] Bee - Round 2, 13. Japanese pluses and crosses, 14. DQS 10 Finished!, 15. Baby Jane Mosaic, 16. A Hobson Fairy Tale

I'm looking forward to joining in - haven't for quite a while and I think I have missed it!  I kindov randomly picked some of my favourites from my Flickr site - just make it colourful and maybe add a little bit of whimsy, throw in a feather, a teacup and a smile and I'd be over the moon!!

Michelle from A Quilted Tortoise is Swap Mama this round - her stuff is so ace!!!

What about you? Feel like a little mini challenge with a lovely surprise at the end??

Friday, 6 July 2012

Create a Full Circle

Wendy from Hartylittlepeaces needs you!

'I'm Excited!!!' as Big Kev (remember him?) used to say

Wendy loves art, breathes art, creates art - it is a part of her, and she not only is Head Poobah in running the Playful Market at Ashburton Baptist Church twice a year, she has created a fantastic opportunity for all your artistic dreams of exhibiting come true!!!

Join in - it is super easy to whip something up - grab an embroidery hoop from the local oppy! - look in their usually weird and wonderful haberdashery section
and start creating!!

  1. So - thinking hats on for the Theme of ''FULL CIRCLE'
  2. Get your application form:
  3. Pay your entry money donation (all proceeds go to a charity supporting Indonesian schoolchildren)
  4. Post (with s.a.s.e.) or deliver by Thurs 19th July
  5. Don't forget to come to the show!!! Saturday 28th July - it is going to look fantastic!!!  A myriad of hanging circular art.
Contact Wendy if you have any questions At All!  
Wendy is a lovely lovely person and would welcome you with open arms!


Thursday, 20 May 2010

I'm FMQ!!!!

I bit the bullet and started my first Free Motion Quilting with my new, though not so new, little baby with its tricks and bells - I think I'm addicted!!  
I had this quilt and this quilt professionally basted - am v.v. pleased with not having to worry about shifting layers and puckers and the like (which happened with Every Other Method I Tried!)

Just doing little random swirly loops and dives; no pressure to stick to pattern, just fun!!

This is fun too! Got some beautiful hanky linen from Tessutis Fabric in the city (on a little shopping outing during SIT) - doesn't it go beautifully with Nicey Jane, which I LOVE

This: not so beautifully!!!
Bought the Curve Master Foot for mastering curves - WELLLLLL - not yet!!!

Has anyone got this - and can they tell me please - what am I doing wrong??????

(I have contacted Judy from the shop, but as yet to hear back (I think she's in a show in Perth))

(Edit:  Judy did contact me and explained that I needed to use a proper Drunkard's Path Template, which allows for seam allowance difficulties - free hand cutting will produce this problem!
More gadgets to buy - if anyone has one they don't need or use - let me know!  Happy to do some swapping!) 

Sunday, 14 June 2009

Hexagons - never thought I would

I just noticed that my name is on the Half-Hexagon Quilt-Along list by Comfortstitching - and I think people are visiting to see

As the title says, never did I think I would be interested in hexagons - sorry to anyone who lives and breathes English Piecing of Hexagons - but I shudder even as I type! I like the look once sewn but this is one lazy quilt-sewer here and the thought of pieces of cardboard to sew around bit by bit would drive me INSANE!!

Saying all that, I came across Cathy's wonderful blog Cabbage Quilts and her wonderful start to the Half-Hex Quilt-along and I felt inspired....visited Comfortstitching (also lovely!) and so let the Hexing begin!! This is definitely the cheat's way of Hexagon stitching (maybe some purists are turning in their grave/seat/paper-pieced-cardboard-pile) but I can relate to it and I am loving others' combinations of either liberty-sweet or modernly in-your-face!

I have a layer cake of Patisserie - which amazingly can cut into 2.5" strips and then chop up with the half-hex template - I say this now, but I haven't actually done anything. That's okay 'cos Aneela says 'no pressure, no rush' - exactly how I like it!!

Sunday, 4 May 2008

A post of yellow....

I have been a bit 'blank' with my blog at the moment; do I post I write about that too mundane, boring......what do I do I care?

I have decided that yes, I do care. I do care about my little blog, for my 'little whippy' blog - so many others do care for their blog everyday, so I shall take some inspiration from them and try to use ideas to keep 'her' alive!!! Challenges, memes, swaps, I shall try them all!!!!!!!

So, it shall start today with Cottage Magpies' colour challenge - YELLOW

A bit of hoopy decoration for the wall - I really love this print - an old Amy Butler (Gypsy Caravan?) - looks a bit limey there, but it is really a delicious lemon colour, not quite ready to be picked from the tree! The bird is so gorgeous, I want to make a quilt centered around it.

Yellow bananas and yellow quinces in their yellow Robert Gordon collander - the colours look so right next to our kitchen windows!

Daughter No. 1' s bedroom curtains - gorgeous sheer curtains I bought in New York -strange thing to bring back from one and only trip to NY, but I think these are my favourite curtains in the whole house!! The birds are super sweet tweet!

Hand-picked fabric from stash for hoop decoration for D1 - this is so her!

Glaringly bright gazinia - not my favourite of flowers, but hey, it's growing, and I like a bit of 'glare' every now and again.